"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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The more pics I see of this suit the more I hate it. I like the more organic look, this is too military in style. The suit in BB was tolerable especially considering how he got it but I really don't like the direction they're going with it this time.:monkey4
well, I like this new costume!
I would buy a hot toys or medicom or takara figure, no doubt. The only reason I didn't buy the takara version of the batman begins figure was the neck articulation. With this one, no problem, it's solved on the original costume as we can see on that picture :D
well, the more I think about this coistume, the more I'm convinced I'd buy it 1/6 or 1/1 scale :D

The neck is fine.

The rest looks like a Tim Burton/Jorl Schumacher nightmare. :monkey4
How does this suit look crappy? Considering it doesn't have nipples or fake muscle armor(I can deal with the 89 suit chest muscle, but Shoemaker took it alittle too far when he made the suits have fake rubber muscles that served no purpose other than to appease his sick fetish) or stupid metal ice designs or bulging crotch and ass pieces, I'd say it's FAR from Shoemaker or Burton's suits.:rolleyes:
It's crap because it's both OVERDONE and UNNECESSARY.
Care to explain? From what Ive seen, it offers both PROTECTION and MOBILITY(The torso, head and leg armor are all segmented, offering both of those stated), both which are essential to this Batman's character are they not? If I was fighting a one-man war on crime, I'd pretty much NEED a suit like this, wouldn't I?

Overdone? So you think giving Batman more mobility(Such as now being able to turn his head aswell as it being armored now) is overdone compared with Shumacher's nipples and useless rubber muscle armor?:rolleyes:
I only have two questions for you, JKR.

1) Why are you letting yourself become so defensive about the suit? It's not as if you designed it. People are entitled to like or dislike what they want.

2) Why raise a deliberate straw man argument by bringing Schumacher's abomination into the debate? The statement that one dislikes the new costume design in no way infers that one prefers (or even likes, on any level) the Schumacher design.

Personally, I tend to agree with Irish on the costume. It seems excessive, and deliberately so, in a yet another vain attempt to make Batman less of a superhero, and more of a supposed, "gritty, realistic" vigilante.

Between that, the new batcycle, and the new Joker character design, which I find the complete opposite of what I want to see in the Joker, I am really wondering why they are bothering to advertise this as having anything to do with Batman at all. At this point, unless something changes drastically between now and next spring, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be staying far, far away from the theater where this "film" is playing.
It's crap because it's both OVERDONE and UNNECESSARY.

This I agree with and I see the argument. Batman in his essence is a man who uses his intellect and uncanny attention to detail to solve his crimes. The suit is supposed to simple yet enough to install fear into the criminals he seeks. While it did have a weird turn with the blue/grey tones I think the dark tones and black and grey details of the modern Batman really give a lot of homage to the original thought. The film suits from Batman 1989 to Batman Begins have had a technological slant on them making him almost rely on the suit like Iron Man for example (a long leap but the parallel is there). It takes away the simplistic essence. I dislike the suit compared to the Batman Begins suit and really dislike the idea that the suit changes with every film one trait that hasn't changed since Burton but its far from an abomination IMHO....
The main reason why the suit changes from film to film (and sometimes multiple times in a film): IT SELLS MORE TOYS. :monkey4
Between that, the new batcycle, and the new Joker character design, which I find the complete opposite of what I want to see in the Joker, I am really wondering why they are bothering to advertise this as having anything to do with Batman at all. At this point, unless something changes drastically between now and next spring, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be staying far, far away from the theater where this "film" is playing.

I have to admit that I'm not a fan of the suit-the new one or the Begins one. But the story, characters and performances were good enough that I overlooked that. I will probably have to do that with DK as well. But Hedger's look and how well Nolan handled both the story and visual aspects of BB (besides the action scenes) give me confidence that he and I are in sync about what we want to see in a Batman movie. That's where the "In Nolan We Trust" comes from, I think.
I only have two questions for you, JKR.

1) Why are you letting yourself become so defensive about the suit? It's not as if you designed it. People are entitled to like or dislike what they want.

2) Why raise a deliberate straw man argument by bringing Schumacher's abomination into the debate? The statement that one dislikes the new costume design in no way infers that one prefers (or even likes, on any level) the Schumacher design.

Personally, I tend to agree with Irish on the costume. It seems excessive, and deliberately so, in a yet another vain attempt to make Batman less of a superhero, and more of a supposed, "gritty, realistic" vigilante.

Between that, the new batcycle, and the new Joker character design, which I find the complete opposite of what I want to see in the Joker, I am really wondering why they are bothering to advertise this as having anything to do with Batman at all. At this point, unless something changes drastically between now and next spring, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be staying far, far away from the theater where this "film" is playing.

1)I'm not. I'm just asking why he is saying it's overblown and comparing it to the Shumacher suits, which, IMHO, didn't do crap except fit in with his twisted fantasy of crotch and butt shots. To me, this one looks more flexible, yet offering the same protection as the Begins suit, without the loss of flexibility, something which Batman would probably need in his field of work, would he not?:confused:

2)Yes, but if you notice on the other page, he DOES compare it to Shumacher's suits, which IMHO, isn't very right, considering the Shumacher suits did absolutely nothing useful.

Again, this is Batman we're talking about here. If he has a chance to upgrade his mobility while still having the same amount of protection with the other suit, then I think he would upgrade to a suit like this, wouldn't he?

To be, honest I don't care for the new Joker myself, though I saw a video on youtube of the Batcycle in action, and believe me, despite it's weird design, it's pretty fast, which would probably be useful to Batman if he were trying to make a quick strike at an armed band of criminals without getting hit or caught, wouldn't it?

Either way, I like the new suit. It's nice that Batman can finally move his head and isn't as restricted when he's fighting some thug or ninja. The only thing I don't like are the retractable wrist blades. I honestly wouldve preferred he kept the gauntlets.
"Wait a minute--there's something familiar about you. Do you have a brother?"


SPOILER: I know how the movie ends!! The Batmobile loses a wheel and the Joker gets away.
I'll wait until I see the movie to pass judgement on the suit, cause I remember hating the early pics of the Begins suit but it grew on me. With this one though you'd think the suit would get less clunky and parted out looking as the Bat went on instead of more. Also I'm dying to see a black and grey comic colored outfit even if the body is still a latex suit.
I think that this Batman outfit is going to look its best in darker scenes--for a movie called "The Dark Knight" these initial images are exceedingly well lit. We need to see him lurking in the shadows.
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