For me it was all about taking care of unfinished business. We got to see the alternate ROTJ where Han died and the original abandoned ST where Luke and his sister face Palpatine in his underground lair (with Rey and Ben filling in the primary roles obviously.)
I can see why that appeals to you (and I'm very glad that it does), but it's just too abstract for me. I wanted a continuation of the ST story, and a cohesive way to wrap up the whole saga. I'm not discounting the value to fans like yourself getting to see some of those early conceptual elements play out on screen, but that's just not something I was looking for personally. I wanted the sequel trilogy to have its own story and purpose; justifying its existence in the context of the larger saga.
Well the character of Rey and her lineage/where she fit obviously had equal prominence to what you state above.
Although most people got caught up in Rey lineage, I never saw it as being important to the story. As I've said before, I never saw Mace Windu being powerful in the PT and wondered what his family lineage was. To me, Rey was a Force sensitive character, and that was enough. I saw her more as a plot device to tell the Ben/Kylo story.

I'm not even being funny that's really how the OT plays as well, lol. And truth be told it has always been something that kind of annoyed me about ROTJ. After SW/ESB I remember as a kid being shocked that Luke didn't kill Jabba (Leia did), didn't kill Boba Fett (Han did), didn't blow up the Death Star (Lando did), and didn't kill the Emperor (Vader did.) He was the main hero for two straight movies and then in the finale everybody else got to do all the coolest stuff.
And I don't know if you're aware but prior to the ST there were a lot of complaints about Lucas sidelining Luke in favor of Anakin even as far back as ROTJ (before he really doubled down on that aspect with the PT.)
So for me TROS plays largely the same but also gives me specific narrative beats denied by the OT/PT that I've always wanted to see. Just my take of course and not something that I expect to change anyone's mind with.
But things like the second Death Star and Palpatine being the true leader of the Empire were consistent with the setup of ANH and ESB. The main evil presence was still the Empire, and still led by the Emperor (referenced in ANH and appeared in ESB) and Vader. The second Death Star was for the same purpose as the first. Lazy storytelling? Yes! Out of nowhere or not cohesive? I don't think so. TROS introduced main antagonists (Final Order and undead Palpatine) that weren't even hinted at in the first two!
As for Luke not getting the "kills" and more direct glory, I was never bothered by that; neither growing up, nor as an adult. Yoda established very clearly that Jedi weren't supposed to be about glory. Luke embodied that in ROTJ, and I dig it. He became a true Jedi.
The difference is that Luke evolved as a hero, rather than being sidelined. And ESB made it a necessity that the Luke/Vader family dynamic play out in a meaningful way. The trilogy story was defined by the what was revealed in the middle movie. ROTJ played right off of that, as it should've.
I just don't see the sort of structural parallels that you do between the OT and the ST. For me, the OT was cohesive no matter how much of it was made up on the fly. But I think the ST lacks cohesion that it easily could've had. More than anything, the buildup of Kylo and the FO was just dumped so worthlessly. Doesn't work for me. Again, though, I'm glad that one of us enjoyed it; and I hope you continue to enjoy it without diminishing returns. A happy fan is better than no happy fans. And I'm still happy with TFA and especially TLJ. I can just conclude that trilogy in my head anyway.