Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG by Bioware

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Has this game come out yet?

The commercials were so sick. I'm not a fan of MMO's though. Hopefully the gameplay is SOMETHING like they advertise.
that's a very bold statement. and one I disagree with. there will be similarities, but the games themselves will be vastly different.
The story direction will be similar, the setting identical, but the overall game-play will,I'll wager be vastly different.

then again, Kotor did have a somewhat MMO-style interface, so who knows.
Short version?
the way in which the gameplay in an MMO needs to flow in order to work differs VASTLY from what works in a single player game.
as I'm certain i will be asked to expand on that, Let me pre-answer your question with a question. How much MMO experience do you have?
in addition, how much, if any game design experience do you have ( that's not a jab, it's a serious question. it helps me to better explain my answer)
I've played Galaxies, LOTRO, and as for game design, I currently work at a game studio (developing a PS3 game)

I understand that single player games will be different from MMO's

But with KOTOR you can pretty much take everything from that game and just add multiplayer elements to it and everything seems to show that's what they're doing, it's the same type of combat, same dialogue system, but now it includes the ability to have other people join you in both.
outstanding, mind if i inquire as to which studio, and what you do specifically?

and you're correct, depending on the type of game they want to make, and that's part of where my concern comes in.

As far as i know, this WILL BE a subscription-based game.

My concern is that if you take a dramatically story driven game like KOTOR, and add a multi-player component into it, It looses part of what makes it magical.

LOTOR, for example works largely in part to the fact that it's player base are less MMO fans, and more fans of Tolkien. It's player base, on the whole slip more into the wonder of the world. In addition, however, you're not some " last great hope" like the character you portray in KOTOR 1.

Part of what makes an MMO good, is that while you play, you FEEL like an active part of an entire world ( or in this case, universe) You start out insignificant, and grow to take your place in world-changing events. It's an incredibly immersive experience if executed correctly.
And completely uninteresting if done poorly.

In short : MMO's are intended to be interactive world simulators, requiring large groups of people to pull together for a single gaol, and work as a team.
Single player games are intended to be epic hero tales about a singular person of importance.

Anyways, I digress Getting back on topic. That type of game will, however, function, and function very well with a limited mulitplayer component like Guild wars, and Diablo 2 and 3.

technically, those games are "Massively Multiplayer" and so can that term be used to refer to them.

However, i'd not Pay a monthly subscription to play either of those games.

Don't get me wrong. I've got alot of faith in BIOWARE, but there are some decisions here that make me wonder, the most glaring one so far being the rail shooter.

It's still early, the game hasn't shipped and this is mostly speculation on my part, but, to drag an old, tired phrase out of the closet...

I've got a bad feeling about this....

Granted, that's probably due mostly to how bad we were burned on galaxies, which leaves EVERYTHING about this game suspect until proven otherwise, but we will see.
I really wish they'd consider making an RPG version of this. I'm just not an online or multiplayer gamer nor do I feel like paying a monthly subscription to play a game I payed $50/$60 for.
outstanding, mind if i inquire as to which studio, and what you do specifically?

It's actually kind of freelance at the moment--I'm working with a small developer in Dallas called Perpetual FX and I'm doing a few environments on a current project (not a big project)

Although something big might be happening soon.

I think the main thing about this is that they can take all the great things from MMO's and add what's good about the Bioware games--so instead of dull quests, we get fully-voiced stories and that's something that's really important to me--compared to lots of other MMO's where most of the quests are just grinding
I can see that, and it DEFINITELY has that potential.
Generally speaking, when it comes to questing in an MMO game, it's just cleverly disguised grinding, 80% of which has no real point.

Every now and then you do find a real gem. The "legacy quest" from star wars Galaxies, the "Blight" questline from world of warcraft being prime examples.

Speaking of the blight questline, once you finish it, you get this reward
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

as long as they strive to deliver like that, and not have too many missteps, they'll likely do fine.

Bioware's strengths have ALWAYS lain with their storytelling... as long as they don't
a) get too gimmicky
B) let EA take too much control, it should leastwise be entertaining.