The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

That would be my girlfriend, Ashley Greene

Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

OK, I guess she's from Twilight, which is why I didn't recognize her. Although if those are screen caps from Twilight, I'm starting to think that I have the wrong idea about that series...
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Eh, I prefer the other poster, mnostly because I don't see a need for all those characters in it. Ashley Greene is hot though.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

The best thing about those movies !!!!

Actually I like her outside Twilight...I feel they hide her best assets in those movies. The Twilight films are filled with hotness. There is Ashley Greene, Jessica Kendrick and one of the biggest "hidden" talents is Christian Serratos...look up her PETA campaign and you'll see....I might even use it in a new Sig.

So you have an open marriage, eh? This is good to know. :hi5::)lol :duff)

:lol touche. Now stop telling my wife I flirt with girls around here...too many questions being asked now. :nana:
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Norton reportedly out of the avengers

what had once seemed like an innovative master plan by marvel is now proving to be more of the same hollywood indifference. The realization that iron man was to be the first entry in a collective, fully consistent franchise that would eventually culminate with the avengers—featuring all pre-established characters, presumably to be played by the same actors—was almost too good to be true. And as expected, it was. The first sign of trouble was about two years ago, when marvel had terrence howard replaced by don cheadle on iron man 2. If they were willing to let an actor playing as prominent a returning character as war machine be swapped out, who else would they be willing to let go?

Well, now we know.

Edward norton will not be playing the hulk in the avengers. Oh, the character will return all right, but he will be played by “an unknown”. More about this development after the break.

Hitfix is reporting the news, and claims that it’s been confirmed by marvel sources. According to them, marvel has already informed norton that they won’t be using him in the film. This is despite his interest in returning to the role—a prospect that apparently both he and (all-but-confirmed) director joss whedon were very enthusiastic about.

Given both marvel’s and norton’s history, there seems like three potential explanations behind this.

The first is money. Marvel has been notoriously stingy when it comes to paying their cast and crew, so it’s possible that they simply weren’t willing to offer a high enough amount to cover norton’s salary. The incredible hulk wasn’t exactly a huge moneymaker; it makes sense that they wouldn’t want to shell out several millions of dollars for a character that audiences weren’t terribly interested in watching to begin with. Add to that, norton’s screen time in the avengers would be limited—not just because the film is an ensemble piece, but because his character is largely created through cgi.

Another theory is that dealing with norton on the incredible hulk was too big of a hassle, and they didn’t want a repeat of events with the avengers.

And lastly, there’s the possibility that marvel just doesn’t really care. Maybe they think continuity isn’t too big of a deal, so long as it doesn’t affect their box office intake. Maybe they’re already satisfied with the actor roster they’ve set in place (robert downey jr., chris evans, samuel l. Jackson, chris hemsworth, don cheadle, jeremy renner), and don’t see why it would be important to maintain the consistency of the world they’ve established by also hiring on norton.

Maybe—just maybe—it’s a combination of all three. That’s all we have right now though: Maybe’s. Until we know for sure, i hope there’s at least one thing we can agree in the midst of all this: This news blows.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

As much as I love Joss Whedon and the decision to let him direct "The Avengers, this is really starting to bother me with Marvel Studios. I let it pass with Don taking over as Rhodey/War Machine. This is getting ridiculous, Norton was fantastic in The Incredible Hulk and I really wanted the main attractions to stay as they are.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Pure economics . They won't pay Norton for what would mostly be nothing more than a cameo , this combined with his notoriously perfectionist/difficult reputation , makes his casting a liability . Sad but true .
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Doesn't bother me any. Norton didn't do anything that made me feel like he owned the role like RDJ does with Iron Man. Plus comic characters can look a bit different depending on the artist so that helps a bit too. The key is making sure they get a good actor and not someone because they are a big name (I'm looking at ScarJo as Widow) or someone who is cheap.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Doesn't bother me any. Norton didn't do anything that made me feel like he owned the role like RDJ does with Iron Man. Plus comic characters can look a bit different depending on the artist so that helps a bit too. The key is making sure they get a good actor and not someone because they are a big name (I'm looking at ScarJo as Widow) or someone who is cheap.

I agree, he didn't do much for me either....then again neither did the movie :lol

Now RDJ, he needs to hear that Marvel :tap....don't mess with perfection that is RDJ's Stark :nono

TIH was one big CGI mess at the end :lol

The only good Hulk scene was the Sonic Cannon but c'mon, that should've ripped off his pants :lol

He flipped over one stupid jeep in the entire movie and then beat up a stupid looking Abomination!

Ok, I joke, it was a little better than that.

But the action in Ang Lee's Hulk was better IMHO!...Ok...minus the dogs and the cloud battle :lol
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Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Marvel has confirmed the replacing.

Marvel Studios President of Production Kevin Feige forwarded the following email to HitFix: "We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in the Avengers. Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks."
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Wow, Feige ripped Nortan to shreds with his comments: :horror

need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements,
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Its well known that Norton was a pain in the ass while making The Incredible Hulk, he even demanded to be in the editing room and rewrite portions of the script. I'm not surprised there is bad blood between Norton and the higher ups, the fact that The Incredible Hulk wasn't a blockbuster also makes this easier, if it performed amazingly well they'd still be kissing Norton's ass. I guarantee you that whomever they cast to fill in for Banner will probably have a deal to star in the next Incredible Hulk film which Lauren Donner Schuler has been talking about around the web that is supposedly set to go into pre-production after The Avengers.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Completely lost interest in this project.

Captain America looks like a fag, No Norton and Joss Whedon, I don't care if this happens at all, in fact its probably for the best if the project falls apart. I hope RDJ walks away from whats shaping upto be a teeny bopper CGI fest.

Marvel, You ____ the money bed.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I knew of the problems, I'm just shocked that Feige came out and made a mention of it, even if hidden (barely) within a press release.

I was expecting the usual BS public relation statement, not this.

Man, Feige came right out and said it wasn't even the money, he just hates the dude :lol
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Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Be curious to see who takes the reigns of Hulk. Between Thor, Caps, GL, (hopefully) Bats 3 and now Avengers, comic-con is shaping up nicely. In Whedon I trust.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Feige honestly isn't the best in terms of public relations. He openly comments about rumors, about film castings, about fan requests, etc. Honestly if Marvel Studios wasn't doing so well I'm sure he'd be replaced. He doesn't have much tact.