This is hilarious… Abbreviated excerpt, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot explains the difference between a remake and a reboot...
”A reboot, boys, is when Hollywood wants to make a lot of money without the hassle of making a new movie. So they take an old movie and change just enough to make you pay for the same **** all over again... It’s insidious. They take a flick you loved as a kid and add youth and diversity to it. For example, name the movie where a robot has secret plans that can help the good guys beat the bad guys and their leader in a black mask by blowing up a giant ray gun in space.”
“Star Wars.”
“No. The Force Awakens. See, now that’s what you call a reboot.“
“I thought that was a sequel.”
“Hollywood doesn’t make sequels anymore... Studios have given up on new ideas entirely in favor of building multi-movie universes that breed brand-loyal customers from cradle to grave...”
”If Hollywood doesn’t make some original flicks now, there won’t be anything to reboot in 10 years. Then they’ll just be rebooting the reboots...”
”Wait, what’s the difference between a reboot and a remake?”
”Well I’m glad you asked, Jay, because a remake is like a reboot, where the studio doesn’t care how the audience feels about the original movie. So they just keep the title, **** up everything else, and ruin both flicks in the process. See?”
“Hollywood. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.“