The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Score was great and loved it that Silvestri used his Captain America theme a lot again.
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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Absolutely AWESOME movie! I had so much fun watching this one!

I can't wait to see it again! :yess:

Loved it.

Loved the two extra scenes as well...
Thanos looked great (smile with "courting death"-- awesome)
I'm glad I stayed for the Shawarma party...Ruffalo trying not to lose it was good.

Both scenes rocked! :rock Especially the very last one! :rock :rock :rock
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

another line that made me laugh :lol

IRONMAN: Guys, I'm bringing the party to you

BLACK WIDOW: I don't get it, how is that a party?
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I agree with this editorial:

Avengers should become the first complete MARVEL UNIVERSE film – from here – in all their films – they should allow themselves to more fully embrace the Universe that they have.__ This film – as ____ing jaw droppingly awesome that it is – is just the tiniest fraction of the awesome that could come, if they keep their ____ together.

Remember – traditionally – when any Superhero franchise hits a high water mark like this – the idiots in charge pull hard on the reins – and do stupid ____, like no longer working with Richard Donner or Tim Burton or Bryan Singer…__ and they bring in folks like Joel Schumacher or Brett Ratner.__

At this point – Disney & Marvel should begin building to an all brand mega film that would cross studios – involve SPIDER-MAN, X-MEN, FANTASTIC FOUR, AVENGERS, DOCTOR STRANGE, NEW MUTANTS, INHUMANS, etc…__ Marvel’s Universe is so rich, but the more interaction they build in, the more audiences will fall in love with the whole of the brand.__ Get these characters in some of those other films.__ Seed the future and do it with not just post-film cameos, but meaningful parts of the movies.

THE AVENGERS creates an instant hunger for them to just start doing everything right.__ Other studios should be banging on Marvel’s door with their characters and working to let Marvel has as much control as necessary,_ because they would see their profits soar. __
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I agree with this editorial:

Avengers should become the first complete MARVEL UNIVERSE film – from here – in all their films – they should allow themselves to more fully embrace the Universe that they have.__ This film – as ____ing jaw droppingly awesome that it is – is just the tiniest fraction of the awesome that could come, if they keep their ____ together.

Remember – traditionally – when any Superhero franchise hits a high water mark like this – the idiots in charge pull hard on the reins – and do stupid ____, like no longer working with Richard Donner or Tim Burton or Bryan Singer…__ and they bring in folks like Joel Schumacher or Brett Ratner.__

At this point – Disney & Marvel should begin building to an all brand mega film that would cross studios – involve SPIDER-MAN, X-MEN, FANTASTIC FOUR, AVENGERS, DOCTOR STRANGE, NEW MUTANTS, INHUMANS, etc…__ Marvel’s Universe is so rich, but the more interaction they build in, the more audiences will fall in love with the whole of the brand.__ Get these characters in some of those other films.__ Seed the future and do it with not just post-film cameos, but meaningful parts of the movies.

THE AVENGERS creates an instant hunger for them to just start doing everything right.__ Other studios should be banging on Marvel’s door with their characters and working to let Marvel has as much control as necessary,_ because they would see their profits soar. __

Would be great to see but the potential for disaster is pretty huge.

Not everyone will be able to handle a large number of characters in one film the way Joss Whedon has.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Saw it last night. Hulk and Ironman stole the show. Loved Cap as a leader. Funny movie.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

This is the BS that I hate:

SHH: What about the future of "The Avengers?" I don't know if you want to bring in new characters or just keep the core team. Characters like the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, are they part of Fox's deal or are they characters you could use?

Feige: We both have them. There's a specific arrangement with those two characters that would allow us to use them with "Avengers," but not discuss or reference their mutant or Magneto-related lineage. They can use them as mutants and as Magneto's relatives, but cannot have anything to do with "The Avengers."

SHH: So whichever universe uses them first basically gets to keep them.

Feige: Yeah. Contracts are always complicated. (chuckles)
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I can't remember the last time I got up the day after a movie and I'm still smiling about it.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Saw it yesterday afternoon and it was awesome! Each time a new team member showed up on the scene it just brought a massive smile to my face!

A couple of somber moments as well that I was not expecting, but they just added to the weight of the story in a good way.

Well done to the cast and crew. Saw it in 2D the first time, will go see it in 3D next, just for giggles.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Okay guys, saw it last night and here are my impressions while details are still fresh:

the most action-packed movie I've ever seen.
the BEST Hulk/Banner representation I've seen (I thought Bixby was untouchable, I was wrong) I got a kick out of both of them!

Scar Jo is good, but I'll never ever buy her as a Russian assassin. There were a few times I felt she was really straining to hit the emotional mark.
Her immitation of fear (she can open those eyes boy!) when psyched out by Bruce or shock after being chased down by Hulk left her looking like she was locked in a freezer
She looks really really really good though. Best scene was
the interrogation of Loki, nice touch!

Thor was slightly under used. No, I'm not a traditional fan of Thor, but the first film sold me on how to put this guy on film.
I wanted him to clear out the Chitauri like he ripped through the frost giants previously but most of what we got were close ups of him punching one at a time.

Captain America somehow feels like he needed more time to thaw (har-har). There's a treasure trove of stuff to explore with this guy and we really weren't allowed to go there because of what was going on with everyone else. His first movie felt way too short as it was. His best sequence was
with Iron Man when they teamed up to fix the Heli-carrier turbine.
Didn't care about the helmet at all the whole time!

Iron Man had the best interactions every character. He really was the glue that kept them from making no sense as a team. Everyone kinda got more personality by just bickering with him, it was great to watch. I can't get over
how cool his mark VII suit delivery system was this time around, WOW.

Hulk! He did proverbially rape and pillage in every scene he was in, but there was one scene in particular that stood out as cartoony:
his cheap shot of Thor during the final battle
of course that was partially made up for in it's comedic value but still. and I'm sorry but Loki
should have been a bloody quadroplegic after Hulk destroys him in Stark tower. He should not have been about to move for days after that.

As for the rest, it's a perfect comic book movie. It probably deserves it's own sub-genre after this. It's so good that any Superhero team movie after this will be judged by it. The production team better be ready to sell their own children into slavery if only to ensure Joss Whedon works on the sequel!

4/4 stars. Genre defining!!!
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I"m going to see it later this afternoon. Can someone tell me which scene the "big bag of weed" line is in so I can make sure to wait for it???
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Need some help from those who have seen both versions.

I'm going to see it 2-3 times this week. Is it worth paying the extra dollars for 3D? Does 3D really add anything to the visuals perspective?

Thanks in advance for any help. :)
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Need some help from those who have seen both versions.

I'm going to see it 2-3 times this week. Is it worth paying the extra dollars for 3D? Does 3D really add anything to the visuals perspective?

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

Add's nothing, in fact it makes some scenes unbearably dim at least for me
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

and I'm sorry but Loki
should have been a bloody quadroplegic after Hulk destroys him in Stark tower. He should not have been about to move for days after that.

Yeah, because everything else in this movie is entirely feasible in real life :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread reports about $415 Million BO intakes for Avengers worldwide so far.
Amazing and I´m really looking forward to how much it´ll take in completly in the end...