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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

No. That’s completely untrue Jye. I really liked TFA. It was very flawed but set up some great new characters and storylines for a new trilogy.

I hate TLJ because it was cheesy slap-schtick. And it undid anything I liked about the first one. I didn’t have fan theories -because I expected the film makers and writers to come up with something much better - very exciting and unexpected as a second movie.

It was unexpected... unexpectedly bad.

The Force Awakens had Kylo talking to Vader’s spirit.. the helmet, the Knights of Ren, the mystery and masses of potential excitement. Can't wait to see where all that goes. Who the hell is the creepy Snoke? What does he want? Who are The First Order? Fantastic set-up. Driver nailed it - first great villain in a very long time.

We had a fantastic set-up for Rey - her sliding down the sand dunes with the new Williams score is one of my favorite SW moments. The flashbacks suggesting that she was going to have some serious reveals down the line. That her story was going to be so much more than we think. That's not fanboy speculation - that was in TFA. It was a narrative set-up to suggest a much bigger story.

We had Poe - super WWII style - brash hero - cheesy but great fun - the x-wings arriving and the Resistance theme.. and the seriously good duel in the forest between Rey and Kylo. It was raw and unchoreographed in nature - really great. Two untrained 'jedi' smashing at each other.

Where was all this going to go? The humor was balanced and the tone was completely correct for SW.

Likewise with RO. Now that was a movie I had reservations about as I thought the first trailers were poor. But Gilroy pulled it off. It’s a fantastic Star Wars movie.

So TLJ basically **** the bed in ever department - despite having some great moments.
Snokes death is great - despite being a bad move for the trilogy overall. That should have happened in the third movie after we had some development. Rey having no story - being a "no-one" - also a great moment - but one that makes her ultimately less interesting. And it felt like a check list of undoing the previous movies mysteries by the time it was revealed. Another “moment” that sacrificed the overall story.

But it’s the miss use of time and comedy and seriously questionable modern sensibilities that destroy TLJ.
Baby Rian had his own priorities with the movie - and they were misguided.

A lot of SW fans (almost everyone except for you and Khev :lol) think it’s a bad movie. That’s disastrous for the the middle episode of a new trilogy. Yes Baby Rian broke all the rules but he did so with no consideration for the story arc of 3 movies.
Disney know that - hence getting JJ back instead of another director who might do the same with the third episode. And topple the entire trilogy. You have to think long term here, not just on a year to year release - but how these movies will be regarded in 10 years from now as a trilogy - because as Hamill quite rightly points out - Disney will make these for years if they can.

And come on.. Luke tossing the Sabre over his shoulder in a comedy shot? The Sabre that belonged to his father, the Sabre that Obi-wan gave him? Comedy? There is no coherent explanation for this moment except to get a laugh - I'm talking about it's execution not concept.

If he wanted to reject his past he would have refused to take it, dropped it, handed it back to Rey.
Baby Rian doesn’t seem to understand that the shot he used breaks the reality of the camera of the world.
It’s a set up slapstick moment- these don’t happen in the real world it was audience aware. It was ****.

In world narrative verisimilitude is an integral part of SW. It's why the whole thing has lasted this long. A relatable myth and a story from the past, or future about good and evil.

Baby Rian broke that reality with conscious nods and winks to 2018 audiences for the sake of some comedy moments that either fell flat or got a reaction on first viewing. It's cheap.

And the Fathier sequence must be one of the most ill conceived sequences I've seen in a very long time. Nothing works. The VFX is awful for the most part - and it's not entertaining in anyway. Christ did you see the size of the sets and creature department work? Amazing, costly and all wasted.


Here's to you episode IX.. you have your work cut out for you.

Well said. :rock It'll fall on deaf ears, but well said.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

No. That’s completely untrue Jye. I really liked TFA. It was very flawed but set up some great new characters and storylines for a new trilogy.

I hate TLJ because it was cheesy slap-schtick. And it undid anything I liked about the first one. I didn’t have fan theories -because I expected the film makers and writers to come up with something much better - very exciting and unexpected as a second movie.

It was unexpected... unexpectedly bad.

The Force Awakens had Kylo talking to Vader’s spirit.. the helmet, the Knights of Ren, the mystery and masses of potential excitement. Can't wait to see where all that goes. Who the hell is the creepy Snoke? What does he want? Who are The First Order? Fantastic set-up. Driver nailed it - first great villain in a very long time.

We had a fantastic set-up for Rey - her sliding down the sand dunes with the new Williams score is one of my favorite SW moments. The flashbacks suggesting that she was going to have some serious reveals down the line. That her story was going to be so much more than we think. That's not fanboy speculation - that was in TFA. It was a narrative set-up to suggest a much bigger story.

We had Poe - super WWII style - brash hero - cheesy but great fun - the x-wings arriving and the Resistance theme.. and the seriously good duel in the forest between Rey and Kylo. It was raw and unchoreographed in nature - really great. Two untrained 'jedi' smashing at each other.

Where was all this going to go? The humor was balanced and the tone was completely correct for SW.

Likewise with RO. Now that was a movie I had reservations about as I thought the first trailers were poor. But Gilroy pulled it off. It’s a fantastic Star Wars movie.

So TLJ basically **** the bed in ever department - despite having some great moments.
Snokes death is great - despite being a bad move for the trilogy overall. That should have happened in the third movie after we had some development. Rey having no story - being a "no-one" - also a great moment - but one that makes her ultimately less interesting. And it felt like a check list of undoing the previous movies mysteries by the time it was revealed. Another “moment” that sacrificed the overall story.

But it’s the miss use of time and comedy and seriously questionable modern sensibilities that destroy TLJ.
Baby Rian had his own priorities with the movie - and they were misguided.

A lot of SW fans (almost everyone except for you and Khev :lol) think it’s a bad movie. That’s disastrous for the the middle episode of a new trilogy. Yes Baby Rian broke all the rules but he did so with no consideration for the story arc of 3 movies.
Disney know that - hence getting JJ back instead of another director who might do the same with the third episode. And topple the entire trilogy. You have to think long term here, not just on a year to year release - but how these movies will be regarded in 10 years from now as a trilogy - because as Hamill quite rightly points out - Disney will make these for years if they can.

And come on.. Luke tossing the Sabre over his shoulder in a comedy shot? The Sabre that belonged to his father, the Sabre that Obi-wan gave him? Comedy? There is no coherent explanation for this moment except to get a laugh - I'm talking about it's execution not concept.

If he wanted to reject his past he would have refused to take it, dropped it, handed it back to Rey.
Baby Rian doesn’t seem to understand that the shot he used breaks the reality of the camera of the world.
It’s a set up slapstick moment- these don’t happen in the real world it was audience aware. It was ****.

In world narrative verisimilitude is an integral part of SW. It's why the whole thing has lasted this long. A relatable myth and a story from the past, or future about good and evil.

Baby Rian broke that reality with conscious nods and winks to 2018 audiences for the sake of some comedy moments that either fell flat or got a reaction on first viewing. It's cheap.

And the Fathier sequence must be one of the most ill conceived sequences I've seen in a very long time. Nothing works. The VFX is awful for the most part - and it's not entertaining in anyway. Christ did you see the size of the sets and creature department work? Amazing, costly and all wasted.


Here's to you episode IX.. you have your work cut out for you.

Yo mama jokes in a galaxy far far away.
Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Rorywan’s post is the single greatest takedown of TLJ I’ve read. I agree with everything he wrote, and I actually liked the film.

You’re right about Luke tossing the saber, it’s nonsensical. Even cynical Han took it more seriously when he saw it.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

No. That’s completely untrue Jye. I really liked TFA. It was very flawed but set up some great new characters and storylines for a new trilogy.

I hate TLJ because it was cheesy slap-schtick. And it undid anything I liked about the first one. I didn’t have fan theories -because I expected the film makers and writers to come up with something much better - very exciting and unexpected as a second movie.

It was unexpected... unexpectedly bad.

The Force Awakens had Kylo talking to Vader’s spirit.. the helmet, the Knights of Ren, the mystery and masses of potential excitement. Can't wait to see where all that goes. Who the hell is the creepy Snoke? What does he want? Who are The First Order? Fantastic set-up. Driver nailed it - first great villain in a very long time.

We had a fantastic set-up for Rey - her sliding down the sand dunes with the new Williams score is one of my favorite SW moments. The flashbacks suggesting that she was going to have some serious reveals down the line. That her story was going to be so much more than we think. That's not fanboy speculation - that was in TFA. It was a narrative set-up to suggest a much bigger story.

We had Poe - super WWII style - brash hero - cheesy but great fun - the x-wings arriving and the Resistance theme.. and the seriously good duel in the forest between Rey and Kylo. It was raw and unchoreographed in nature - really great. Two untrained 'jedi' smashing at each other.

Where was all this going to go? The humor was balanced and the tone was completely correct for SW.

Likewise with RO. Now that was a movie I had reservations about as I thought the first trailers were poor. But Gilroy pulled it off. It’s a fantastic Star Wars movie.

So TLJ basically **** the bed in ever department - despite having some great moments.
Snokes death is great - despite being a bad move for the trilogy overall. That should have happened in the third movie after we had some development. Rey having no story - being a "no-one" - also a great moment - but one that makes her ultimately less interesting. And it felt like a check list of undoing the previous movies mysteries by the time it was revealed. Another “moment” that sacrificed the overall story.

But it’s the miss use of time and comedy and seriously questionable modern sensibilities that destroy TLJ.
Baby Rian had his own priorities with the movie - and they were misguided.

A lot of SW fans (almost everyone except for you and Khev :lol) think it’s a bad movie. That’s disastrous for the the middle episode of a new trilogy. Yes Baby Rian broke all the rules but he did so with no consideration for the story arc of 3 movies.
Disney know that - hence getting JJ back instead of another director who might do the same with the third episode. And topple the entire trilogy. You have to think long term here, not just on a year to year release - but how these movies will be regarded in 10 years from now as a trilogy - because as Hamill quite rightly points out - Disney will make these for years if they can.

And come on.. Luke tossing the Sabre over his shoulder in a comedy shot? The Sabre that belonged to his father, the Sabre that Obi-wan gave him? Comedy? There is no coherent explanation for this moment except to get a laugh - I'm talking about it's execution not concept.

If he wanted to reject his past he would have refused to take it, dropped it, handed it back to Rey.
Baby Rian doesn’t seem to understand that the shot he used breaks the reality of the camera of the world.
It’s a set up slapstick moment- these don’t happen in the real world it was audience aware. It was ****.

In world narrative verisimilitude is an integral part of SW. It's why the whole thing has lasted this long. A relatable myth and a story from the past, or future about good and evil.

Baby Rian broke that reality with conscious nods and winks to 2018 audiences for the sake of some comedy moments that either fell flat or got a reaction on first viewing. It's cheap.

And the Fathier sequence must be one of the most ill conceived sequences I've seen in a very long time. Nothing works. The VFX is awful for the most part - and it's not entertaining in anyway. Christ did you see the size of the sets and creature department work? Amazing, costly and all wasted.


Here's to you episode IX.. you have your work cut out for you.

:goodpost: Couldn't have said it better myself. :hi5:

Just a bad movie no matter what the title was. :( I honestly don't understand how people can defend it. Like it? Sure, I like some bad movies too. But I don't defend them and rather just laugh at them and myself for enjoying them. This isn't even laugh worthy. It ruined what could've been another good trilogy. Just sad. :(
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Comments like this always reveal that even the haters know that they don't have a leg to stand on:

A lot of SW fans (almost everyone except for you and Khev :lol) think it’s a bad movie.

Do you know how many times I've felt the need to claim that "most people agree with me that AOTC is bad" when discussing the movie with a PT fan? Yeah that would be never, lol. Or "you know most people think I'm right when I say that ESB is great." No one with valid points *ever* needs to say that.

ESB is great.
AOTC is awful.
TLJ is very good.

Those are all the *correct* opinions but feel free to circle the wagons and tell yourselves otherwise if that's what you need to hear. ;)
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

No. That’s completely untrue Jye. I really liked TFA. It was very flawed but set up some great new characters and storylines for a new trilogy.

I hate TLJ because it was cheesy slap-schtick. And it undid anything I liked about the first one. I didn’t have fan theories -because I expected the film makers and writers to come up with something much better - very exciting and unexpected as a second movie.

It was unexpected... unexpectedly bad.

The Force Awakens had Kylo talking to Vader’s spirit.. the helmet, the Knights of Ren, the mystery and masses of potential excitement. Can't wait to see where all that goes. Who the hell is the creepy Snoke? What does he want? Who are The First Order? Fantastic set-up. Driver nailed it - first great villain in a very long time.

We had a fantastic set-up for Rey - her sliding down the sand dunes with the new Williams score is one of my favorite SW moments. The flashbacks suggesting that she was going to have some serious reveals down the line. That her story was going to be so much more than we think. That's not fanboy speculation - that was in TFA. It was a narrative set-up to suggest a much bigger story.

We had Poe - super WWII style - brash hero - cheesy but great fun - the x-wings arriving and the Resistance theme.. and the seriously good duel in the forest between Rey and Kylo. It was raw and unchoreographed in nature - really great. Two untrained 'jedi' smashing at each other.

Where was all this going to go? The humor was balanced and the tone was completely correct for SW.

Likewise with RO. Now that was a movie I had reservations about as I thought the first trailers were poor. But Gilroy pulled it off. It’s a fantastic Star Wars movie.

So TLJ basically **** the bed in ever department - despite having some great moments.
Snokes death is great - despite being a bad move for the trilogy overall. That should have happened in the third movie after we had some development. Rey having no story - being a "no-one" - also a great moment - but one that makes her ultimately less interesting. And it felt like a check list of undoing the previous movies mysteries by the time it was revealed. Another “moment” that sacrificed the overall story.

But it’s the miss use of time and comedy and seriously questionable modern sensibilities that destroy TLJ.
Baby Rian had his own priorities with the movie - and they were misguided.

A lot of SW fans (almost everyone except for you and Khev :lol) think it’s a bad movie. That’s disastrous for the the middle episode of a new trilogy. Yes Baby Rian broke all the rules but he did so with no consideration for the story arc of 3 movies.
Disney know that - hence getting JJ back instead of another director who might do the same with the third episode. And topple the entire trilogy. You have to think long term here, not just on a year to year release - but how these movies will be regarded in 10 years from now as a trilogy - because as Hamill quite rightly points out - Disney will make these for years if they can.

And come on.. Luke tossing the Sabre over his shoulder in a comedy shot? The Sabre that belonged to his father, the Sabre that Obi-wan gave him? Comedy? There is no coherent explanation for this moment except to get a laugh - I'm talking about it's execution not concept.

If he wanted to reject his past he would have refused to take it, dropped it, handed it back to Rey.
Baby Rian doesn’t seem to understand that the shot he used breaks the reality of the camera of the world.
It’s a set up slapstick moment- these don’t happen in the real world it was audience aware. It was ****.

In world narrative verisimilitude is an integral part of SW. It's why the whole thing has lasted this long. A relatable myth and a story from the past, or future about good and evil.

Baby Rian broke that reality with conscious nods and winks to 2018 audiences for the sake of some comedy moments that either fell flat or got a reaction on first viewing. It's cheap.

And the Fathier sequence must be one of the most ill conceived sequences I've seen in a very long time. Nothing works. The VFX is awful for the most part - and it's not entertaining in anyway. Christ did you see the size of the sets and creature department work? Amazing, costly and all wasted.


Here's to you episode IX.. you have your work cut out for you.

This post is win. 1,000% win. I'd rep you but your bar is already full. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Comments like this always reveal that even the haters know that they don't have a leg to stand on:

Do you know how many times I've felt the need to claim that "most people agree with me that AOTC is bad" when discussing the movie with a PT fan? Yeah that would be never, lol. Or "you know most people think I'm right when I say that ESB is great." No one with valid points *ever* needs to say that.

ESB is great.
AOTC is awful.
TLJ is very good.

Those are all the *correct* opinions but feel free to circle the wagons and tell yourselves otherwise if that's what you need to hear. ;)

You do make some good points Khev. Everything comes down to ones own opinion and that should be all that matters. But those defending this movie seem to be insulted by those who don't and can't get past people not liking it. I and many feel the same with those who like it. You can disparage RT score all you want and make up ridiculous accusations about "bots" but the score does seem to be the truth. Disney has had to do more press and media damage control for this movie than any other movie I can think of. The only other movie that comes to mind is Ladybusters. And that is not a movie you want to be mentioned alongside with.

I know you like it and will defend it to the end, but I have yet to meet people in my real life that have truly enjoyed this movie. Nearly everyone I have talked to (family, friends, and some strangers) since last December has either flat out said they were disappointed or had mixed feelings. Struggling to say they liked it or disliked it. Only my sons friends mother said she loved it (she loves everything SW no matter good or bad), yet her own 12 year old son said it was just ok. But even she didn't like Space Leia & grumpy Luke and didn't understand quite a bit.

I'm really interested to see how EP9 performs. And if it does perform low at the BO & suffer once again from fan backlash how Disney is gonna spin that tale as well.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Why is it “nonsensical” for Luke throwing the saber in that non caring member?

Show me where in Luke’s history was it law that the saber needed to be treated like the holy grail of artifacts go ahead present the evidence.

Because I can certainly present the evidence to the contrary that Luke was never about that connection to that item.

Luke always did things HIS WAY!

He IGNORED Yoda on Dagobah, he winged it yes he winged his battle with the emperor he winged it trying to save his father he didn’t BOW DOWN to the holy grail lightsaber and worship it like some diety that was going to save the galaxy no it was just a tool.

Didn’t Yoda specifically lecture him that the force was greater than any man made object like an Xwing, saber or body tissue!

Why would Luke have an attachment to an item that brought lots of pain to the galaxy, to his father.

He FREED his father from the lightsaber!

He even FREED himself from the lightsaber!

Of course he’s going to mock Rey with an outlandish throw of an item he NEVER had any use for!

He LOOKED at his father’s wrist and his own mechanical wrist and THREW the saber away in ROTJ!

The saber is what is nonsensical, to him!

Go ahead show me why Luke needed to respect a stupid lightsaber greater than Yoda respected the force!

Are we sure that it’s Rian that doesn’t understand SW here?
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I feel a great disturbance in the forum, as if a handful of TLJ haters handed out imaginary rep, then were suddenly silenced, lol.

handful, its just me

repped one 1 NEGATIVE imaginaru rep
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I feel a great disturbance in the forum, as if a handful of TLJ haters handed out imaginary rep, then were suddenly silenced, lol.

:lol :lol :lol

What’s that saying again...

“May the Lightsaber be with you.”

Wait wait something is off.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Why is it “nonsensical” for Luke throwing the saber in that non caring member?

Show me where in Luke’s history was it law that the saber needed to be treated like the holy grail of artifacts go ahead present the evidence.

Because I can certainly present the evidence to the contrary that Luke was never about that connection to that item.

Luke always did things HIS WAY!

He IGNORED Yoda on Dagobah, he winged it yes he winged his battle with the emperor he winged it trying to save his father he didn’t BOW DOWN to the holy grail lightsaber and worship it like some diety that was going to save the galaxy no it was just a tool.

Didn’t Yoda specifically lecture him that the force was greater than any man made object like an Xwing, saber or body tissue!

Why would Luke have an attachment to an item that brought lots of pain to the galaxy, to his father.

He FREED his father from the lightsaber!

He FREED himself from the lightsaber!

Of course he’s going to mock Rey with an outlandish throw of an item he NEVER had any use for!

He LOOKED at his father’s wrist and his own mechanical wrist and THREW the saber away in ROTJ!

The saber is what is nonsensical, to him!

Go ahead show me why Luke needed to respect a stupid lightsaber greater than Yoda respected the force!

Are we sure that it’s Rian that doesn’t understand SW here?

Did his lightsaber need to be treated like a grail? No. But with some respect? Yes. He nearly gave his life trying to redeem his father. That lightsaber was a symbol for what he fought for and accomplished. Didn't Obi-Wan say to Anakin "This weapon is your life?" It sure was important to the Jedi during the reign of the Jedi Order. It was a right of passage and a test to prove one's self worthy.

And Luke threw the Saber away in ROTJ as refusal to comply with the Emperor in defiance that he will not kill his father nor replace him as the Emperor's apprentice. Not because he didn't care about it or what it represented. "Never. I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You have failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.". Being a Jedi meant something to him.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

You do make some good points Khev. Everything comes down to ones own opinion and that should be all that matters. But those defending this movie seem to be insulted by those who don't and can't get past people not liking it.

I've never felt insulted by anyone simply not liking a movie. There are people here who look down on the SW OT or LOTR. So what. All great things have people who don't like them. What I do find amusing is watching those who are adamant about proving to everyone that their hatred for TLJ (or whatever else) is somehow "correct" and then back up their hatred with claims that are easily debunked.

It's a good movie with some great scenes. It is also a flawed film that contains various missed opportunities and even some head scratching choices. If you disagree than more power to you and to each his own. But I laugh at anyone who thinks that some scene by scene dissection will ever prove me wrong. ;)
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

And Luke threw the Saber away in ROTJ as refusal to comply with the Emperor in defiance that he will not kill his father nor replace him as the Emperor's apprentice. Not because he didn't care about it or what it represented. "Never. I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You have failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.". Being a Jedi meant something to him.

"Meant." Past tense. Did you listen to a single word that he said to Rey about what he had come to think of the Jedi and all they held dear...?
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I've never felt insulted by anyone simply not liking a movie. There are people here who look down on the SW OT or LOTR. So what. All great things have people who don't like them. What I do find amusing is watching those who are adamant about proving to everyone that their hatred for TLJ (or whatever else) is somehow "correct" and then back up their hatred with claims that are easily debunked.

It's a good movie with some great scenes. It is also a flawed film that contains various missed opportunities and even some head scratching choices. If you disagree than more power to you and to each his own. But I laugh at anyone who thinks that some scene by scene dissection will ever prove me wrong. ;)

The problem is from the get go, people who were vocal about not liking this movie were attacked by the Media, Johnson & all that "loved" the movie. Yourself & Jye included. You guys literally joked and laughed at the expense of those who were vocal about not liking it putting others on the defensive. It was like you were the cool kids and the "haters" were the losers. I don't think you even realized it. You were just as offended as the other side was.

So, many "haters" went into attack mode. I don't agree with that, but it was a fight or flight response. It can be pretty infuriating when people laugh at you about how you feel towards certain things. Dismissing your feelings as nonsense. Lots of people who are thought to be wrong are later vindicated as to be right.

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