Ya i didnt see the version you guys saw that fill in the blanks and wtf moments with your ficking thories
But, Khev, please don't compare TLJ to IM3 or TDKR anymore. You're just hurting my soul now.
Lol by the way kiev you cool with luke in this but hate bvs because of how batman and superman are portrayed i know thats the only reason u chimed in
Ya i didnt see the version you guys saw that fill in the blanks and wtf moments with your ficking thories
And off screen explanations
He saw darkness in him and for a moment...
You do know that Luke was a Jedi Master when he was training his nephew, right? And how that means far more time learning about the Force in the 20-or-so years since the OT? If so, then you should also understand that Luke's ability to see what had happened to Ben (including visions of the future) would be much more advanced than what Luke would be capable of in the OT.
Luke saw more than a fleeting glimpse of darkness. Luke was mortified and crushed by the pure level of Darkness that Snoke had managed to corrupt Ben with. Luke could see far more than you seem to want to give him credit for.
If you watch the flashback scenes, and listen to the dialogue, you'll understand that we're not relying on fan theories or off-screen explanations. Watching, listening, and comprehending are the keys.
IN force awakens, leia told han that there was still good in him
Yep and she was totally right too!
Oh wait...
Dude no offense but your adding fan fiction here, you do not know exactly what luke saw or even what dark thoughts kylo was thinking since they never explicitly stated it or showed it (bad writing or copout idk)- IN force awakens, leia told han that there was still good in him, to save him.
How could leia sense this but not luke?? He couldnt even pull the trigger to kill his mother in TLJ, what does that tell you, that he was like vader, there is still good in him. Luke skywalker is like superman in a way, he represents hope and the light, he always saw the good in people (even scoundrels like solo) and inspired people around him to be better people with this hope. the Luke i know would not have given up on kylo so easily, he would have tried to save him from the darkside, not hideaway on a rock and give up. This is the same problem Mark Hamill had, it makes no sense given the character of Luke Skywalker, as we know him. Again if you like thats fine but stop spinning **** to fit your own narrative of things
Han helped him do it which is why he said thank you,
You literally just proved my point. You don't get any more evil than thanking the person you're murdering for giving you an opportunity to murder them.
And Kylo not killing Leia is foreshadowing.
You literally just proved my point. You don't get any more evil than thanking the person you're murdering for giving you an opportunity to murder them.
what point..
Sigh. I don't envy the struggle you have comprehending these films...
what point.. kylo was crying and needed his dad just to be passive, han willing sacrificed himself for kylo at that moment. It wasn't an act of sith rage or power, it ****ed kylo up which again is why he couldnt kill his mother, he wasnt all bad, he could still be saved.....
lol ya just like your comprehension of the DCEU..
dude we both love marvel and captain america cant we just overlook our differences on this movie
This is the last point I'll make on this subject because I've spent way more time on it than I should have. Let's just assume that Luke could see some of what would become of Kylo (just humor me with this hypothetical, please). If Luke could see Kylo kill Han, and see Kylo killing Luke's students, and Kylo being a part of completely destroying 5 planets . . . should Luke have been tempted to take Ben's life in that hut? What if Luke could sense what kind of rage Kylo would have against him that he'd fire every shot he could from a bunch of AT-AT's at his uncle . . . should he believe that he could redeem/save his nephew?
Why didnt kylo kill his mother in TLJ if the things luke saw were so bad there was no comming back??? You never address the main points of my arguement you will take the one sentence where im being sarcastic like kylo watching porn or whatever an run with it all the while ignoring the main points. I guess i understand why, a sarcastic sentence is not meant to be accurate, but you use that one sentence to say i dont get points all the while ignoring everything else...
Dude no offense but your adding fan fiction here, you do not know exactly what luke saw or even what dark thoughts kylo was thinking since they never explicitly stated it or showed it (bad writing or copout idk)- IN force awakens, leia told han that there was still good in him, to save him.
How could leia sense this but not luke?? He couldnt even pull the trigger to kill his mother in TLJ, what does that tell you, that he was like vader, there is still good in him. Luke skywalker is like superman in a way, he represents hope and the light, he always saw the good in people (even scoundrels like solo) and inspired people around him to be better people with this hope. the Luke i know would not have given up on kylo so easily, he would have tried to save him from the darkside, not hideaway on a rock and give up. This is the same problem Mark Hamill had, it makes no sense given the character of Luke Skywalker, as we know him. Again if you like it thats fine but stop spinning **** to fit your own narrative of things and tell other people that they just dont understand what they saw. Thats the same arguement bvs defenders used, oh its just above your head or to complex for your basic understanding