The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Natasha knows she can't handle the Hulk. Rogers and Stark probably aren't afraid/respectful of the beast because they didn't fight him yet. When she got slapped aside by the Hulk, if it had'nt been for Thor, he would have killed her. That doesn't go by without leaving marks.

It's a natural reaction to almost dying. Banner cannot control the Hulk when he inadvertently turns, he is in pure rage and would have killed her. He would have tore her limb from limb and she barely escaped it. Stark was anxiously wanting him to turn and Rogers is cautiously apprehensive about him so it has little to do with respect it has more to do with the fact they were trying to get the Helicarrier's engine up and running. If they weren't I'm sure you would have had Hulk versus the rest of The Avengers right there on the ship.

One thing that Whedon does is constantly show both Hawkeye and Black Widow showing their humanity, their apparent weaknesses including sudden bursts of fear and then having them overcome it so that they cement their place amongst the superpowered heroes. Widow could just sat and cried but instead she sucked it up and kicks Hawkeye's ass. There is a similar questioning of their place amongst the team during the Chitauri fight from both.
All the other heroes are beyond being shaken by almost dying. Even Widow blows it off...usually. Why did the Hulk rattle her sense or mortality?

Personally, I feel it was more because she does not feel in control of the situation when it deals with the Hulk.

I kind of wish they had reciprocated that scene with another at the end wher the Hulk would save her life. It would have been cool to see her reaction to that after the near-death scene.
I understand the rattling of near death, what I saying is being who BW is and all her training etc. and I'm sure this was not the first time she has come so close to death. It just seemed a bit out of character for her to be left in a such a state of shock even when dealing with the Hulk.
I understand the rattling of near death, what I saying is being who BW is and all her training etc. and I'm sure this was not the first time she has come so close to death. It just seemed a bit out of character for her to be left in a such a state of shock even when dealing with the Hulk.

Yeah, watching that part left me a little confused. Like there was something else going on in her mind apart from the near-death experience.
I kind of wish they had reciprocated that scene with another at the end wher the Hulk would save her life. It would have been cool to see her reaction to that after the near-death scene.

That would have been really awesome if they included that.

I thought the apprehension and nervousness around Banner was really well done, it's how a person would act in real life if you knew what he was capable of.
When BW is trapped and he starts changing, it was a genuinely tense moment as there was nothing she could do and we had no idea how he would react.
The thing I would have liked to see defined about BW is some mention of the Russians partially re-creating the super soldier serum or another explanation of her being more than human. I don't think that's ever been clearly stated within the movie universe.

EDIT: Just read Avengers will break $200m domestic this opening weekend. Biggest Ever. This film is shattering records.
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The thing I would have liked to see defined about BW is some mention of the Russians partially re-creating the super soldier serum or another explanation of her being more than human. I don't think that's ever been clearly stated within the movie universe.

EDIT: Just read Avengers will break $200m domestic this opening weekend. Biggest Ever. This film is shattering records.

I said earlier it will make $1.1-1.5Bn all told. Think it will be closer to $1.5Bn.
I think her reaction was appropriate. Just because you are a hardened soldier, prepared to die, doesn't mean it's no big deal when the time comes. Especially when you're trained to fight other soldiers and the grim reaper arrives in the form of a giant monster from your nightmares.
It's a rumor that spilled around the time of the international premiere. Vision was on the short list of inclusions for this but that was when Hank Pym was as well. It'd be away to bring back a fan favorite legitimately by transferring or making Vision in the mold of Coulson.

I do hope they find a way to bring him back. I really like the character and will miss having him around.

Officially beat out Harry Potter and is looking to set a couple of more records if it can keep the momentum through next weekend. Marvel better hurry and get Whedon signed up for the sequel before his schedule gets filled up.

Yeah, its crushing folks right now and setting the bar so very high for all the big films coming the rest of the year.
Hulk Smash!!!

It is doing that right now for sure.

We'll know how much staying power this has next weekend as Mike said earlier. With those numbers we will know just how much it will Hulk Smash the competition for the rest of the year.
But does anyone really die in the comics? :wink1:

In this case, Coulson is gone. If Joss is responsible for Avengers 2, which he better be or else, then Coulson will not come back. You can quote me on that.

People on another forum are bashing the audiences they saw the movie with.
Saying they don't understand why people laugh and clap during the film.
A lot of them saying this doesn't happen in other countries,only in the U.S.
I love it when the crowd is into it.
Otherwise wait for the Blu-ray to come out and watch it at home to avoid the noise.

That's insane. I absolutely love it when audiences participate. It was supposed to be funny. So when people laughed, they were laughing because Joss intended for them/us to. The people complaining obviously weren't intelligent enough to understand the humor.
Saw this in Imax 3d and then standard theater 3d; amazing how dark the standard 3d showing was. Hard to see stuff during darker scenes

Thats one thing about Joss that pisses me off. He feels the need to have an 'impactful death' scene in every darn movie he does
I'm not too familiar with Loki and Thor but I was under the impression that they were much more powerful, especially Thor. My friend told me that they de-powered Thor a lot. Is there any truth to this?
1. movie was amazing

2. I wish Whedon kept the scene in where Cap visits the elderly Peggy Carter

3. The only plot hole is how was the Hulk able to control himself in the end and fight alongside allies
Topped by a family with 4 kids and a crying baby untill everyone complained and made them take the baby out.

other then that.great movie. Hulk stole the show. Cant wait for the 2nd movie