So many of us are still going to pay money to see this, even to hate-watch it.
I’m probably not going to be seeing it until some time between Christmas and New Year’s. That being said, I’m all for not judging or hating on a film before I’ve seen it; however, I’m also a person who doesn’t let spoilers spoil it for me, so I always watch spoilers before seeing a film to sort of see what I’m getting into.
And based on the spoilers I’ve seen for this, I’ll probably still go see it, but just approach it as if I’m going to see a comedy film. Or a real time robot chicken SW film. I’m not emotionally invested enough in SW where it gets me mad if I don’t like a particular installment from it, I’ll simply just laugh about it afterward as if I just watched a comedy film.
As I’ve always said, I hoped this would be a good film, and it might still have some redeeming components in it, but I always fully expected it to be a dud. Approaching it with that frame of mind, I can only be pleasantly surprised if it’s good, or completely amused if it’s a dud.
And I can’t necessarily say they get the last laugh because they got my money, because it’s pretty apparent according to that article posted a page or two ago by Ropen that RJ is bothered by the fact that the ST is receiving so much backlash and thinks fans are too pedestrian and simplistic to be intellectually challenged by what they put out, despite it raking in a lot of money.
But who knows, I may actually decide that I can just skip this in the theaters. It’s like a 75% yes, 25% no at this point.
I think critics are only bashing the film because it undoes everything they loved (and fans hated) about TLJ.
Not saying TROS isn't clumsy (how can it not be?), but there's undoubtedly some spitefulness tinting "professional" reviews, making them read worse than the movie may deserve.
Still avoiding the new movie because no matter what it does or doesn't undo, the entire trajectory of the story has been FUBAR'd by TLJ. Nostalgia be damned, the majority of this franchise just sucks. I can't convince myself to watch, let alone like it out of some sense of duty to the property as a whole. It's a preposterous idea.
Ironic then in that case how they dislike it because they think it undid everything about TLJ, but loved TLJ despite it pretty much undoing everything TFA set-up.