Oh man... oh man...

Saw it last night @ a packed IMAX 3D presentation. I usually avoid going on opening weekends, but I just couldn't wait for this one!
Amazingly enough, people were really into the movie and not annoying!

So that automatically makes the experience better... and man... the 3D and IMAX was just absolutely beautiful...
As for the movie! Wow!! What can I say that hasn't been said before?... this is the MOST AMAZING movie going experience I've had in quite awhile really!! Yes, there's been a lot of movies I've enjoyed a lot throughout the years, but there are certain key movies that really are a landmark in movie-going experience...
Movies like Metropolis, Godzilla, 2001, Star Wars, Alien, ESB, LOTR, Matrix, E.T., Blade Runner, Jurassic Park... to name a few, those movies changed the way we saw movies, and left a mark in movie making cinematic experiences.
And I gotta say, The Avengers literally gave me chills, thrills, jumps, scares, sadness, excitement, a real sense of danger, and I really got into the movie in away I seriously doubt ASM (my favorite Superhero) and TDKR will ever do... and I'm sure of it!
They should just stop making supehero movies altogether... there's no way of surpassing this one... this is the ESB of SH movies... If I had to call a movie perfect, this is it!! The balance between story, characters, action, SFX and Score is just perfect...
I've never been a huge Joss Whedon fan, but I gotta it to hand it to him... he did a superb job with these guys!!
I couldn't help but feeling the same excitement of watching "The Marvel Super Heros" cartoon from the 60's come to life and cranked up to 11!!
This one lives up to the hype... this one is here to set the bar... and it's really, really high now...
I gotta see it again... in IMAX 3D for sure... at least a couple of times!!

That's it... I'm out!