The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread


Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I wonder if they are ever going to approach a second TIH since the showed the creation of the Leader in the first one...
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Wow, Josh!

That display looks fantastic! I bet it was something to see up close! :D

Yeah, thats what I said when I saw it the first time. :lol

It was especially when I could get in before others and actually look at it.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

So I've heard but no one ever has any details about it

From IGN:

As for the Hulk live-action show, Loeb confirmed that it's still very much in the works. It will focus on the character's early days "when people didn't know about his powers." I'm not sure what that means exactly… Perhaps it'll be more along the lines of the old Bill Bixby show, where Hulk would come and go without ever becoming widely known? Also, the show will concentrate on the love story between Betty and Bruce.

Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Interesting since Lauren Shueller Donner confirmed that another Hulk movie was being planned after The Avengers to star Ruffalo in the main role when he was cast. I wonder if this is in concurrence with the TV show or if it is not in place of....
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

A Hulk tv series? Awesome

Now just some type of Alien Colonial Marine series..
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

The Los Angeles Times:

The Avengers and the Hulk: Kevin Feige explains a new approach.

The Hulk will appear in his third feature film next year when Oscar-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo gets green in Joss Whedon’s ”The Avengers.” On Sunday, at the final day of Comic-Con International, fans got their first sense of the character’s new visage thanks to a Marvel promotional poster that depicts both the angry giant as well as Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner, shown in sad silhouette. I caught up with Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios and producer of “The Avengers,” to talk about the new green movement.

GB: Will we see anything substantially different in the visual realization of the Hulk?

KF: Well, I don’t know about substantially different. It will be as different as ”The Incredible Hulk” was from Ang Lee’s “Hulk” in terms of its look and design, but it is Hulk. The image we released on the last day of Comic-Con — which got a tremendous amount of attention and I was very pleased about — is a very good representation of what he’s going to look like. Hulk is Hulk. We’re not going to reinvent the wheel.

GB: How big will he be? That’s been a major variable through the years in the comics and the two films as well.

KF: He’ll be about the same size he was in “The Incredible Hulk” [which was about 9 feet tall] or maybe a little bit smaller. His muscles won’t be quite as cut. We figure he’s been the Hulk now for a few years and [his physique is changing]. He’s not as cut or as ripped as he was in “The Incredible Hulk.” The most important thing is that face. As you can already see in that concept painting, it is — more than any Hulk that’s ever been done in live action — a Hulk that let’s you see the actor in there. You will be able to see Ruffalo in there. That was a big revelation for us. It’s just a concept painting, but in that you can see the [influence of Marvel Comics pioneer and original Hulk artist Jack] Kirby, as people have already pointed out, but also, and equally important in this case, Ruffalo’s eyes and his cheek structure. It is him.

GB: That sounds like a very different philosophy than the approach you took on Louis Letterrier’s movie.

KF: It is. It was something we actively avoided before. Hulk was Hulk, he’s not any one actor and Hulk should look like Hulk. It was like Iron Man’s armor, in a way, it wouldn’t change depending on the actor wearing it. But we’ve taken a different approach because Hulk is Banner and, frankly, we came to question our approach. Why are we not doing it this way? So we did a few designs that put Ruffalo into it, and we immediately saw how much more you feel for the creature. When you keep that connection going between Banner and the Hulk and you have characters around him trying to reach Banner inside — “Bruce, calm down,” and all of that classic Hulk stuff — it means more if you see the same actor throughout. I think before it was something we thought might look silly. We were nervous about getting it good enough [via visual effects] to work. Frankly, it was the same way we were nervous early on about making Steve Rogers skinny for “Captain America.” Is this going to look disturbing? Is this going to look silly? In the end, we got that one right. We’re going to get this one right.

Man, Norton and Letterrier must've really pissed him off something fierce! :lol
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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

More Norton.

However, Marvel DID cut out 70 minutes of Incredible Hulk footage....I mean, i'm glad the movie wasnt 70 minutes longer, but i'm sure there could've been some good stuff cut...
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Interesting...I'm looking forward to seeing the hulk in action & smashing stuff up again :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Interesting since Lauren Shueller Donner confirmed that another Hulk movie was being planned after The Avengers to star Ruffalo in the main role when he was cast. I wonder if this is in concurrence with the TV show or if it is not in place of....

It'll be interesting to see where another movie would go...

I actually like the Norton just suffered from one major flaw to me and that was Liv Tyler. Yes, she's beautiful and delicate and waif-like but not for one moment convinced me she would be working in any lab on anything. She just wasn't right for the whatever Donner and crew have in mind I hope they take care with the casting.

As for this Avengers movie....

I'm not a Whedon fan....I haven't really gotten into anything he's done (Buffy, Firefly, Dollhouse) but...he does seem to have a handle on balancing ensembles that have some success and that's the biggest potential challenge of this many strong characters that need their moment...but hopefully it won't descend into a string of action scenes loosely surrounding some thin plot (Loki wants to take over the universe, starting with Earth! quick, trot out each Avenger and have them perform their tricks!). But maybe this will be Whedon's "moment" with a movie, where a decent story, a crackling cast and a great production rally to create something special...

I certainly didn't expect to enjoy "Thor" or "Captain America" as much as I do...they both turned out to be "perfect storms" of movies (in a good way)....good directors, tight scripts, great leading men and supporting players, stirring scores and well-rendered productions...simply put, great movies.

I hope "The Avengers" is good enough and successful enough to prompt the studio to revisit these characters individually again and again, as long as the quality stays up there...