"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I know quite a bit, but I still have NO FREAKING idea what exactly the plot is or really what is going on. I can speculate, but its only that.

I love that about movies, getting a story in your mind from trailers and pictures, then going to see it and comparing your vision to reality. It's funny how some trailers can almost create stories that aren't even there in the final movie.
I noticed in the nurse images, that some of the background appears "fake". It looks either to be painted over or something, look at the chair and computers on the left.

Also the image of him as a cop may be an early screen/make up test. His hair appears short and I know for a fact during filming that Heath had long hair and it was his own natural long hair. So either that is a early test shot in the cop uniform or he did have long hair but had it short at the sideburns so you could not detect the long hair. Or he has a short haired wig over his long hair, but that looks too real....or could be good CGI work. I still think its a early test shot of some sort. Or it could have been filmed while he still had short hair.
I noticed in the nurse images, that some of the background appears "fake". It looks either to be painted over or something, look at the chair and computers on the left.

The whole image is adjusted, even Joker/Ledger is done. It almost looks like a Photoshop outline effect or something.
The whole image is adjusted, even Joker/Ledger is done. It almost looks like a Photoshop outline effect or something.

Just to clarify, when I said fake I didn't mean the image is a fake....I just meant to say what you mentioned, that the whole image appears to be adjusted for a certain effect. It is real.
For those interested:

Cool pics! I love the cop/nurse shots... :lol

And badass button BM!

I'm getting more and more amped for this movie. I can't wait. :rock

I said in your custom thread that you should leave the hair brown on some of your Joker heads and sell a "Nurse" version. I'd love to see you make a custom of it :lol It would be so cool, yet so wrong on so many levels.
Oh and anyone that want a BURNT Button, go here:


I signed up for that and that is how I got mine. I think you need to have signed up for one of the others (Harvey Dent) for them to have your address though.
I noticed in the nurse images, that some of the background appears "fake". It looks either to be painted over or something, look at the chair and computers on the left.

Also the image of him as a cop may be an early screen/make up test. His hair appears short and I know for a fact during filming that Heath had long hair and it was his own natural long hair. So either that is a early test shot in the cop uniform or he did have long hair but had it short at the sideburns so you could not detect the long hair. Or he has a short haired wig over his long hair, but that looks too real....or could be good CGI work. I still think its a early test shot of some sort. Or it could have been filmed while he still had short hair.

It kind of looks like his long hair could be in his hat though, it isn't very easy to tell but it looks like it could be pulled up.
It kind of looks like his long hair could be in his hat though, it isn't very easy to tell but it looks like it could be pulled up.

That is what I thought too. The the real question is: Why isn't it green? I'm starting to think it isn't "permenantley" died green. The Nurse pic also raises the question: Wig or real hair, although I'd bet on wig.
The nurse one looks like a wig. Probably we first see "her" from behind then turns around and bam... Jokah!
I like how I edited my post so not to show the photo's, and then everyone talks about them anyway. :lol
I went there but don't see anyplace to request a button.

You just send them your email address. It should be at the bottom of the page. Like I said, you probably have had to participate in either the Joker or Harvey Dent virals for them to have your mailing address.
It kind of looks like his long hair could be in his hat though, it isn't very easy to tell but it looks like it could be pulled up.

Oh that is of course my first thought. But thats why I mentioned that if he had his sideburns(or hair that grows next to your ear) cut short, when he pulls up his hair under the hat it then gives the illusion that he has short hair. Because if he had the hair that grows right in front of your ear long and pulled up inside his hat you should be able to see the long strands next to his ear going vertically under the hat, but it appears to be hanging down naturally, but it's short.

Just speculation on my part :).

EDIT: But the more I look at it, the more it does look like it is pulled up and under.
You just send them your email address. It should be at the bottom of the page. Like I said, you probably have had to participate in either the Joker or Harvey Dent virals for them to have your mailing address.
People that haven't signed up for CCFABG are still getting the buttons so you would have had to be a part of IBIHD or RDK.

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