Super Freak
No excuse for stupidity. And it's rampant around these parts. 
Nah, that was CG all the way. Here's the scene with the dinosaurs.I think 70s version was.
70's Kong was 99.9% Rick Baker in Ape Face. That movie sucked.
Great poster though.
But then Jeff stops, seeing that it's hopeless to get to her, as she's drowning in the crowd, and the movie ends! What a weird, strange ending, don't you think? That ending would never fly now. I have to give it kudos for such a WTF ending.
I think that ending is meant to be ironic: Dawn finally gets the stardom/attention that she so desperatlye wants, but at this terrible cost.
That kind of subtext is unheard of in current movies, much less in action movies. Would you really expect that kind of deep introspective reflection of a character in a cheesy 70s King Kong movie? Seriously, a real WTF kind of ending.
Yeah but, that ending is VERY 70's -- anti-social and depressing. Be careful what you wish for; questionable social values; etc. Up until Star Wars, most movies ended on a sour note, and the hero's best friend always died. To the point where it ceased to be maningful, just formulaic.
Kong '76 was a bad movie. No doubt about that.
Like I said, it is genuinely a bad movie
Yeah but, that ending is VERY 70's -- anti-social and depressing. Be careful what you wish for; questionable social values; etc. Up until Star Wars, most movies ended on a sour note, and the hero's best friend always died. To the point where it ceased to be maningful, just formulaic.
I was probably accustomed to that kind of strange ending before, when I watched the movie closer to its time. But when I saw it in the context of decades of Hollywood happy endings (especially for broad appeal action movies), it was so bizarre and avant-garde!
Kong '76 was a bad movie. No doubt about that.
There are some very interesting aspects to it and I have to commend them for putting in the effort.
-The premise that the expedition was sent out to look for a new source of oil. It was the height of the gas crisis in the 70s and they made good use of a topical theme.
-They used the World's Fair location in Queens to show off Kong. Makes actual sense that they would do that because the location has ample room as opposed to Manhattan.
-Kong is drawn to the WTC because it reminds him of a rock structure on his island home. Clever--it gave him a reason to climb it. It also made good use of the then newly opened WTC.
-The whole ending scene when Kong is lying on the ground dying, and you hear his heart beating, looking at Dwan (Jessica Lange's character), and the heart beat stopping, then the crowd rushes in and surrounds her, and Jeff Bridges is trying to get to her as she is calling for him. But then Jeff stops, seeing that it's hopeless to get to her, as she's drowning in the crowd, and the movie ends! What a weird, strange ending, don't you think? That ending would never fly now. I have to give it kudos for such a WTF ending.
Like I said, it is genuinely a bad movie, but there are some very interesting things in there.
And #1 song is Because I'm Happy.![]()