"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Granted, the answer is probably "No", but does anyone here think Warner Bros. will have the balls to produce a rated R Dark Knight film??

With the way the Joker is going to appear in this movie, I can't see how Nolan is going to pull off a PG-13. This just seems like it'll be too frightening and intense for that rating. Don't get me wrong: I'd be all for a psychotically dark R-rated Batman film.

I just wonder if Warner Bros. is willing to go down that road...
Sith Lord 0498 said:
Granted, the answer is probably "No", but does anyone here think Warner Bros. will have the balls to produce a rated R Dark Knight film??

With the way the Joker is going to appear in this movie, I can't see how Nolan is going to pull off a PG-13. This just seems like it'll be too frightening and intense for that rating. Don't get me wrong: I'd be all for a psychotically dark R-rated Batman film.

I just wonder if Warner Bros. is willing to go down that road...
That would be great, and it certainly looks like Nolan is heading in that direction, but I doubt WB would do it for one reason - $$$$

They want to sell tickets and their little action figures to all the kids out there, and they can't do that with a R rating.
Jedi_Knight Rob said:
Meh, the only thing I don't like about Bale's Batman is the voice. From what little scenes I saw, it sounded like Bale had strep throat.:lol
At first I thought it was kinda stupid too, but when you think about it don't you know most of your friends or family members voices? If you're going to try and hide your identity it makes perfect sense to try and change you voice too. I had no problem with him sounding so much different while being Batman, it just made it that much more realistic to me.
I don't know if a PG13 rating would hold Nolan back from making the Joker into the truly frightening villain he's supposed to be. True they wouldn't be able to show blood and guts, but sometimes the most frightening and shocking moments can be done without blood and guts, just using suggestion can be enough.

Nolan is a smart director, as he proved with the first movie, so I think he'd find a way to put across the horror of the Joker, without resorting to loads of blood and guts.

Implication is sometimes cooler IMO:D

BTW the movie poster on the previous page of this thread that says "not all jokes are funny" is it an official poster or fan made?
I don't know if a PG13 rating would hold Nolan back from making the Joker into the truly frightening villain he's supposed to be. True they wouldn't be able to show blood and guts, but sometimes the most frightening and shocking moments can be done without blood and guts, just using suggestion can be enough.

Nolan is a smart director, as he proved with the first movie, so I think he'd find a way to put across the horror of the Joker, without resorting to loads of blood and guts.

Implication is sometimes cooler IMO:D

I wasn't even thinking about the movie having blood and guts. I'm thinking this will skirt dangerously close to an R rating just because of the implication and suggestion that Nolan will give to the Joker's scenes. The intensity alone may push it beyond the PG-13 realm. I wonder if Warner Bros. has considered and prepared for that possibility...
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but Ledger should NOT be the Joker, it looks dumb. I'm so ticked. I loved Batman Begins, but now they're taking the BEST VILLAIN EVER and making everything about him different. Some characters, changes are ok, even great, but the Joker and Batman are 2 you don't touch. Batman, PERFECT, love Bale, but the Joker looks crummy. That stupid scar, the "dark" feel. Whatever, Joker was loud, funny, annoying, everything the Bat isn't. I'm gonna see this, and I'll give it that chance, but I'm sure they're going to rape my fav. villain ever with this hack. I have hope for Dent though. I'm just upset with who they cast for my fav. villain, and I'm not one for "fanboy" syndrome where I make myself like something out of desperation just to see my fav. comics turned into movies. But I'm sure it'll be huge, and people will say "PBK you're dumb, Ledger will be a great Joker, mute point mute point mute point blah" and I'll wallow in my room watching the Animated series enjoying the way the Joker SHOULD have been portrayed.
I presume you're talking about Batman The Animated Series, rather than The Batman, when you're talking about the way Joker should be portrayed PBK:lol .

I think any actor would have a long way to go to compete with Mark Hammils rendition and I think I've mentioned it in this thread. Hammil could take the Joker from being hillariously funny to a threatening and menacing pyschotic in an instant.

I'm looking forward to The Dark Knight and I'm open minded to see what will happen with Ledger's portrayal of the Joker.
PosterBoyKelly said:
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but Ledger should NOT be the Joker, it looks dumb.

So you have some inside information and pics of what Ledger looks like as the Joker?

Oh, you don't.

Ledger will own the character Nolan wrote.
I think PBK was just giving his opinion.

There has been a picture of Heath in the Joker get up, although it was a little fuzzy, not completely clear what the character would look like.
We have a picture above that is pretty much guaranteed official.

I think this interpretation of the Joker is going to be great. He's a dark character and it will be interesting to see him portrayed really, really dark which they couldn't do in the animated series, although the Batman Beyond, Return of the Joker came close.
I finally watched Batman Begins the other day and enjoyed it so I spent the last hour or so reading this thread. I never liked the first four Batman movies, I think I've only seen the second and third in their entirety. I think some of it is the first two were too dark for my age when they came out and the last two sucked from what I remember. I'm kind of afraid that the Joker is going to be too dark for me too based on that picture above. It looks so greusome...
I like that 'official' pic of the Joker except for the 'lipstick.' I'm fine with a little slop, but the lipstick is practically on his nose and chin. If they just stay a bit closer to the real lips and cuts I'd be fine. Hope to see some good shots of him soon, hopefully no later than SDCC.
The new image of Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight has now been removed from IBelieveinHarveyDentToo.com. It's been replaced with red text that gives the error, "Page not found." If you highlight the entire page, however, you'll see a ton of Ha Ha Ha's with some letters here and there that don't belong. String those letters together and what do you get? - "See you in December."
Karma said:
The new image of Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight has now been removed from IBelieveinHarveyDentToo.com. It's been replaced with red text that gives the error, "Page not found." If you highlight the entire page, however, you'll see a ton of Ha Ha Ha's with some letters here and there that don't belong. String those letters together and what do you get? - "See you in December."

You can still see the images here....

This movie is going to rock. I can;t wait for the Hot Toys Joker....
Karma said:
The new image of Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight has now been removed from IBelieveinHarveyDentToo.com. It's been replaced with red text that gives the error, "Page not found." If you highlight the entire page, however, you'll see a ton of Ha Ha Ha's with some letters here and there that don't belong. String those letters together and what do you get? - "See you in December."

You can still see the images here....

This movie is going to rock. I can't wait for the Hot Toys Joker....
Hi everybody.

I have been waiting for this movie since about 30 second after seeing Batman Begins.
Agent0028 said:
I finally watched Batman Begins the other day and enjoyed it so I spent the last hour or so reading this thread. I never liked the first four Batman movies, I think I've only seen the second and third in their entirety. I think some of it is the first two were too dark for my age when they came out and the last two sucked from what I remember. I'm kind of afraid that the Joker is going to be too dark for me too based on that picture above. It looks so greusome...

Oh Agent0028, You are the living end!

J/K I know what you mean... I think the Joker should be funny, but then scary in the of a split second. Like the Batman TAS cartoon did it. Not like the new ‘Batman’ cartoon, with that silly design.

The Joker is vain; he loves attention and does care what he looks like. I think that if he's just some rag-tag psycho in this movie, it may fail. He can't be too Dark or manic. He has to be funny, Intelligent and just when you start to like him, he does something really scary in a way that make you freak out. Something like Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs, that kind of way.

Back to the vanity thing, The Joker loves elaborate pranks & crimes and over the top outfits... He has a warped sense of fashion, for sure. But loves the way he looks and shouldn't look like some nut-so bum like in the new Batman cartoon.

I actually drew a picture in some downtime at work when I was reading about the Joker's new design description from the film and want to sketch it out... Here my take. I also think he should still maintain a lot from his comicbook roots... I drew these before the DK Joker picture was released

I like the original face I drew in the top right corner... I just drew it on a page without enough room for to finish the jacket and body…
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