Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019
Welcome back, Spazz!
Welcome back, Spazz!
Reputation bars mean nothing if someone refuses to follow the board's Code of Conduct. They can be indicators to other board members that a lot of someone's posts have been "liked" but not why or by whom. Lots of the biggest trolls here have full rep bars (padded by other trolls) which is why the mods pay them no mind if someone is out of line or worse deliberately turns their nose at the CoC because they think their "reputation" gives them some kind of free pass for such behavior.
Welcome back, Spazz!
oh god.. this place.
I will never understand the need that some people have to knock or belittle other people in order to feel better about their own opposing opinions.
Some people loved TLJ, some people hated it. It doesn't mean that anyone is necessarily anything negative (sexist, fanboy, real fan whatever) - just that they hate or love the movie based on their own preconditioning to the SW franchise.
Nothing wrong with people posting radically opposing views - but why feel the need to try and discredit the opposition?
This blanket labelling is happening on both sides of the discussion.
Ugh.. out of here.
Adolfo got banned?![]()
That's nothing new tho. Back in the day one had to be at least 40 years old, make custom PT figures and buy clone troopers in order to not be belittled by OT purists.oh god.. this place.
I will never understand the need that some people have to knock or belittle other people in order to feel better about their own opposing opinions.
Some people loved TLJ, some people hated it. It doesn't mean that anyone is necessarily anything negative (sexist, fanboy, real fan whatever) - just that they hate or love the movie based on their own preconditioning to the SW franchise.
Nothing wrong with people posting radically opposing views - but why feel the need to try and discredit the opposition?
This blanket labelling is happening on both sides of the discussion.
Ugh.. out of here.
Does it matter? They probably already are back under another user name....
Never trust anyone who needs dummy account to prop up their own posts.
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Reputation bars mean nothing if someone refuses to follow the board's Code of Conduct. They can be indicators to other board members that a lot of someone's posts have been "liked" but not why or by whom. Lots of the biggest trolls here have full rep bars (padded by other trolls) which is why the mods pay them no mind if someone is out of line or worse deliberately turns their nose at the CoC because they think their "reputation" gives them some kind of free pass for such behavior.
I remember when the reputation thing was first started there was a group of 10-15 guys who would constantly rep each other as a joke.
Root beer has this strange after taste to it. But I stopped drinking soda long ago. Soda is just bad for you and water is the most refreshing thing any human can drink.
Especially after pumping a few weights with my boi snikt while talking about Spider-Man
#gainz #getfit
I love my pop- leave me alone- you guys probably eat fries and burgers all the time- 1000X worse so there!![]()
I guess it can all be boiled down to not being able to empathize with each other's opinions.
I live in Japan. Japanese people love, and I mean LOVE, a lot of food that I find repulsive on a molecular level. They love weird, rubbery/crunchy textures like boiled chicken cartilage and all manners of octopus and squid in various states of being raw or cooked.
Some things were so bad it was a struggle to not actually puke at the table in front of them, George Bush Sr style.
But it goes both ways. I found root beer at an import store here. I let my Japanese friends try it and they all gagged...." tastes like's disgusting!" I thought they were nuts...who the hell doesn't love root beer?
So when I saw this....product....I was so disgusted, it just hit me right to the core. I can't imagine any sane rational human being not being repulsed by this monstrosity.
So when Khev says he not only wasn't repulsed, but he actually LIKED it?? My brain just can't compute you know? But I guess that's all it is. He liked it, I didn't. Some things are just not universal.
But for real....does anyone here think root beer is gross? It's delicious and refreshing!