The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yes people hate the movie, but the Hulk in that still looks better.
Leterrier's Hulk looks so CGI it's distracting. ILM > The people who created CGI Scooby Doo

I don't like the way he looks in that movie :lol I thought the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk had a better design and feel to him, until the Abomination fight that is :lol I just don't think this
compares to this
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I don't like the way he looks in that movie :lol I thought the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk had a better design and feel to him, until the Abomination fight that is :lol I just don't think this
compares to this

While it certainly wouldn't have bothered me if the Avengers had kept the look from TIH, the new Hulk definately blows both of these away.

Ang's Hulk was fun for its time but doesn't hold up very well as we get farther away from that movie.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I don't like the way he looks in that movie :lol I thought the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk had a better design and feel to him, until the Abomination fight that is :lol I just don't think this
compares to this

Bad picture, so bad example

Ang Lee's Hulk looks much better when Animated.
Don't get me wrong I like the Incredible Hulk, but I was disappointed they did not improve on the Hulk himself.

[ame=""]‪The Incredible Hulk vs Hulk‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Bad picture, so bad example

Ang Lee's Hulk looks much better when Animated.
Don't get me wrong I like the Incredible Hulk, but I was disappointed they did not improve on the Hulk himself.

‪The Incredible Hulk vs Hulk‬‏ - YouTube

That's actually true, in motion not as bad as that picture.

But TIH in motion looks even better-er-er :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

to each their own I suppose :lol all that matters is that The Avengers Hulk will blow them both out of the water
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

On a somewhat related note I remember watching The Incredible Hulk and fearing that Captain America would one day look as ridiculous as Tim Roth "running" across the field after getting a small dose of a supersoldier serum. He looked barely more convincing than Clark Kent outrunning the train in the original Superman.

I'm so glad that when Captain America: TFA played up Cap's enhanced speed it was always photographed in a way that actually looked like a real guy running fast.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I still really enjoyed Ang Lee's Hulk, and thought it was miles better than TIH. I know I'm in the minority though.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

On a somewhat related note I remember watching The Incredible Hulk and fearing that Captain America would one day look as ridiculous as Tim Roth "running" across the field after getting a small dose of a supersoldier serum. He looked barely more convincing than Clark Kent outrunning the train in the original Superman.

I'm so glad that when Captain America: TFA played up Cap's enhanced speed it was always photographed in a way that actually looked like a real guy running fast.

I thought the same thing....I thought Cap's fast run was more impressive than Blonsky's.

Although I do appreciate what they were trying to do in TIH by pulling back so that you can see that he's faster than the regular soldiers.

But it was a little too floaty no doubt about that.

I remember watching TIH and imagining that Cap's acrobatics would be similar.

I'm happy they were able to improve on it. :rock
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I still really enjoyed Ang Lee's Hulk, and thought it was miles better than TIH. I know I'm in the minority though.

Ultimately it's a fail for me, but there sure are some pretty scenes in that movie, the tank and helicopter stuff was indeed awesome, him running and jumping over the mountains with that music was awesome, some of the editing was gorgeous and most of the acting was superb.

But ultimately the whole thing put together just didn't work for me, the story elements dragged it down too much.

But I have no problem sitting down and enjoying that cluster bomb and tank scene over and over again. :rock
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

[ame=""]‪Thor Blu-ray and DVD Movie Trailer‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Avengers segment on Thor Blu-Ray
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

After seeing all the Iron Man films, Thor, Cap, and the second hulk flick I know this movie is gonna kick ass. I'm so damn excited I can hardly contain it. :rock
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

has there been any images of the rendered Hulk from the Avengers? All ive seen in the poster but its an illustration.

I didnt like either Hulk movie and im a big Hulk fan. the old TV show is far better. Really looking forward to Del Torro's TV show The Hulk!!

I still think they could easily do a Hulk with a real actor and not CGI. They made Gandolf many years ago appear larger than the Hobbits, so with technology now, im sure it would look even more amazing making someone appear larger than others.

Both Hulks in the movies have looked too squishy and rubbery to me. So i hope atleast this Avengers Hulk looks more real.
