The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

That sounds about right Jye, there probably won't be any action in this movie, just another origins story about every single character, probably mashed in to a two and a half hour movie.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yeah however nice them singing down a boat i still feel i have a valid point
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Honestly, I don't think so.

I think they will sing Row Row Your Boat Gently Down the Stream while toasting marshmellows instead.

But I could be wrong.

[ame=""]‪Kirk & McCoy Singing Life is a Dream (Row Row Row Your Boat)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
******* in Avengers trailer!!! (possible SPOILER)

Screen grab from the trailer...


Looks similar to this IMO...

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Re: Skrull in Avengers trailer!!! (possible SPOILER)



Is owned by 20th Century Fox. The Skrull characters weren't or at least weren't publically mentioned but because this character uses the direct abilities of the Fantastic Four it is off limits to Marvel Studios because it would be an infridgement of the deal already struck.

and why is this is Marvel instead of Movies/TV in The Avengers dedicated thread?
Re: Skrull in Avengers trailer!!! (possible SPOILER)

Too grainy & blurry to actually see anything.
Couldn't it be Banner in mid-transformation since he's gonna be battling the Avengers as well?

the regular skrulls dont have the powers of the F4, correct?

Yes, you're correct.
Re: Skrull in Avengers trailer!!! (possible SPOILER)

no one knows Hulk's roll in the film...

Just a theory, but if they are gonna take some lead from the books. All will join together to form the Avengers but later on Loki will control/persuade the Hulk to go on a rampage. Cue the Avengers.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

To me that doesn't look like someone running towards the camera but someone with their hand up defensively as if trying to block falling debris.

This kind of shielding:


The shadow looks to be looking to the right with the hand up in that same position.

Isn't it confirmed that Super Skrull is in the film?

No. Super Skrull in his comic form would be a copyright infringement on 20th Century Fox's ownership of the Fantastic Four, their powers and the history of the character. The Skrulls have been rumored to be in the film based on the heavy pulling from The Ultimates but remember they weren't the Skrulls in The Ultimates they were the Chitauri who financed the Nazi regime in an attempt to conquer the Earth. Which were different aliens than The Skrulls that The Skrulls hate to be confused with because they consider The Chitauri terrorists.

Not to mention that we aren't even sure if the Skrulls whom have had more run-ins with the FF than anyone else is encapulated within the 20th Century Fox license.
Re: ******* in Avengers trailer!!! (possible SPOILER)

or it could be the storyline where the avengers get together to stop hulk and then see that he isnt the savage beast anymore that he once was and then he joins them... to stop loki and whoever else...
Re: ******* in Avengers trailer!!! (possible SPOILER)

Honestly nick, all i see in that pic is a man or woman in a black body stocking, running.

No discernible details according to my eyes.