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Where do you drawn the line? Avatar is basically a cartoon. So is the majority of Endgame. When a "live action movie" is 95% computer generated, isn't it just a cartoon?
Where do you drawn the line? Avatar is basically a cartoon. So is the majority of Endgame. When a "live action movie" is 95% computer generated, isn't it just a cartoon?

I don't like Avatar or Endgame, so I'd happily junk them in cartoon-land.

But they are different. They are not full-fledged cartoons like Filoni's work. They have human actors in parts as their base. They are meant to be real-world.

Anyway, you all know damn well what a cartoon is and what is not.
The only thing on that list I remotely care about is Andor s2. Just to see how it leads up to/into Rogue One.

You *&^%-cists are in for a treat, some YT vid - and no, I didn't save the link, I am too frozen in horror - that episode #5 is LH's favorite.:horror

I bet we get to see our latest truth-speakin' uber-talented:elefant D+ princess' jaw-dropping acting ability, playing Occupational Safety and Health Administration telling herself a.k.a. sociopath sister "I can feel the good in you, let go of your hate". :yuck

Then Sol goes "I failed you, please forgive me, the Jedi will build you a house with automatic blue milk dispenser, plz have some of these spice gummy bears and this bulk pack of kitchen matches from Amazon".

Then the green boring bald nepotism hire goes "Yep, the Jedi were wrong 'coz u are a special force diad and even tho you are a psychopath who murdered a few people and tried to off your sister it's our fault anyway. This sacred prophecy I found scrawled on the wall of a multi-species bathroom stall sez you gotta be in the Rey movie down the road".
Leslye Headland: "It makes me feel sad that a bunch of people on the internet would somehow dismantle what I consider to be the most important piece of art that I've ever made."


The dialogue was in the show. The leader said "If we told the Jedi Council, we'd have to tell the Senate, and that would lead to even more problems", so Ki-Adi kept his mouth shut. It's his boss saying "Don't tell anyone" so he follows his boss' orders.

By the time TPM rolls around, it's not like Ki-Adi is going to say "Yeah, we actually saw a Sith 100 years ago, they're not gone" because that would open up a can of worms. Or maybe the Sith from the show kills everyone else so there's no one alive to report their existence, and all Ki-Adi ever hears about it is this one rumor, and he never sees the Sith for himself.

You say they picked the only guy who says the Sith aren't around, I'm guessing the writers picked Ki-Adi for that specific reason, since it adds depth to the character, or dramatic tension, since we know that's not true. Just one more thing to show the Jedi weren't as awesome as they thought they were. It wasn't so much that the Sith were that much better, just that the Jedi were fallible and had weaknesses.

Obi-Wan lied to Luke about his father's killer. Yoda pretended to be someone to test Luke. So, if those two who, were such amazing Jedi, could lie to prove a point ... maybe Ki-Adi had more going on than just sitting there on the Council.

Maybe the Sith resurgence could have been prevented if different decisions were made? If you look at it from the perspective of creating more opportunities to tell stories, I can understand why they did it.

I'm willing to let this play out.

To be fair, I do think some of the show’s detractors are making a bigger deal out of the Ki-Adi Mundi thing than is necessary. It’s certainly not the show’s biggest problem.

I’m not sure why they care that they changed his birthdate, at all. I saw on one video covering the “controversy,” that the birthdate was taken off a Phantom Menace CD ROM from the late 90s or something like that, and was never mentioned again in media. To me that doesn’t really rise to the level of immutable canon.

In my opinion, it still feels like it was a poor choice to use him in that scene. True, it may not be an irreconcilable continuity error, but it unnecessarily muddies the water, given that the character is mostly known for delivering that one line in The Phantom Menace, casting doubt on the return of the Sith.
For me whether you care about Ki Adi Mundi or not shouldn't be the main point.

His age or birth isn't the most relevant issue. It's that it proves the writers didn't give one iota of a :poop: about Star Wars lore, established continuity, OR it's fans. They saw fit to do whatever they wanted, however they wanted, due to the show taking place in a new time period. Absolutely no research was done for any of the story ideas to make sure it lines up with previously established content. It would've taken mere minutes to google Ki Adi Mundi, see his background, and thus change him to a different character.

It's obvious their story and ideas takes precedence. No long time Star Wars fan should be willing to overlook such details. Bad writing is one thing, but not properly following the lore set by it's creator should be a smack in the face to any loyal fan.
For me whether you care about Ki Adi Mundi or not shouldn't be the main point.

His age or birth isn't the most relevant issue. It's that it proves the writers didn't give one iota of a :poop: about Star Wars lore, established continuity, OR it's fans. They saw fit to do whatever they wanted, however they wanted, due to the show taking place in a new time period. Absolutely no research was done for any of the story ideas to make sure it lines up with previously established content. It would've taken mere minutes to google Ki Adi Mundi, see his background, and thus change him to a different character.

It's obvious their story and ideas takes precedence. No long time Star Wars fan should be willing to overlook such details. Bad writing is one thing, but not properly following the lore set by it's creator should be a smack in the face to any loyal fan.
his age is less of an issue than how his character has been handled so far. Already he is being character assassinated. Han turned into deadbeat dad, Leia made incompetent, Luke turned into a coward who almost murdered his nephew due to possibility of darkness and now no longer the one to rebuild Jedi order, Akbar unceremoniously killed off after doing F all, Boba Fett turned into a bumbling fool, Anakin no longer chosen one who kills emperor, R2 sidelined to avoid taking screentime away from BB8 by making him a sleepy piece of junk who doesn't function when Luke is gone, Barriss turned into a murderous terrorist etc etc etc etc etc
Leslye Headland: "It makes me feel sad that a bunch of people on the internet would somehow dismantle what I consider to be the most important piece of art that I've ever made."

Oh gawd... Karen, take your medication.

Maybe she's like the Joker: she makes art... until someone dies.
He didn’t. It’s never been officially stated that Nik Sant is now Rex. Nik Sant is still canon.

Rex was on Endor but Nik Sant has not been retconned.

It’s nothing but a fan theory as of now.
I strongly suspect Filoni had every intention of retconning Nik Sant to be Rex but chickened out when he realised a vocal section of the fandom wasn't happy with it.
Leslye Headland: "It makes me feel sad that a bunch of people on the internet would somehow dismantle what I consider to be the most important piece of art that I've ever made."

It's a legacy property with decades of canon and continuity, with an obsessive fan base. Even if it respected canon, even if it were well written and well executed, it was going to get slapped around a bit. Since it doesn't seem to do any of those things the result is predictable. My advice to Headland would be:

1. Read the room.
2. Don't treat a legacy IP like it belongs to you. If you want to attempt important art, go for it -- but this is an established product, not your personal magnum opus.

There is a section of fandom that sucks. I've met them, I've seen them. But I think it's fair to say the majority of fans want a consistent experience of a certain quality.

Headland needs to either learn -- or admit -- there's a difference between 'toxic fandom' and 'poorly handled and executed product'.
They all think they're better than they are. They make one movie and suddenly they're Spielberg.

In my experience, directors and actors are often quite fragile and a little delusional. The former quality being generated by egotism and the insecurity that can accompany it, the latter *probably* being the thing that helps get them through an admittedly Quixotic endeavour.

Not that I haven't met kind, level-headed and humble directors and actors -- I have. But less of their type than I would like.