Star Wars: The Acolyte

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I’m an idiot so I will give the first 2 episodes a chance lol

You know what’s the other problem Hollywood knows their history and that QUALITY diversity existed before they’re just taking advantage of people who don’t know cinema history and trying to sell them on this gibberish.
Nah, unless I'm really bored, I'll hold out until the series finishes up. Supposedly each episode is only 30 minutes. I hate that mini-show serial stuff/wait to next week.

The only time I get weak about it is/used to be Mando; and Andor. I figure - maybe wrongly - this show will be watchable with plenty of Filoni-isms (Ahsoka-ish rehash). Just not memorable, sort of like watching Ahsoka as Ahsoka and Sabine slllllllllooowwwwly floated over the turtles with their feet up. Maybe they'll bring back knocking out people with a slap.


Say what you want about BOBF, at least the finale was insane😬.

Watch at least the first 4 minutes... But worth the full 10 minutes.

Been a fan of this intelligent young women for awhile.

Have I been pronouncing Queen Amidala incorrectly all this time? Why does George Lucas say "EE-MEE-dah-lah"? Is it not "Ah-meh-dah-lah"?
And it doesn't start airing till Tuesday ...

After this post, I'll exit this thread for a while, until Acolyte finishes it's nominal S1 run, to be on the safe side.

Here's what I will say. If all anyone gets from the Acolyte is one season, then I would still call that satisfactory, it's self contained. There are some elements designed intentionally to allow for backdoor pilots into the High Republic timeline and preexisting worldbuilding. From what I've been told, the standard P&A rollout for most everyone else was metered, to prevent some spoilers potential.

What I predict will happen is people will begin to parse down on Headland's interviews, past and present. There are things she has to say, avoid or cover to deal with the practical internal politics of how The Big Mouse works now. That element is not her fault. My take is I consider her a baseline competent industry writer, but her best skill is handling the political side of production. She knows her limits. She knows what she can and can't do ( She understands she's not Aaron Sorkin, she can't write like that, and she can't take those kind of risks) This is pretty fundamental storytelling here, she's not trying to reinvent the wheel. She could potentially be very successful within the current framework of how Lucasfilm operates right now. I consider myself pretty fair about this kind of stuff, if something is good, I'll say it, if something is bad, I'll say that too.

Will there be more Acolyte? Personally I don't think that's a great idea. But this is Kathleen Kennedy we are talking about here. I recognize most people here have not seen Russian Doll but if you've seen that, the Acolyte won't surprise you. Headland, like most high level creatives, only really tells one kind of story. ( i.e. Michael Mann does cat and mouse, James Gunn does underdog dysfunctional ad-hoc family, Marc Cherry does noir style satire, etc, etc) I don't think what Headland does well is going to replicate seamlessly over multiple seasons. But, of course, I could be wrong.

On an aside, congratulations on your new Staff position. Get a helmet though, you'll probably need it here....
After this post, I'll exit this thread for a while, until Acolyte finishes it's nominal S1 run, to be on the safe side.

Here's what I will say. If all anyone gets from the Acolyte is one season, then I would still call that satisfactory, it's self contained. There are some elements designed intentionally to allow for backdoor pilots into the High Republic timeline and preexisting worldbuilding. From what I've been told, the standard P&A rollout for most everyone else was metered, to prevent some spoilers potential.

What I predict will happen is people will begin to parse down on Headland's interviews, past and present. There are things she has to say, avoid or cover to deal with the practical internal politics of how The Big Mouse works now. That element is not her fault. My take is I consider her a baseline competent industry writer, but her best skill is handling the political side of production. She knows her limits. She knows what she can and can't do ( She understands she's not Aaron Sorkin, she can't write like that, and she can't take those kind of risks) This is pretty fundamental storytelling here, she's not trying to reinvent the wheel. She could potentially be very successful within the current framework of how Lucasfilm operates right now. I consider myself pretty fair about this kind of stuff, if something is good, I'll say it, if something is bad, I'll say that too.

Will there be more Acolyte? Personally I don't think that's a great idea. But this is Kathleen Kennedy we are talking about here. I recognize most people here have not seen Russian Doll but if you've seen that, the Acolyte won't surprise you. Headland, like most high level creatives, only really tells one kind of story. ( i.e. Michael Mann does cat and mouse, James Gunn does underdog dysfunctional ad-hoc family, Marc Cherry does noir style satire, etc, etc) I don't think what Headland does well is going to replicate seamlessly over multiple seasons. But, of course, I could be wrong.

On an aside, congratulations on your new Staff position. Get a helmet though, you'll probably need it here....

Thanks for the spoiler-free review. It's certainly intriguing enough to check out.

I've not seen Russian Doll, though I've read it was very good. Reading more about the creative behind it, Amy Poehler being included as well, it does interest me, but alas, there are only so many hours in the day. It sounds like it's a Groundhog Day-esque story, so I'm intrigued when you say The Acolyte is along that same vein, as I can't imagine how that would translate into the Star Wars universe, but I guess we'll all find out.
This thread will go nuclear once the show premieres.

What would be amazing is if it's an absolute cracker - watch how many of us will happily pull our heads and and say we were absolutely wrong, well done Disney! You exceeded our expectations and delivered a fantastic new piece of work to the SW universe.

But... if it's bad, and all our fears and concerns (based on Lucasfilm's track record) are realized, we'll still be labeled all the usual vile **** by the usual social justice warriors, for not liking it.
Here's a weird thing....

The only place I see the interviews about inclusion or casting is this place....when people complain about it....

I don't think I have ever seen anything like that outside of people posting it here to complain about it....
Here's a weird thing....

The only place I see the interviews about inclusion or casting is this place....when people complain about it....

I don't think I have ever seen anything like that outside of people posting it here to complain about it....

That's because you live in your echo chamber that funnels you all the **** that you like.
And people that have differing opinions to you, get funneled all the **** that they like.

It's called algorithms.

Welcome to 2024... where the whole world is sunshine and rainbows, and everyone is equal, and everyone respects one another, and everyone is tolerant, and everyone is accepting.

(Unless of course, you have a differing opinion).