Raddus > Ackbar
Scariff battle >>>>>> Endor battle
Yeah. Scariff certainly has the advantage of not having little bears as well.
Raddus > Ackbar
Scariff battle >>>>>> Endor battle
Yeah. Scariff certainly has the advantage of not having little bears as well.
In one of Yesterdays interviews, Tom Kane (the voice of many SW animated characters. most known for Yoda) voiced his displeasure about Ackbar's demise in TLJ. I watched the whole interview live yesterday. It was reported when Disney put the full separate video clip up they edited out his remarks from the interview... Even the host is very uncomfortable. I'm sure he had to follow a strict NO NO question list with TLJ.
Here's the clip someone uploaded to YT.
Disney still doing damage control on TLJ...![]()
For me, there's no bigger sin in TLJ than Canto Bight. Nothing even comes remotely close. I still haven't found one single redemptive thing about it. Nothing! It was pure garbage. The only saving grace is that it took 11 or 12 minutes of total screen time. Some people try to make it seem like it took half the movie. It didn't; it took less than 12 minutes total! . . . (It only seemed like an hour.)
Yep. Not only that, there's also no way they would kill both Luke and Leia in the same movie.
The destruction of the bridge/command section of the Raddus, but sparing Leia, was done for a number of reasons. Among them: 1.) to make it seem as though Kylo has some redemptive value by not pulling the trigger, 2.) to provide a reason for somebody new to take command, and 3.) to allow Leia to finally show that she can use the Force (as was always assumed ever since "there is another").
As to point #2 (to address jye's objection about Ackbar): If the bridge was destroyed, logic dictates that Ackbar would be there. No credible way around that. And to RJ, Ackbar's death was as necessary as Leia's coma in order to introduce a new leader (Holdo). Why a *new* leader instead of an established one? Because we were meant to *not trust* her. Whereas, we *would trust* Ackbar. Poe was meant to not trust her. Poe would trust Ackbar. The chess pieces were moved in that bridge scene to construct a path for central plots moving forward. That's just how the storytelling unfolded. It wasn't done arbitrarily and without reason.
As for point #3: If Rian showed Leia using the Force the way a Jedi would typically demonstrate, it might beg the question of why not use the Force herself during these difficult times leading up to TLJ? So, he probably decided to have her demonstrate Force abilities for the *first* time on screen as a sort of survival instinct. Almost as if the panic and urgency of being at the brink of death sparked her Skywalker-inherited Force powers to save her life. I can see why he'd do it that way, but I still think the execution of the Leia Poppins scene was pretty terrible.
IMO, Rian not killing Leia was absolutely the right call. He also put her in a coma for good reason. And I can also see why he had to have Ackbar replaced by a new character who we were supposed to wonder whether she could be trusted or not.
For some of us who grew up with ROTJ being a pivotal film, Ackbar was more than a mere side character. More than a meme, or a gif. I can totally understand the objection over Ackbar not being given more of a hero's sendoff (I even share that objection on some level). But yeah, I can see the reasons why RJ did what he did with Ackbar/Holdo.
Scariff battle >>>>>> Endor battle
I agree with him 100%
But what a dumb ass!
Good luck keeping your “Disney SW” job acting highly unprofessional like that even if he’s an outside contractor he really screwed himself pulling that stunt.
He’s not there to provide his personal opinion on what he hates about SW he’s there to promote whatever his contribution to SW is in this case voice acting SW cartoons.
Yup i’ll say it again what a dumb ass not to smart of him pulling a stunt like that.
I don’t even think I can ever look at Fett again in ROTJ after watching that Mandalorian footage.
In one of Yesterdays interviews, Tom Kane (the voice of many SW animated characters. most known for Yoda) voiced his displeasure about Ackbar's demise in TLJ. I watched the whole interview live yesterday. It was reported when Disney put the full separate video clip up they edited out his remarks from the interview... Even the host is very uncomfortable. I'm sure he had to follow a strict NO NO question list with TLJ.
Here's the clip someone uploaded to YT.
Disney still doing damage control on TLJ...![]()
Wow that shill/host - "All right, all right, let's... let's... so... (mugs to camera with down face)... let's just real quick talk about..."![]()
Raddus = Ackbar
Scariff battle ===== Endor battle
Oh wow, just noticed the host's Rose Tico face, yeah turn in your man card right there dude, lol.
I agree with him 100%
But what a dumb ass!
Good luck keeping your “Disney SW” job acting highly unprofessional like that even if he’s an outside contractor he really screwed himself pulling that stunt.
He’s not there to provide his personal opinion on what he hates about SW he’s there to promote whatever his contribution to SW is in this case voice acting SW cartoons.
Yup i’ll say it again what a dumb ass not to smart of him pulling a stunt like that.
As bad as CB was and boy was it bad it’s still not AOTC levels of bad for me.
As bad as CB was and boy was it bad it’s still not AOTC levels of bad for me.
Wow that shill/host - "All right, all right, let's... let's... so... (mugs to camera with down face)... let's just real quick talk about..."
And of course they didn't cut to the head of the Lucasfilm Story Group on the other side of the auditorium reacting to that Holdo comment...
When you work for a corporation you are signing a contract saying you will be a shill for that corporation and all of its affiliates and corporate partners so why single him out when he’s simply just doing his job.
Shill = Doing what he’s being paid to do which is promote the brand thru professional interviews.
You do know that they don’t hire hosts who are just going to trash the company that hired them right I mean you do know that right lol
When you work for a corporation you are signing a contract saying you will be a shill for that corporation and all of its affiliates and corporate partners so why single him out when he’s simply just doing his job.
Shill = Doing what he’s being paid to do which is promote the brand thru professional interviews.
You do know that they don’t hire hosts who are just going to trash the company that hired them right I mean you do know that right lol
If I was the host then right when Kane was done with his rant I'd say "and funny that you mention Holdo because please give a warm welcome to our next guest Golden Globe winner Laura Dern!" just to watch the guy **** himself, lol.
Oh I don't judge the guy for being a shill, it's just we have to be honest and call him what he is. He could at least have acknowledged that many fans agree with the guy - just as many fans don't - and moved on. Rather than just having a shill senior moment and awkwardly moving on.
I do love how while in the theater we cheer movie characters who stand up for themselves against the big bads of the world, even their employers, when someone does it in real life, he's a "*******" for doing it. I'm not sure we called Sally Field a ******* in "Norma Rae" (or any of the countless movies where characters take on their employers on grounds of fairness or transparency.) Ah, movies - such a force for change in the world.![]()
No, she was actually just off stage watching with KK. Here's the footage: