"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Well, I will make sure he gets your info, Entropy. If you'd like to PM your email addy, I will send it to him and make sure he contacts you. He should email me back by tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, I made this on zazzle.com


Thanks for the hookup Steve! I got in touch with him and gave my info, so I am just awaiting the payment request and shipment. :rock

Will go nice with the other Joker shirt I got from Hot Topic. :duff
Just watched Batman Begins again on DVD. I wonder, if Bruce Wayne had actually gotten to shoot Joe Chill, would he have ever become Batman?

That's one of the things I didn't like about the movie. In the comics as soon as his parents were killed Bruce knows his mission, if not exactly how he's going to do it. In the movie, he drifts around aimlessly and sort of stumbles into becoming Batman and then only with a lot of "help" form Ra's. The film version might be more "realistic" but the comic version is more heroic.
TELL ME HE AIN"T PURPLE??????????????????

Even though it is only a mattel figure, I think he looks great (even from what we can see). It at least gives us an idea what he looks like.

For those trying to stay spoiler free, here is the part you look past my post!


The face burn is uneven, as it should in a realistic setting. It also looks like only the suit is damaged on the one side, either he won't have the split suit, or just not yet. I'm also sure the hair wouldn't stop as abruptly as it does on the figure, it is still a figure afterall. I'm sure it will gradually fade from bald to hair. So far it looks as though his nose is intact, which I think is good since it would be hard to pull of half a burned nose. I'm also sure he won't be purple, but more of a burnt red like Anakin was after he was burned. Just compair the Mattel Joker to the photos of Heath's Joker. You get the idea from the mattel figure, but it is still far from very accurate.

I'm a HUGE Two-Face fan and I must admit I am happy with the look so far! I just wish there was a better pic.

I can't wait to see how they tackle Two Face, he is my second favorite Batman villain and I'm just happy to see a realistic take on this character at long last.

Best Two Face stories ever written were The Long Halloween and Dark Victory by Loeb/Sale. I know that Nolan and co used a few things for Begins from these Graphic Novels, I can only hope that some of the Two Face bits were used in the new movie. :rock
I can't wait to see how they tackle Two Face, he is my second favorite Batman villain and I'm just happy to see a realistic take on this character at long last.

Best Two Face stories ever written were The Long Halloween and Dark Victory by Loeb/Sale. I know that Nolan and co used a few things for Begins from these Graphic Novels, I can only hope that some of the Two Face bits were used in the new movie. :rock

He has always been one of my favorites (maybe second would be appropriate) since I grew up on BTAS and I just loved the whole black and white suit. In comics and cartoons the perfect vertical scaring looks fantastic, but I agree, the realistic approach should look great in the film. The Dark Knight is going to be sweet with both the Joker and Two-Face.

And DA, if you find an Eckhart like sculpt and make a Two-Face head, let me know ;)
He has always been one of my favorites (maybe second would be appropriate) since I grew up on BTAS and I just loved the whole black and white suit. In comics and cartoons the perfect vertical scaring looks fantastic, but I agree, the realistic approach should look great in the film. The Dark Knight is going to be sweet with both the Joker and Two-Face.

And DA, if you find an Eckhart like sculpt and make a Two-Face head, let me know ;)

I'm on the lookout for one, that's for sure. I have a suit ready and already have the plan in place in my mind. So it's gonna happen. Just need the right head to modify. :rock
My friend linked me to those photos over MSN, I was trying to stay clear from Two-Face stuff until I saw the film. Oh well!

Since this film is the birth of Two-Face I don't think he will have the chance to wear the half black, half white suit but hopefully he will in the next one.
For all we know this may be a scene specific deal. Maybe it's right after it happens, still the same suit he wore during the court case? I always thought a great way to envision a Two Face in reality would be that when he snaps and realizes what he is going to do... he goes home, slices two of his suits in two, very haphazardly... Sews them together roughly, big stitches that are representative of his madness... And does the same with his shirts and ties. I think it helps sell his insanity and creepiness factor.

I doubt he would be going out and having these things tailor made... He's too smart for that, no paper trail leading straight to Harvey Dent. He may be insane, but he is still very intelligent and cunning.

At least that is how I would do it. :D
I found two other pics that show more of the front of the face, but they are much blurrier.


I'm just linking it so those that don't want to see what Two-Face looks like won't accidentially see them.

from what I could tell, the left side of his mouth is hardly affected. I kinda dislike the half bald look, and red eye. Blah, then again, this is the hasbro or mattel figure.

You guys cna post the pics in here, but just use the spoiler tag.
I like the new design. I think it looks functional and solid. Reminds me a lot of the future soldier project design, and that thing is a busy bastard as well. To be a realistic suit it will look busy.

And I think Batman would want to have the best gear available, something that allows for solid movement but also great protection. Because, face it.. Batman is not going to be running around in a cloth costume, that would not be very smart or efficient. Especially with the kind of money he has. :lol

It works in the comics, but I like that in the films they have stayed away from that. In Begins it worked, but the suit still looked to solid. Like he had not movement, and I was hoping they would fix that. Batman needs to be able to use his body as he sees fit without sacrificing functionality.
I think Batman would also be smart enough to cover up his tech. Not make it so obvious that he's wearing armor. He'd put a cloth costume over that ugly design. If he got shot, burned, etc. it would re-enforce the fear in criminals that he is more than human, not just a guy in rubbery body armor. The ability for Bale to turn his head is the only thing this suit has going for it. It looks like a joke to me, one of Hasbro's craptacular fantasy Batman designs, half a step away from having nipples or dayglo. Maybe the Joker will rib him about his Schumachian fashion choices. But that's just my opinion. I really don't care for this new design can ya tell? :D
But Batman mostly comes out at night. Hard to see all that technology in the dark and shadows. On film that suit will show up black just like the last suit did.

Besides, I don't think a thug is going to have time to check out the suit when he is getting his ass kicked.
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