You gotta wonder if the people who signed think these will actually work.
DiFabio it would actually hurt the worst to learn that you preordered your ticket for opening night before even Wor-Gar lol
Please don’t do that to me.[/QUOTE
I've been told (because I pretty much roll w. the WTF and gaping hole moments of TLJ) that I'm part of the problem (and I probably got off lightly at that.)
So to add insult to the injury did a double shot this weekend with I, Tonya (deserves every good thing being said about it IMO kudos to every actor including Margot Robie OMGand Sebastian Stan OMG
- theater almost completely full) and off to a ~1/3 full theater to see TLJ again.
Second time around even better, tho will say think I was too much in shock over the Mary Poppins moment the first time. The second time it was really unbearably stupid IMO. I couldn't get Drax bubble suit out of my head....
So, yeah, for me there still are the same annoying holes; like Rey is all po'd at Kylo but the *feels* are arisin' and then she decides - because that's what you do when you're attracted to a bad boy - throw herself down a hole where it looks like an amusement park and then we're back where Rey has been handed a towel by Kylo and *feels* but then Dad busts in and ruins things which is what parents do.
(And why does Snope, who apparently valued Kylo in TFA, spend this whole movie ******* on him? How come Luke doesn't just sense that Han is dead? How come the ability to sense people and events just comes and goes?)
But, I enjoyed the stuff I liked even more the second time around. Interesting interactions between Luke and Rey, Kylo and Rey. I like the porgs and the crystal foxes. And I really loved the last stand off between Kylo and Luke - epic shots
, the AT-ATs in the backround - Adam Driver can REALLY wear a cloak - the reds and white - Luke. At the last interchange between Luke and Kylo, the audience burst into applause.
Also there were plenty of laughs.
And I'll enjoy owning TLJ on Blu-Ray.![]()
How come Luke doesn't just sense that Han is dead? How come the ability to sense people and events just comes and goes?)
Remember that, at this point in the film, Luke had closed himself off from the Force. With that being the case, he wouldn't have sensed Han's death.[/QUOTE
Thank you! True - seeing it a second time I was able to pay more attention to what I thought were some more complex details (that actually fill in some things that bothered my at my first viewing). But I forgot that Luke had blocked himself off that way.
One thing thing that struck me the second time - for me anyway, you really do have to pay attention to what the characters are saying. Which I wasn't able to do the first time around. Glad I finally got to see it again, and in home viewing I'll miss seeing some of the epic shots in IMAX. Plus little details like at one point I saw some sort of spiky sea creature surface and dive in the background around the island, or a porg setting up a nest in the Falcon.
Honestly nothing bores me more than Box Office discussion since there's no disputing that TLJ is kicking ass at the box office despite the claim that half the entire audience hated it. So....stop that altogether lads.
I love how people say the all-time box office list "doesn't count" because there are "crappy" movies on the list but then trumpet low numbers in China or Ecuador as "proof" that the film was a disaster, lol.
Outgrossing The Dark Knight's lifetime earnings: Doesn't matter
Being outgrossed by a rom-com on one weekend in China: THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS
No,It doesn't theatres don't give refunds if you don't like a movie.If that happened,there wouldn't be an episode 9 for sure.
Movies don't get to $600+ million domestic because of "one and done" viewings.
I don't know anybody (besides a chat forum) who wanted to see Episode 8 again....
Yep you guys are all right Box Office totals mean nothing...
Honestly nothing bores me more than Box Office discussion. So....stop that altogether lads.
With regard to "proof" that a film is good OR bad that is correct, box office earnings don't do that. They can only speak to whether a film found an audience and if said audience recommended it to their friends or kept coming back for more. The "best" film of 2017 (BR 2049) obviously did not find an audience while TLJ certainly did.
All I know is that if I hated TLJ I wouldn't keep posting stats about this or that weekend drop or this or that country's earnings. Because those stats are all overshadowed by the $200 million weekend, $600+ projected domestic, and $1.2-1.3 billion worldwide. And those numbers prove that at least financially, it was an unqualified success. Do all studios always wish for a little more? Sure. I'm sure Disney wished that TFA hit a billion domestic or 3 billion worldwide. But not exceeding such thresholds does not equate to failure or embarrassment. Not by a longshot.