The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread reports about $415 Million BO intakes for Avengers worldwide so far.
Amazing and I´m really looking forward to how much it´ll take in completly in the end...

Definitely going to cross $1 Billion I think. Don't see it crossing $1.5 Billion
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Loved this movie, but there were kids/babies in the theater crying and talking loudly throughout the movie while their parents just ignored them. :slap

Seems like the experience of watching superhero movies on opening day is always like this for me (superhero flicks are pretty much the only movies I watch on the big screen). I can understand bringing toddlers to a movie because you can ask them to be quiet (unfortunately some of the parents refused to do that) but why bring a baby? Seems pretty selfish. Anyone else have this experience?
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I"m going to see it later this afternoon. Can someone tell me which scene the "big bag of weed" line is in so I can make sure to wait for it???

It's a scene that was in the trailer where Tony is asking Bruce about how he stays in control after poking him with some type of pointy stick.

Hulk gets so many great moments. Hulk and Loki :rock

The US only scene at the very end of the credits is one of the funniest things is the whole movie.

Remember when it was Marvel that couldn't get a decent film adaptation and DC movies kicked ass? Yeah, that's all changed. I expect DC is going to rush a half-ass JLA movie following this. Marvel earned this by establishing the big four in thier own movies.

I saw it in IMAX 3d. Loved the IMAX, not the 3d. The 3d was had to watch when there was a lot of motion blur. I wish there were a 2d IMAX version.

I can't wait to see it again.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Need some help from those who have seen both versions.

I'm going to see it 2-3 times this week. Is it worth paying the extra dollars for 3D? Does 3D really add anything to the visuals perspective?

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

I'm not as harsh on 3D as some and i'm a tech junkie, so take my advise with a grain of salt.

Don't listen to void, Avengers is a great 3D post conversion. :lol

Knowhere as good as a real shot 3D movie, but the best post conversion i've seen, much better than Thor and Cap.

There were a few scenes that looked like they were filmed with 3D cameras.

That being said, thankfully the movie is outstanding regardless how one chooses to view it.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

It's a scene that was in the trailer where Tony is asking Bruce about how he stays in control after poking him with some type of pointy stick.

Hulk gets so many great moments. Hulk and Loki :rock

The US only scene at the very end of the credits is one of the funniest things is the whole movie.

Remember when it was Marvel that couldn't get a decent film adaptation and DC movies kicked ass? Yeah, that's all changed. I expect DC is going to rush a half-ass JLA movie following this. Marvel earned this by establishing the big four in thier own movies.

I can't wait to see it again.


If not for Nolan, WB/DC superhero franchises would be DOA.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm not as harsh on 3D as some and i'm a tech junkie, so take my advise with a grain of salt.

Don't listen to void, Avengers is a great 3D post conversion. :lol

Knowhere as good as a real shot 3D movie, but the best post conversion i've seen, much better than Thor and Cap.

There were a few scenes that looked like they were filmed with 3D cameras.

That being said, thankfully the movie is outstanding regardless how one chooses to view it.

Thanks man. Based on your post, 2D it is. :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Monster opening weekend in the US, likely to hit $175m which would be a new record. Also on track to break $575m worldwide.

Next stop, Billion Dollar Club.

I don't think we'll need to wait long for Avengers 2.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

A lot of people in the theatre didn't get the Thanos part and I really kind of enjoyed that.

A bunch of us got it and there were a lot of cheers.

Way to go Joss. It was a lot of fun all the way through.

FIXED. :lecture :exactly:

Loved this movie, but there were kids/babies in the theater crying and talking loudly throughout the movie while their parents just ignored them. :slap

Seems like the experience of watching superhero movies on opening day is always like this for me (superhero flicks are pretty much the only movies I watch on the big screen). I can understand bringing toddlers to a movie because you can ask them to be quiet (unfortunately some of the parents refused to do that) but why bring a baby? Seems pretty selfish. Anyone else have this experience?

This is why there NEEDS to be a Drafthouse in every major city. It is so unfair for you all to have to go to theaters that allow that. The Drafthouse would boot them out so fast. Well actually, they wouldn't even be allowed in in the first place.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm not as harsh on 3D as some and i'm a tech junkie, so take my advise with a grain of salt.

Don't listen to void, Avengers is a great 3D post conversion. :lol

Knowhere as good as a real shot 3D movie, but the best post conversion i've seen, much better than Thor and Cap.

There were a few scenes that looked like they were filmed with 3D cameras.

That being said, thankfully the movie is outstanding regardless how one chooses to view it.

Thanks man. Based on your post, 2D it is. :lol


BTW I thought Thor was a MUCH better 3D conversion, and it worked much better with the Asgard scenes etc.

Does anyone really listen to Void? :monkey3 :nana: :wave

J/K Void...couldn't help myself. :lol

Jyecat can't deny it, he's my minion. :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

3D movies are always dimmer than 2D. It's something to do with the way the tech works.

It's fine for movies which are all bright and flashy, but Avengers has 2 extended scenes that are very dark, and I found those horrible in 3D
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I just saw over on FB that OMG received his "The Art of Marvel's The Avengers".

Mine is on it's way too.
Can't wait for all the stuff inside.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I didn't catch it the first time, but there was a moment in the film when Stark and Coulson walk through the door in mid-conversation and Stark seems to be offering to fly the cello player girlfriend out from Portland to see him to help keep the relationship going. Just a nice tiny little thing to show that Stark cared about the guy and was bonding with him.

After Thor pledged Coulson that he would be his ally in Thor, it really sucked to see him stuck behind glass helplessly watching him die.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Oh, and then after the scene where the Helicarrier lifts out of the water he asks out loud "Was that really necessary?"

I'm wondering "Why are you even here?"

So why are people watching more movies at home instead of the theatre? This guy.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Oh, and then after the scene where the Helicarrier lifts out of the water he asks out loud "Was that really necessary?"

At which point you kindly tell him to shut the f__k up :lecture