The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I don't like Feige. Oh well, I wonder who can be Bruce now. I like the guy from D9 and the A-Team...
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I'm disappointed for sure, Norton was great as Banner. However, I totally understand the no-drama policy. When you're dealing with something like the Avengers, one prima-donna could ruin the shoot and make the cast and crew's lives miserable.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Ultimately I feel the mistake was casting Norton in the first place for Incredible Hulk. I figured the risk would be something like this happening later on.

Norton's a great actor, but he's notorious for being quite forceful and having to have a lot of say and creative control on his projects.

Honestly, I think Marvel made the right call. Except it should not have been Norton picked several years ago.

Also The Incredible Hulk was not a huge success. Norton does not have a lot of bargaining power like say one Robert Downey Jr. who is currently appearing in big hit after big hit.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

What are the chances that this is all bogus and Norton is still in?

In other words could the press release still be real but Feige is just messing with the fans and it will be a big HaHa moment at Comic Con when Norton steps out :dunno

Maybe Pee Wee Herman will be the next Bruce Banner :lol
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I don't think its likely at all. Did you read Feige's statement? I seriously doubt Norton would allow him to say that about him if he was really still involved in the film and this was all just a prank.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Not broken up about this at all. Didn't care for the Incredible Hulk movie and Norton was forgettable as Banner.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

The Plot thickens:

Edward Norton’s Agent Says Marvel’s Statement About Hulk Recasting is “Misleading, Inappropriate”
Posted on Sunday, July 11th, 2010 by Russ Fischer

Months of speculation about Edward Norton’s possible role in The Avengers came to an abrupt end on Friday when HitFix reported that Marvel had decided to recast Bruce Banner, aka the Incredible Hulk. Edward Norton is out; a new actor to be announced will step in.

That wasn’t a huge surprise, but the wording of Marvel’s official statement on the matter was a bit unusual. Specifically, the studio said, “Our decision [to recast the role] is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members.”

That’s a shockingly pointed comment in these days of company decisions that are carefully worded to be as safe as possible. Edward Norton’s agent took umbrage at Marvel’s wording and has released a statement in response. What’s interesting isn’t so much the tone of the response, but the detail it contains about how close Norton came to appearing in The Avengers.

HitFix also has this rebuttal. Brian Swardstrom of WME gets right to the point when he says, “This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light.” OK, that’s the expected response, but the argument there is really between Kevin Feige and Norton’s camp. I’m staying out of that, but here’s the interesting detail from Swardstrom:

Here are the facts: two months ago, Kevin called me and said he wanted Edward to reprise the role of Bruce Banner in The Avengers. He told me it would be his fantasy to bring Edward on stage with the rest of the cast at ComiCon and make it the event of the convention. When I said that Edward was definitely open to this idea, Kevin was very excited and we agreed that Edward should meet with Joss Whedon to discuss the project. Edward and Joss had a very good meeting (confirmed by Feige to me) at which Edward said he was enthusiastic at the prospect of being a part of the ensemble cast. Marvel subsequently made him a financial offer to be in the film and both sides started negotiating in good faith. This past Wednesday, after several weeks of civil, uncontentious discussions, but before we had come to terms on a deal, a representative from Marvel called to say they had decided to go in another direction with the part. This seemed to us to be a financial decision but, whatever the case, it is completely their prerogative, and we accepted their decision with no hard feelings.

We’d heard several times that Norton was possibly interesting in doing the film, but this is the most detail we’ve had on how the negotiations actually went. This is only one side, and if this really gets ugly no doubt we’ll hear more from both Marvel and Norton.

In the meantime, this is also the closest we’ve had to an official confirmation that Joss Whedon will direct The Avengers. Marvel hasn’t released an actual statement to that effect, though the company is often slow to officially confirm information that has leaked out though non-company channels.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

How so? Feige gave his side, now Norton's reps give theirs. Ultimately the truth lies in the middle but what other side are we missing?
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

At the end of the day Marvel won't hire someone as good or with equal talent to play Bruce Banner. Edward Norton is one of the best actors of his generation. Marvels loss.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Whoever is in the Avengers, I am pretty sure the main Star will be Downey Jr. Especially if the Iron Man films are the most successful.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I think you are right. Which is going to be interesting since Cap is really the leader.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I think both Chris's might eclipse Roberts screen time. I think he won't be as integral as people are assuming. This seems like a film to launch sequels which Evans Hemsworth can lead with Renner, Scarjo and whomever is Ant Man and Wasp.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Norton's statement today was incredibly classy. I think Feige was out of line - Norton was only difficult because he wanted the project to be the best it could me - it wasn't about his ego. Downey did the same on Iron Man, but may have been more politic in how he did it.

I think Avengers would have been a better film with Norton's involvement.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Instead it will be the next Fantastic Four.