"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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i wonder what the over-under on the first weekend is going to be ?
Interesting. I guess the hard part will be decideing who has the best version of Mr. J. I'm assuming it will be Hot Toys, but who really knows if they are doing Dark Knight stuff.

I've also heard WB had a meeting yesterday about the merchandise and how Heath's death will affect it. Haven't heard the results, but I'm fearing the worst. Hopefully they will at least let the "adult" collectors get a decent Joker in various formats.

Why couldn't he have died AFTER the movie? (I don't mean that to be disrespectful or anything, but the timing really was bad).
Yeah, I'm not sure how the merchandising is going to work. There's a poster for the DCD 1:6 Batman but not the Joker. And Corgi had a 13" Joker "doll".

I wouldn't mind getting those Joker cards. And what about the Two-Face coin? Are we going to see that at the end of the movie? Sort of like how we saw the Joker's card at the end of BB?
I interpreted that Corgi was distributing DC Direct in the UK. I'm not sure about that, but that's the impression I got from action-figure.com.
I wouldn't mind getting those Joker cards. And what about the Two-Face coin? Are we going to see that at the end of the movie? Sort of like how we saw the Joker's card at the end of BB?

Two-Face's coin is indeed in the movie, but not necessarily at the end.
I'm sorry but I still hate the new suit. Also, it may be the lighting but it appears that even the cowl might have some type of flared piece on the side.:monkey4
Well the bright side is, this suit won't be used the entire picture, and possibly the hype is just because there is a new suit, not necessarily relative to it's use on screen. There have been images to suggest he starts out in the old Begins suit, and one interesting possibility is that tough time necessitate the new one, so even if a so-so looking suit emerges, the story, visuals, and music could be some nice, powerful stuff surround it. I'm excited, this promises to be more entertaining than Begins.
With the Joker being in it I can see where this could be more entertaining than BB. I'm not a big fan of the suit changing to meet the needs of Batman though. New gadgets are great but Batman's look should be as and remain as organic as possible IMO.
Well I'm with ya on the look for Batman, but I think in the coures of the Nolan Batman world, it's going to be the natural outcome for the suit to bear technological designs more than organic. The BB suit wasn't designed for Batman it was a military project that he perverted for his needs. Now, they could have come up with a different look to it, but what they had was plausible and worked and I would guess this new suit has ties to Fox and Wayne Enterprises as well and results in a pimped out suit that looks a little over the top to Bat fans.
Corgi Replicas are a bit $$$$$$. I've got a few Joker card with evidence bag props, that cost about $.50 each in materials.


And, I could care less about the new Batsuit, although it's a slight shame to see such a Schumacher-esque design.
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Not bad, but nothing great either. Would have been better if he had matched more things shot by shot and built a bat-cycle.
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