"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I went down to the vegas one. nothing, then again, I couldn't find the red star. But when I got back to work, someone already beat me to the punch. Thye probably went at night (bars open 24/7). You're supposed to receive something if you find the clue. I bet all those people get to go to the premier of the dark knight.

"The only Senisble way to live in this world is without rules"

We are just missing two letters, one in Denver and when in Albequere. If any of you live in either place, forget Spooktacular and find the last to letters! A S and an I.

All have been found. it's a joker pic (great pic IMO), with aline from the movie. The click on the picture and go to a whole new site for another task. RORY!
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I need to borrow a camera cord from my grandparents tonight, but I will post pics AND send them in! I think Aaron Eckhart will get a kick out of my idea. :D
Good thing I dressed up as the Joker for Halloween, scars and all! :D

I might do Joker as well, just for the site. Theres a contest my friends are entering at the luxor tonight. I might go. We already went to one contest yesterday and I am still recovering. I seriously need Zzzs. lol, sorry for the ramble.
"Tonight, you're gonna..."

I can't understand the rest. What's he saying??
Alright here at the pics of me as the Joker. It was a mix between the new Dark Knight, classic, and a variety of purples :lol


Pumpkin contest:


Joker's Contest:



I was going to go to the Salt Lake Temple, but it was getting dark to quickly, so I just went to my church. Utah is known for us Mormons right? I wonder what we will get for doing it?
I sent in the first photo under the Joker Contest in my post above. I figured it was the creepiest and easiest to see me and the writing. I hope Aaron Eckhart sees it, he'll either get a kick out of it or find it offensive :lol Hopefully get a kick out of it.

They made me enter email, address, and other info. Then I had to go to my email and confirm it by clicking on another link. I wonder what our prize is. They said he'll want to get ahold of us above where it asks for our address. I wonder if we are entering into a much bigger contest than originally thought?
Yeah, I didn't like the very first pic we saw of him (that exreme closeup with his eyes half shut), but every other pic of him I've seen since then I've liked more and more. I guess the first one threw me because I wasn't exactly expecting a "real" Joker, but it makes total sense in Nolan's universe. I LOVE the scars on the face (as you can make out in my Halloween costume pics). Definately sick and twisted, kinda like DA :lol

I also like the voice(s). He seems to speak with a different tone and pitch in every clip I've heard. The two sentences in the trailer and the one on the soserious site are all different, but still creepy!

Anyone else going to send a pic in or am I the lone freak on the board? I will keep you guys up to date on any info I get from them if I am the only one.
I sent in the first photo under the Joker Contest in my post above. I figured it was the creepiest and easiest to see me and the writing. I hope Aaron Eckhart sees it, he'll either get a kick out of it or find it offensive :lol Hopefully get a kick out of it.

They made me enter email, address, and other info. Then I had to go to my email and confirm it by clicking on another link. I wonder what our prize is. They said he'll want to get ahold of us above where it asks for our address. I wonder if we are entering into a much bigger contest than originally thought?

That's awesome that you have a picture sent in. Can't wait to see it!

I watched them film a few scenes this summer and all I can say is that the entire cast is GREAT! Heath looks so evil, and Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckart are two of the nicest actors I've ever met.
That's awesome that you have a picture sent in. Can't wait to see it!

I watched them film a few scenes this summer and all I can say is that the entire cast is GREAT! Heath looks so evil, and Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckart are two of the nicest actors I've ever met.

Awesome! Did you actually see the scenes play out as the filmed? If so can you say anything, or at least what you thought of Heath's and Aaron's performances? I'm really interested to see what way they are going with those two.
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