"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I hope someone posts the 6 min clip on youtube, but I think I can wait to see it officially released. I'm sure we will see it, Fox released a 15 minute clip of Diehard4 so it is pretty likely IMO.

And why is there a DK Trailer thread now? We've been posting Trailer clips and DK info here all along... the official thread since July 06...

Anyway, I'm sort of hoping HT tries to do a rooted hair Ledger Joker...

The Prologue keeps getting posted, but pulled. Check the IMDB boards regularly to catch them.

Some people think multiple threads are necessary :rolleyes:

I hope not. Rooted hair rarely ever works well. The Jack Sparrow hair seems to work, so I imagine the Joker's would too. I just hope they give us multiple heads like the Cannibal Jack - clean and messy make up (smile/serious faces).
Oh come on now, Mr. Freeze would be easy to do. Main weapon emits liquid nitrogen to freeze things and the suit he wears is to keep himself warm. May change the character a bit but it still would work. Manbat probably could too if you do it monster movie style with genetics gone wrong. I'd really like to see Penguin and Catwoman done. Isn't Selina the only of the Rouge's Gallery to never be in Arkham?
Oh come on now, Mr. Freeze would be easy to do. Main weapon emits liquid nitrogen to freeze things and the suit he wears is to keep himself warm. May change the character a bit but it still would work. Manbat probably could too if you do it monster movie style with genetics gone wrong. I'd really like to see Penguin and Catwoman done. Isn't Selina the only of the Rouge's Gallery to never be in Arkham?

I could buy that Freeze. Manbat is still a no-go for me. Liquid nitrogen exists, but manbats don't. :lol Penguin and Catwoman are also doable, but just not in the Burton way. Penguin would just have to be a mob boss with a monacle and love for birds. Catwomen just a copycat (get it?) of Batman's outfit use as a catburgler- more a prologue villian than a main villian. Two-Face vs Penguin could be cool though for 3.

Just cool villians get to stay at Arkham. No Paris Hiltons or Martha Stewarts allowed. :D
I hope someone posts the 6 min clip on youtube, but I think I can wait to see it officially released. I'm sure we will see it, Fox released a 15 minute clip of Diehard4 so it is pretty likely IMO.

And why is there a DK Trailer thread now? We've been posting Trailer clips and DK info here all along... the official thread since July 06...

Anyway, I'm sort of hoping HT tries to do a rooted hair Ledger Joker...

Aint It Cool News still has the prologue up...


I still like Batman to this day. I like the set designs and the feel of the city. The Batsuit and Batmobile designs are fantastic and the best of all the films so far. Keaton was ok as Batman/Wayne. Michael Gough was great in all the flicks. Elfman's score is one of my favorites, loved it from when it first came out and know every note. But Batman is not a Batman movie, it is a Joker movie. And besides a great look, was a very poor take on the character. Though it is a great Comic Book movie.

I get bored watching Batman Returns. Again, I like the set designs, Pfeiffer is HOT as the Catwoman. You can't go wrong with Christopher Walken as any character. But I hate the redesigned Batsuit with is window blinds abs. The Penguin is awful.

Even though it is campy, I enjoy Batman Forever much more than Returns. I like Val Kilmers take on Wayne. Chris O'Donnell had a GREAT take on an edgy Robin. I thought Carrey was fine as Riddler and Kidman was HOT as usual. TLJ was pretty bad as Two Face as was the stupid purple face. The Batmobile looks horrible.

Batman And Robin. . .. . yup, pretty much one of the worst movies ever made (not Highlander 2 bad though). As bad as the movie was, I thought Schwarzenegger did a good job as Mr. Freeze. I like Clooney and had hopes for him, but he just didn't pull off Batman.

The thing I hated most about these 4 movies was how Gordon was not used. They just made him some fat guy that barked an order or two and that was it.

Batman Begins. Not only is it a fantastic Batman movie, it is a great movie on it's own. This was just a well done movie from start to finish. Every cast member nailed their parts. Bale as a great choice. You see why Bruce Wayne is Batman. His parents are killed by Chill and not the Joker. Wilkinson was awesome as Falcone ("This is a world you'll never understand. And you always fear what you don't understand.") Neeson's Ducard, nuff said. We have a fleshed out Gordon that looks just like Gordon. There is even Flass!! The realness is there and the score is wonderful. Holmes was the only weak link, and she is gone.

The Dark Knight. Just going by the fantastic trailer and 6 min epilogue, will prolly be the best of the bunch. That is the Joker and this is Batman.

As for the Batman vs Batman Begins. They each got right what the other got wrong. Begins just got more right.

A great post (with insight) deserves a response.

I was one of the ones, although a huge Michael Keaton fan (going back to Mr. Mom, Night Shift, etc.), who didn't see the casting of Bruce Wayne as right-- and then I went and saw Tim Burton's BATMAN and I was reminded why I love movies so much. To this day that movie is still among my top ten films. Everything was bang on--despite Jack being Jack and dominating the screen as only he could.

BATMAN RETURNS was a good film but something about it never really clicked. Michelle Pfeiffer's role was well done and of course Walken is watchable in pretty much anything but by this time Keaton's Batman seemed different... I don't know the word, maybe forced?... And despite Danny Devito's chops the Penguin character never really worked as the main antagonist. The sight of hundreds of penguins with rockets attached to them--- d'uoh.

BATMAN FOREVER was a new vision and while I enjoyed Val's Batman I've never been a real fan of Robin so no matter what Chris O'Donnell did with it I wasn't going to like it too much. Jim Carey was a good fit for the Riddler (I always wondered what he'd do as the Joker--personally he has the frame and the maniacal look if he kept from veering off the page with improvised Ace Ventura remarks I thought he would've made a great Joker for the new Batman) but I hated Tommy Lee Jones' interpretation of Two-Face.

BATMAN & ROBIN will sit happily with Richard Pryor's SUPERMAN III & for that matter SUPERMAN IV as one of the worst superhero movies of all-time... and it was so toxic that it almost killed not only the character film longevity but also the comic book to movie possibilities. Thankfully other movies came out in the past few years which have reenergized Hollywood's desire to see the comic pages come alive on the big screen.

BATMAN BEGINS as you succinctly put it is fantastic. An actual MOVIE and not a two-hour toy commercial. Great character development, actors who can act, a villain that is not only well-developed but also someone who you root for to be beaten, and a Batman/Bruce Wayne played with a depth that has not been seen before. Look at the peripheral characters-- Michael Caine as Alfred, Gary Oldman as Lt. Gordon, and Morgan Freeman as Lucas (sp?)-- When you have actors of that calibre as supporting players you know that you've got something. The only problem is Katie Holmes and that brings me to my concern about the upcoming DARK KNIGHT... From what I've seen of the trailer Jake's sis Maggie Gyllenhaal seems to be the new love interest--- I'm sick of Batman NEEDING a love interest or damsel in distress. If anything from Kim Basinger's Vickie Vale, (omit Michelle Pfeiffer as she was a good villainess), Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman (bad villainess) & supermodel girlfriend for Clooney's Wayne, Katie Holmes,...all of these are women who drag down the action and when they find out Batman's secret identity (for those that do and it's pretty much all of them) I groan with disgust everytime.

I realize it's a movie but eliminate the needless love story/romantic angle..He's Batman, not Bond. Stop putting in these women who want to change him.

Oh well, I hope DARK KNIGHT as the trailer suggests focuses on the back and forth between the Joker and Bats--
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I hope someone posts the 6 min clip on youtube, but I think I can wait to see it officially released. I'm sure we will see it, Fox released a 15 minute clip of Diehard4 so it is pretty likely IMO.

And why is there a DK Trailer thread now? We've been posting Trailer clips and DK info here all along... the official thread since July 06...

Anyway, I'm sort of hoping HT tries to do a rooted hair Ledger Joker...

From my post #735...

Here is a link to download the Imax footage. It is in Divx and pretty crappy quality as you would expect for a bootleg but at least people can get an idea of what it includes.


The only problem is Katie Holmes and that brings me to my concern about the upcoming DARK KNIGHT... From what I've seen of the trailer Jake's sis Maggie Gyllenhaal seems to be the new love interest--- I\

She's replacing Holmes and is Rachel Dawes.
Is it summer 2008 yet? The Joker looks so cool and scary at the same time. Every time a look at my avatar I get goosebumps. It looks so sick and menacing. Bring on the Dark Knight! :rock
Is it summer 2008 yet? The Joker looks so cool and scary at the same time. Every time a look at my avatar I get goosebumps. It looks so sick and menacing. Bring on the Dark Knight! :rock

I agree man... I know that I am sooo excited already... and to think I have to wait a whole extra 5 or 6 months now?? :monkey2

I'm going to be having seizures by the time Summer comes around.
Just testing my new avatar! :cool:

PsychoCenobite :monkey5

That one is freaking awesome!!! I wish they had avatars that made sound so we can hear the smacking. Oh, and like everyone I cannot wait for Dark Knight to come out. I have been waiting since April of this year when they were filming the bank heist in Chicago while I was there (got to see Gotham National Bank).
I hope not. Rooted hair rarely ever works well. The Jack Sparrow hair seems to work, so I imagine the Joker's would too. I just hope they give us multiple heads like the Cannibal Jack - clean and messy make up (smile/serious faces).

Well, I hope so and I don't mean doll hair. I have a Custom Bishop(Aliens) with rabbit fur hair and it is the most lifelike custom I have, so when HT does release a Ledger, which they will, I will probably send it off to Callous to have him do a rooted hair Joker, if HT can't figure it out.

I can't see a Ledger Joker any other way, his hair is all over the place in DK... but I get your point about doll hair.
Well, I hope so and I don't mean doll hair. I have a Custom Bishop(Aliens) with rabbit fur hair and it is the most lifelike custom I have, so when HT does release a Ledger, which they will, I will probably send it off to Callous to have him do a rooted hair Joker, if HT can't figure it out.

I can't see a Ledger Joker any other way, his hair is all over the place in DK... but I get your point about doll hair.

Custom rooted hair usually always has a better finished product than mass produced ones. Remember Sideshow's Anna with Monster head? :lol So, Hot Toys will most certain go plastic, but hopefully you can get some nice real hair for him - plus the hair color could be more realistically achieved that way since it isn't 100% green or brown.

Either way, I hope we only have to wait till Toy Fair to see him. I'd rather have months of staring at the prototype imagines than none at all.
Well, at least if they go the sculpted hair route... a decent painter can give the hair depth and color variation that would work wonders for the sculpt. :monkey3

Batman's villians actually seem quite limited in the realistic setting: no Clayface, Killer Croc, Manbat, Bane, Freeze, Poison Ivy, etc, etc.

The orginal Clayface, Basil Karlo, created by Bob Kane was a b-movie actor who began a life of crime using the identity of a villain he portrayed in a horror film. No shapeshifting. He'd be perfect. Similarly, Poison Ivy was originally only immune to poisons due to deliberate overdoses of plant and animal based toxins into her blood stream - no plant control or anything else crazy like that. Again, perfect.

The orginal Clayface, Basil Karlo, created by Bob Kane was a b-movie actor who began a life of crime using the identity of a villain he portrayed in a horror film. No shapeshifting. He'd be perfect. Similarly, Poison Ivy was originally only immune to poisons due to deliberate overdoses of plant and animal based toxins into her blood stream - no plant control or anything else crazy like that. Again, perfect.

I think most people wouldn't realize that though and think they were ruining the characters because that is how they aren't now. People are already saying that with the Joker.

I'd be fine with any of Batman's well known villians, but I'm just not sure how they could reinvent them enough to be realistic, yet true to the character. Joker, Scarecrow, Ra's, and Two-Face are all realatively realistic to begin with (no real superpowers unless you count Ra's immortality). Most of them rely on gadgets, weapons, or toxins. Joker's bleached white skin was easily turned into "war paint," and that was his most far fetched aspect.
Yeah, the batsuit is most unfortunate and continues to be the one element of these movies that reminds one of something you'd probably see in the Burtonmacher abominations. Seriously, did WB let Hasbro design this? Because he looks like a damn overdone action figure. :monkey4
I agree the new suit feels more like the non-movie accurrate action figures that used to go along with the 90s Batman films, but it doesn't bother much yet because until the film comes, there's not telling how much detail will never be noticed on screen. Begins suit was fairly detailed, but once Bruce spray paints the black over it, all the scenes from that point forward pretty much appeared like a big black mass. The thing I think that I'm liking least about this film is the motorcycle. At least without having a film context and possible background to it, it really feels like a toyish type of vehicle and not anything practical. One thing I loved about Begins was that it had a strong, practical background for everything where the 90s films were almost fantasy with wild, impractical gadgets and scenarios.
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