What was Avatar? Just another decent sci-fi movie but with pretty visuals?![]()
With must-see 3D prices.
What was Avatar? Just another decent sci-fi movie but with pretty visuals?![]()
I don't think a re-release at theaters will bring in that much for Avengers. The Blu will be out just a month later, so a lot of people will just wait.
If I were them, if I'm going to do a re-release, I'd postpone the Blu release till Christmas.
Would that be soley Disney's decision on something like this?
Are the people still going to see this seating in full cinemas? I'd be amazed if cinemas are still selling out tickets.
Are the people still going to see this seating in full cinemas? I'd be amazed if cinemas are still selling out tickets.
I love this movie..but the last time I went, there were 5 people in the theater. Me, my buddy, and three noisy girls who left halfway through the movie.
Now, mind you, we went during the work day...but school is out right now so I was still surprised at the empty theater.
I saw Promethius on the Sunday afternoon during it's opening weekend and there weren't many there.
I think if they added a half hour more there would be sell outs again, at least for the first weekend.
How did Titanic 3D do when it was re-released btw?
Here is some info from Stan Lee and Joe Simon themselves:
Source: USAToday
Fans of the Avengers will finally get to see The Avengers as they were intended in the relatively near future. Director Jon Favreau, Iron Man, states that Marvel's intent is to team up the heroes for The Avengers, which is made up of all of the Marvel heroes they have the rights to." Though the lineup for The Avengers in the comics has changed, Favreau says, "…the ones Marvel is talking about now are Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and Iron Man. I would love to see that."
Wouldn't we all.
With Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk dropping hints already through a scene at the end of Iron Man featuring Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) discussing the Avengers Initiative and Tony Stark showing up at the end of The Incredible Hulk, to tell General Ross about the "team we're putting together", the stage is being set for an epic comic book adventure.
Meanwhile, other solo Marvel projects are in the works leading up to the big Avengers debut. Stan Lee and Joe Simon weighed in on the projects.
Scheduled for a June 4, 2010 release date, disabled medical student Donald Blake discovers a hammer, Mjolnir, that transforms him into the Norse warrior (god) Thor. Years ago, the model Fabio was brought in to discuss playing the part. Lee recalls, "Someone brought him up to my office to see if he could play Thor…Visually, he would have been good, but in those days we weren't even in a position to do a movie." Lee says Thor "…will have to be someone big and strong and kind of blondish. And there should be a nobility."
Ant Man
No release date for the solo film yet. Biochemist Hank Pym develops a means to alter his size as well as communicate with and control insects. "There's never been a hero like this in the movies," Lee says. "I did one comic book called The Man in the Ant Hill about a guy who shrunk down and there were ants or bees chasing him. That sold so well that I thought making him into a superhero might be fun."
The First Avenger: Captain America
Cap should be arriving May 6, 2011. In 1941, Private Steve Rogers volunteers for an experiment with a super-soldier-serum that made him the first (and only) super-soldier for the U.S. to combat the Nazi threat. "We had him peeling spuds," creator Joe Simon recalls. "The government shot him up with a super-serum, which made him the first of what was to be an army of superheroes. We were a war-consumed nation, just like today," he says. "Hitler was a comic foil for our character, and every comic sold out that first year."
And of course, all of these characters will be tied together by Nick Fury of SHIELD: Supreme Headquaters, Interantional Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division.
Since this IS a different property all together I figured we can keep discussion in a localized place instead of scattered. And figures ARE crossed that HT makes figures of all of them!
If studios want #1 all-time bragging rights they really need to hold off on home video releases. Make the theater the ONLY way you can see Avengers for a year and watch Titanic and Avatar fall.
Any news on if Ant Man is in this?
Any news on if Ant Man is in this?
The movie has been in the theaters for over 5 weeks, now. And Ant Man still hasn't shown up.![]()
Ummmmmm....do you realise that this is an old article?
What? Disney giving up a chance to cash in on DVD sales?! I doubt it. A more surprising move by the mouse house would be to only release the DVD every few years like some of their past animation titles. But I doubt that too.
I like your idea. Gone with the Wind was released numerous times over the decades prior to DVD and look what it did.