"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I think a return for Ras would be a bit cheesy, but I could see a story bringing Bruce back to where his training began. Perhaps he finds himself unable to stand up to Joker at first, and seeks to reinvigorate himself returning to the routes of his skills. Or they could just like some architecture or something and want to shoot there, doesn't have to be a foreign localle, they've shown that several things can make up the design of Gotham.
Definitely taking their craft to another level though going to Hong Kong just for Gotham's Chinatown District.......Ras' return wouldn't necessarily be cheesy....you have to remember that character is immortal via the Lazarus Pit and has "died" multiple times in the past....Although I have a feeling that MF hit it on the head with Bruce returning to his roots kind of thing...
Since they are going for a realistic apporoach to Batman, I don't see Ra's coming back. I didn't see him jump out of that train, so he'd probably be in pretty bad shape if he lived (not likely). Too bad though since Liam was great.

Not sure about the Hong Kong shooting. Maybe Batman tracks Scarcrow back to China where he is trying to continue with the blue flower drugs? Perhaps as a pre-opening credits thingy? I know they said Scarcrow won't be in it much, but I could see at least that happening.

Also sad to hear about the special effects guy dying on set. That has to be hard for everyone on set. Hope they give a dedication to him in the credits.
i dont think the Ras story would be too lame as long as they tied it up pretty quickly. something like bruce hears something about the scarecrow or Ras' goons up to no good and he goes to investigate only to come back with the Joker in full effect.
Well the site the first showed the first pic of the Joker did say "See you in December" so I figured that would be our first real trailer showing stuff. But Batman ripping noses off? I thought that was Penguin's job.
I'm hearing (from an article linked from the IMDB boards) that there now might be a 7 Minute Prologe with the Joker playing only with the IMAX version of I am Legend. That would be sweet if true since I have an IMAX equipped theater just a few miles away. Perhaps the clue "See you in December" is really refurring to this?
guys be sure to check out whysoserious(dot)com when it hits 12!! tonight!! the candle is almost done!
There should have been 48-50 different cities, one for each state. There isn't even a city in my state. Denver, Vegas, and Phoniex are the closest ones to me. I'd love to go on the hunt though if there was one in Salt Lake. :(

I was hoping to see the pumpkin fully rotted on one side and have us click on it to get to whatever this thing is. BTW, HOW did you send them a photo anyway? I assume this will be done by sometime tomorrow.

I'm hoping for a Two-Face picture. :D
There should have been 48-50 different cities, one for each state. There isn't even a city in my state. Denver, Vegas, and Phoniex are the closest ones to me. I'd love to go on the hunt though if there was one in Salt Lake. :(

I was hoping to see the pumpkin fully rotted on one side and have us click on it to get to whatever this thing is. BTW, HOW did you send them a photo anyway? I assume this will be done by sometime tomorrow.

I'm hoping for a Two-Face picture. :D

No salt lake, the bat hates mormons. j/k

Weren't you in the chat? You just missed chris doing a contest for hulk pf.

"The only Senisble way to live in this world is without rules"

We are just missing two letters, one in Denver and when in Albequere. If any of you live in either place, forget Spooktacular and find the last to letters! A S and an I.
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