Broke and happy
I'd say RDJ is staying put too but i've also seen strangers things come out of Hollywood too.

I'd say RDJ is staying put too but i've also seen strangers things come out of Hollywood too.
I'd say RDJ is staying put too but i've also seen strangers things come out of Hollywood too.
If he goes on a bender now, we would only be able to measure it in terms of Sheen. But it's really amazing to see his reversal of fortune. There was a time when I thought he'd never be able to pull himself out of his funk.
They MUST keep RDJ at least through Avengers 2.
It'd be crazy for them to let him go, even stupider to drop him mid-"Phase."
If they replace RDJ before all this is done, Marvel and Disney would be signing their fanboy death warrants.
That would be like replacing Jack Sparrow with someone else. Doesn't and wouldn't work.
If he goes on a bender now, we would only be able to measure it in terms of Sheen. But it's really amazing to see his reversal of fortune. There was a time when I thought he'd never be able to pull himself out of his funk.
You hate TDKR but all you collect is Nolan batman figures?
You hate TDKR but all you collect is Nolan batman figures?
He credits his wife for his turnaround. I'm glad it happened. I always liked him and I always hated seeing him in the news for drinking and drugging.
I think RDJ will be around as long as HE wants to be. Since his role has a lot of CGI to it, he can get pretty long in the tooth and still play the role.
I like this Avengers team. I hope they don't break it up.
You hate TDKR but all you collect is Nolan batman figures?
RDJr isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He knows he's too valuable to be let go and Disney/Marvel knows it too. I think anyone besides him is expendable really. Even Jackson as Fury even though the role was literally written for him. RDJr is the whole reason we even got the Avengers. If Iron Man had tanked at the box office like the Hulk did, we wouldn't have gotten a second Iron man let alone Avengers. He built this whole Marvel franchise and won't be going anywhere. If anything, I think Marvel will pull a Fury and sign him up for a good dozen or so films at once, throw in a few TV SHIELD appearances and call it a day.
Speaking of which, is the Target doc worth sitting thru?