"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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That is brilliant. The 1989 one is great, too. :rock

Yeah, I just now saw the 1989 one, and that one was great as well. I seriously love that whenever Morgan Freeman talks in the trailer they have a random African American and Billy Dee Williams in the clips. Classic!:rotfl
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While it isn't movie news, some of you may be interested in Mattel's "collector" line of Dark Knight figures. In short, they don't have the crappy kid aimed colors or action features (which I never liked as a kid) and are in scale with DCUC/DCSH.

Shown so far are:

Unmasked Batman (possibley a variant or chase)


And finally, a Joker Goon (NOT Bank Robbery Joker, although his guy was in the prologue)

Pics are from the Fwoosh, although they say they were from Entertainment Earth, but I could find anything there.
FINALLY seen IAL at IMAX. Not a bad movie, though certain things I didn't like. CGI.

Now, the preview. I laughed at all the right parts. It was so awesome. :monkey2
Unmasked Batman (possibley a variant or chase)


You know, looking at those pics, I think it might not be a chase/variant figure after all. I think its gonna be one of those "Bruce Wayne To Batman" figures.

As far as I know, there has always been one from all the different lines from the Keaton movie toy line, right up to the latest animated "The Batman".

If you look at the neck of the Batman in the pic above, looks like its a ball-jointed neck - possibly a head-swap instead of the old oversized mask/cowl over the Bruce head. At least this gives it more articulation.

Speaking of articulation, think they've added some new cuts to the figures as well, mid bicep as well as mid thigh cuts/joints.

The thing I don't like about this is the plastic/rubber cape! I'd prefer a cloth cape.....

And look at Bruce - he's missing a shoulder pad/armor on his left shoulder! Removable parts?

The only 6-inch figure I got from Begins was the "Collector's Edition". If they come up with something like that, I'll be getting one.

I'll be waiting to see what HOT TOYS/TAKARA will be coming up with!
These are actual 6" figures done the same way as their DC Superheroes line and the new DC Universe Classics. A collector's line.

The ones for Begins were 5" (so was the collectors ed.). There will also be those again, but same fruity crap like always.
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