"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I'm sorry, guys. Didn't know registration was disabled.

I'll pass word to SSDesigner, if you are interested. I can get his email address, so you can correspond with him.

So far I have:

Ent. Chicken
Wearing that shirt was obviously a tribute and tip of the cap by Bon Jovi. What the hell is wrong with people??? :huh:

And I ordered one from SSDesigner at the RPF. :rock
Thanks scubasteve. Much appreciated. I'd love to get one of those orignial shirts but even if I found one for sale I'm sure it would be $$$. I could live without the additional distressing I guess, but would very much want the replica shirt to look as much like the original as possible.
Thanks scubasteve. Much appreciated. I'd love to get one of those orignial shirts but even if I found one for sale I'm sure it would be $$$. I could live without the additional distressing I guess, but would very much want the replica shirt to look as much like the original as possible.

Same here. I'm a stickler for details. I received a message from him early today, and he said he has several reference images of the shirt and is trying to keep it as true to the original as possible.
I've ordered from SSdesigner many times in the past. Trust me, he gives as much attention to detail as anyone and if anybody can pull this off it's him.

The shirts are always pretty high-quality, too... not the flimsy stuff some hawk online.
This one ebay went for $200. Another better picture:
I have to agree that SSDesigner is an amazing graphic artist and it'll be as true to the original as possible. I'd get this one but I just bought my Christopher Reeve Superman "S" design shirts and have to recoup from that at the moment.

I emailed SSDesigner at his yahoo email about the shirt asking about the grunge marks and he said it will only have the front graphic on it. Even without the marks it is still an awesome shirt and a lot cheaper alternative.
Here is the email address, guys -

[email protected]

Just tell him "scubasteve" from the RPF referred you. If you need further assistance, just let me know. :D

I really like the first one but I don't really like that teaser picture on the second one, the third one is alright but I like the arrangement on the first one better.
For those that were interested in a shirt, I also sent ssdesigner an email and let him know you are interested! Please send him your details!
I tried emailing to that address and got a mail delivery failure. :confused:

Ah his mailbox is full....


Well, I will make sure he gets your info, Entropy. If you'd like to PM your email addy, I will send it to him and make sure he contacts you. He should email me back by tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, I made this on zazzle.com

This should clear up thoughts on merchandise.


"Heath was very proud of his work in the film, and his family is aware and supportive of Warner Bros. and its partner's plans for the movie," said a family spokesperson.

The headsculpt looks different though or maybe it's because it a production version while the one in Toyfare magazine was the 2up prototype? Looks like he has a smile this time.

The shoes actually look really great! The body looks fine there as well, but they still are stuggling on that face. The make up seems even sloppier there, which oddly isn't a good thing even with the sloppiness of the make-up in the movie. I'll get it since I still collect those DCSH/DCUC figures, but I am definately relying on Hot Toys to give us the best offical version of the Joker.

And I'm glad the family is OK with the merchandising. If anything would have stopped them from making Joker stuff, it would have probably been them. They seem like intelligent people to me. Some people would react totally different, but by them being OK with it, they just seem to know their son and how the world works as well. They :rock in my book.
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