Actually, I just rewatched ROTS in its entirety for the first time in a couple of years and I was surprised at just how good the movie is, and how ell it holds up.
Full disclosure, I'm a big fan of the prequels.
I can see many faults and shortcomings, but I really like them. The overall story is great, the world-building is amazing, the designs, music, and themes are great.
So, going back to ROTS, with all the usual negativity geared towards the PT, when I sat down to watch it with my son I guess I was expecting to find it hadn't aged well. But quite the opposite. I enjoyed it tremendously!
The opening sequence must be among the best of all SW movies, right up there with ANH's Star Destroyer chasing the Tantive IV. The soundtrack is amazing.
It's great how quickly Anakin's more mature character and personality (after years of brutal war) are established: how he deeply cares for his troops and how respectful he is of Obi Wan's leadership. As the rescue of the Chancellor unfolds, Obi Wan and Anakin's friendship and closeness are beautifully written and delivered. When Anakin asks "and the next step?" you can tell he already knows the answer, and Obi Wan dutifully (and playfully) obliges with "spring the trap". That's great writing. The little scene in the elevator about not picking on R2 is also fantastically acted, there's true chemistry between the two.
Of course, there's also silly bits, like R2's encounter with the droids, which is just that - silly.
The lightsaber fights are great, and how quickly and easily Anakin's care for Palpatine is established is also worth noting. No exposition is necessary, you understand immediately through their interaction, a few lines and their acting, that Anakin feels really close to the Chancellor.
And as the movie moves forward, every little thing falls into place beautifully.
Anakin's mounting frustration (goaded by Palpatine), the Jedi Council's mishandling of the entire situation and their mistrust of the Chancellor's true motives play out smoothly. There are some amazing scenes, like Anakin's heartfelt apology to Obi Wan, Palpatine's speech about Darth Plagueis, Anakin and Palpatine's confrontation, Mace Windu's warning to Anakin to not go with them to face the Chancellor... all are relatively short scenes, but they simply work!
Also, the little interactions between Obi Wan and his troops are perfectly written to show the true camaraderie between them, which makes the betrayal of Order 66 so much more heartbreaking.
There's just so much great stuff in that movie.
Oh well, fangasm over.
I'm ready for my punishment now.