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I know I am very much in the minority here but

First off I didnt like EG... Like not at all. Big reason was that Hulk (my fav) got screwed. But even after getting over that I found the film to be very boring and the final battle to feel cheapened without having the Thanos from IW in it. It was a boring battle that played more like a trailer for the movie rather then an EPIC final battle 10 years in the making. I found it hard to sit back and enjoy the cap moments because that is all the movie was... A bunch of Cap porn for the Russo's and Khev :lol. IW was just such a better film.. EG with its time travel garbage and meh battle for me was just a big let down.

TROS on the other hand. Well I had no expectations for that and yet it delivered for me in so many ways.

Horror opening with the Emperor
Exciting and Fun type ANH escape (on the Star Destroyer)
Great Saber Battle on Endor
Han seen was emotionally better then IM death (Yep I said it)
"There are more of Us" was better then "On your left" Even though it was a complete rip off.. The music took it too that next level for me in TROS. Music in EG was trying to be more emotional.. I preferred the psych up music of TROS.
"I am all the Jedi" was good but another rip off of EG "I am Iron Man" But I never thought of that till someone pointed it out. "I am Iron Man" is better though. But I liked "I am all the Jedi" also.
Ben's saber battle with the Knights
Leia's death
Chewie getting Han's medal.. Not cause Chewie finally gets one but because it was Han's.

It was just a more fun film for me and easier to return to.

I watched EG in the theaters 2x and on home video once.. I am not sure when I will return to it again... I've seen TROS 3x now and cant wait to see it again. I think I am waiting for the official 4K release even though I bought it digitally :)

Wow.......... no offense but I guess your taste in movies is just questionable. Minus the whole liking jaws thing. Now I understand not liking endgame as it was only good at the end imo but to put it below this mess is wow. TROS is a complete dumpster fire with no clear story. It failed to be a decent conclusion
Matches up perfectly with Rey going to go find Luke on Ahch-to:


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Ugh. That ass is so small
Tali while I get what you are saying about RO Vader I also don?t see any harm being done to his well deserved status because of RO showing him in full on rage mode especially since he choked his first prisoner onboard the T4 lol

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Oh, I don't either - but it's people saying "RO shows how Vader should have been in the OT to qualify as a great villain" is the problem I have.

Ugh. That ass is so small

Yeah, it has a slightly male look, like Lorenzo Lamas from Grease vibe.:lol

Dude I can't even begin to describe how blown away I am by TROS's "horror" elements. In fact I decided to do some hunting in Google (since this site's Search is utter crap) to pull up some musings that go all the way back to when TFA was still in theaters. Check out this exchange from February 2016:

And then October 2018:

Then in TROS we get:


compared to:



Distracted by the silhouette of his mother:



long enough for the girl to run him through.



So Kylo pretty much got defeated in the exact way that I wanted to see him taken down from day one. Never in a million years did I actually think I'd get my wish in a Disney produced Star Wars flick but holy crap here we are. :lol

But then with the *added* twist of him getting redeemed and reconciling with his dad before heading off to join forces with Rey against Palps so that I could get the *other* ending that I always wanted by seeing Force twins taking on the Emperor. And I thought all of the above was pretty much perfectly executed so that's just the icing on the cake.

Granted those were some pretty out there directions to take the story so I get why many were turned off by it but damn, to say that I got what I wanted would be the understatement of the decade, lol.

Well look at that... Awesome!

khev are you sitting...:panic:

Look at her shirt....well try to look at her shirt ok lol


Did we just enter the twilight zone or what!

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Matches up perfectly with Rey going to go find Luke on Ahch-to:


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Terry is my fav FT13th Hottie... Well its a tie between her and Bree from the remake.
Wow.......... no offense but I guess your taste in movies is just questionable. Minus the whole liking jaws thing. Now I understand not liking endgame as it was only good at the end imo but to put it below this mess is wow. TROS is a complete dumpster fire with no clear story. It failed to be a decent conclusion

Wow my whole taste in movies is called into question because I like this movie better then EG :lol :lol :lol
You're thinking of the wrong Daisy.:dunno

OT era Daisy > ST era Daisy.


Ok you win lol

Her shorts were the SW 77 of shorts lol

Well look at that... Awesome!

Terry is my fav FT13th Hottie... Well its a tie between her and Bree from the remake.

Yup for me it goes Bree then Terry.

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20 somethings today HATE athletic chicks, think they all look like boys. They grew up lusting after the likes of Kate Upton so prefer their women borderline obese, lol.

Hey nothing wrong with some curves. Give me Rose Tico anyday grrr.......