Super Freak
It really is an insult to the comics that they would have Peter date Gwen. They would never allow that to happen in the comics. Comic Peter Parker would never date an attractive girl.
Do most of the people who like this movie hate the character of Spider-Man?
This was terrible. What was up with the music? Piano banging horror chords when the handicap-drug-using-doctor-CGI-Gone-Bad thing was looking Gwen was crazy. That was not close to representing the Lizard from the comics. It looked liked the bad guys from that equally awful Mario Bros. movie.
Peter Parker is a nerd. Spider-Man is cool. Peter Parker also does not get girls so easily. Gwen is hot. Girls like Gwen date football-playing-bully-types, not the yearbook photographer. The police captain's daughter is looking for a rebel, not a kid that gets beat up. Doesn't he work for a newspaper? Can he at least work for the friggin school paper? The yearbook does not lead to journalism.
How convenient that his name was on the back of the camera. How lazy are these writers? What nonsense.
I cannot get over the praise you supposedly comic-lovers have put on this film. You are probably the same people who love Superman Returns. I hope everyone involved in this film has the same luck as the crew who made Poltergeist or the cast of Different Strokes. What a load of crap!
End rant! But I'm still mad this got made. This better be the one and only. This sucks so bad.
End rant now!
But seriously. This was just plain bad.
It looked liked the bad guys from that equally awful Mario Bros. movie.
I agree with the Goomba fella.
Trolls liking troll posts. Nothing new.
This movie is so bad I had to do some research on it. Turns out is was rushed out so Sony Picures could keep the rights to Spider-Man.
This is the end of the discussion.
Spider-Man was made just to beat some contract deadline.
So...somewhat random and off topic...but I'm watching the original "Psycho" and goodness...Andrew Garfield must have studied Anthony Perkins' (Norman Bates in psycho) acting or something. The parallels between the two are uncanny. Not only do they resemble each other slightly, but their mannerisms are so close it's creepy. The way Perkins sometimes stutter speaks, shakes his head, smiles. It's very interesting.
This movie is so bad I had to do some research on it. Turns out is was rushed out so Sony Picures could keep the rights to Spider-Man.
This is the end of the discussion.
Spider-Man was made just to beat some contract deadline.