"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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And actually the 89 Elfman score is one of my favorite scores of all time. I don't think I even noticed the music in Batman Begins.
Your comment put a "smile" on my face, and a wink in my eye. ;) :D
Because after all, laughter is the best medicine!


Now I'm jealous. Any idea of they will be selling a set of Joker cards eventually or a Two-Face coin replica?

At least I seem to be a good guesser. ;)

Another guess, the city feels Batman betrays them and they turn on him, so Gordon is forced to smash the signal, even though he knows Batman really didn't - that his why he looks so worried.
Your comment put a "smile" on my face, and a wink in my eye. ;) :D
Because after all, laughter is the best medicine!


Hmmm, Hyams is the name on the semi near the end of the trailer that tips over. Looks like this is going to be great. Now if only they can keep the momentum up until it releases in Summer then I think it might do great. It'd also be interesting to see if possibly Ledger gets nominated for an Oscar if his performance is good enough.

I love the music in begins. I think it was Hans Zimmer and James Howard who scored it. I love how heroic and dark the theme is. It is amazing work and I cannot wait to this movie. It is going to kick butt and I'm sure the score will be amazing as well.
Now I'm jealous. Any idea of they will be selling a set of Joker cards eventually or a Two-Face coin replica?

At least I seem to be a good guesser. ;)

Another guess, the city feels Batman betrays them and they turn on him, so Gordon is forced to smash the signal, even though he knows Batman really didn't - that his why he looks so worried.

I also think it has something to do with the multiple "batmen" Joker has working for him...

I still like Batman to this day. I like the set designs and the feel of the city. The Batsuit and Batmobile designs are fantastic and the best of all the films so far. Keaton was ok as Batman/Wayne. Michael Gough was great in all the flicks. Elfman's score is one of my favorites, loved it from when it first came out and know every note. But Batman is not a Batman movie, it is a Joker movie. And besides a great look, was a very poor take on the character. Though it is a great Comic Book movie.

I get bored watching Batman Returns. Again, I like the set designs, Pfeiffer is HOT as the Catwoman. You can't go wrong with Christopher Walken as any character. But I hate the redesigned Batsuit with is window blinds abs. The Penguin is awful.

Even though it is campy, I enjoy Batman Forever much more than Returns. I like Val Kilmers take on Wayne. Chris O'Donnell had a GREAT take on an edgy Robin. I thought Carrey was fine as Riddler and Kidman was HOT as usual. TLJ was pretty bad as Two Face as was the stupid purple face. The Batmobile looks horrible.

Batman And Robin. . .. . yup, pretty much one of the worst movies ever made (not Highlander 2 bad though). As bad as the movie was, I thought Schwarzenegger did a good job as Mr. Freeze. I like Clooney and had hopes for him, but he just didn't pull off Batman.

The thing I hated most about these 4 movies was how Gordon was not used. They just made him some fat guy that barked an order or two and that was it.

Batman Begins. Not only is it a fantastic Batman movie, it is a great movie on it's own. This was just a well done movie from start to finish. Every cast member nailed their parts. Bale as a great choice. You see why Bruce Wayne is Batman. His parents are killed by Chill and not the Joker. Wilkinson was awesome as Falcone ("This is a world you'll never understand. And you always fear what you don't understand.") Neeson's Ducard, nuff said. We have a fleshed out Gordon that looks just like Gordon. There is even Flass!! The realness is there and the score is wonderful. Holmes was the only weak link, and she is gone.

The Dark Knight. Just going by the fantastic trailer and 6 min epilogue, will prolly be the best of the bunch. That is the Joker and this is Batman.

As for the Batman vs Batman Begins. They each got right what the other got wrong. Begins just got more right.

My god, Evilface. That is one of the most thoughful and insightful posts I have ever read from you. And I don't mean that to be sarcastic, but genuine. I'm so used to your "don't like it, don't buy it" posts. :D

Bravo! And I pretty much agree.

Excellent trailer..Ledger more than has the goods.

So...when can we expect a Ledger/Joker Sideshow figure? :)

It beats the heck out of a Batman movie with Danny Elfman music, fake snow, obvious cardboard scenery and a Gotham that seems about as big as my living room.

It also beats a Batman movie with green and purple lights everywhere and nipples on the batsuit.
dont forget crappy soundtrack with R kelly. glad these new movies are scored with no hip hop whatsoever.

great insights EVILFACE. i dont know why everyone thinks its got to be either/or with the batman movies. there's nothing wrong with enjoying burton's take on the charactor and nolan's take on the charactor. both series have there high points. personally i like the new series because its darker and there's more drama and charactor development. i really hope they do a much better Mr. freeze story with this new series. maybe without the x-mas cartoons this time.

So...when can we expect a Ledger/Joker Sideshow figure? :)

No. Because Sideshow doesn't have the DC license and I'm sure never will. For DC Direct has that. But Hot Toys and Medicom seem like the best places to expect one.

great insights EVILFACE. i dont know why everyone thinks its got to be either/or with the batman movies. there's nothing wrong with enjoying burton's take on the charactor and nolan's take on the charactor. both series have there high points. personally i like the new series because its darker and there's more drama and charactor development. i really hope they do a much better Mr. freeze story with this new series. maybe without the x-mas cartoons this time.

Freeze isn't realistic. I highly doubt ever seeing a Freeze in this series unless he is VERY different (ie no ice gun, freezing suit, or anything else associated with the character). I could see a Riddler (similar to Joker), Penguin (just a minor mob boss), Catwoman (Simpsons Crazy Cat Lady :lol ), Black Mask (another minor mob boss), Ventriquist and Scarface (another mob boss(es)) and obviously Two-Face.

Batman's villians actually seem quite limited in the realistic setting: no Clayface, Killer Croc, Manbat, Bane, Freeze, Poison Ivy, etc, etc.

I agree with Evilface's post completely except for one thing......O'Donnell sucked a big one as Robin and that whole thing didn't fly.

Also, I think any of Bat's rogues could make their appearances in Nolan's world...I guarantee they'll just be more gruesome...
I hope someone posts the 6 min clip on youtube, but I think I can wait to see it officially released. I'm sure we will see it, Fox released a 15 minute clip of Diehard4 so it is pretty likely IMO.

And why is there a DK Trailer thread now? We've been posting Trailer clips and DK info here all along... the official thread since July 06...

Anyway, I'm sort of hoping HT tries to do a rooted hair Ledger Joker...
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And why is there a DK Trailer thread now? We've been posting Trailer clips and DK info here all along... the official thread since July 06...

Some people are just a little slow.

Freeze isn't realistic. I highly doubt ever seeing a Freeze in this series unless he is VERY different (ie no ice gun, freezing suit, or anything else associated with the character).

That would be too bad, as Freeze was a character I really liked as a kid.

Perhaps they could just make him more realistic: keep the suit, justified by a genetics experiment gone awry or something, just make the suit more like a make-shift biological environment suit. Or maybe he's a severe germaphobe who insists on keeping himself cold to ward off viruses...and he could use a biological contagion as his weapon or super-plot.

I dunno, there's a way to do it I'm sure.
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On the jingle bells theme :monkey5

Jingle Bells, Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
The Batmobile lost a wheel
and the Joker got away


That is possible, but I think it would almost be a different character at that point. Three films is about right for this run, with Two-Face and possibly the Riddler (again) being up for the third film's villians.

While I'd love to see a Clayface or any other supernatural villian, I just can't see them in Nolan's Universe

I'd love to see a TV series of the Nolan Universe after the films are through. Could maybe get into some of the more unrealistic villians there.
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