"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I mentioned before on the Koto TDK thread that the statue has an overly large chest. It is even more apparent now that I've seen these newer pics. It's distracting, but it doesn't detract from the rest of the statue.

I don't have a problem with the new suit, and the doubled up gauntlet blades must serve some sort of function (which I hope is touched upon in the movie) so I don't mind the appearance. Nolan and crew wouldn't just include them just for aesthetic reasons, right?
I love the double gauntlets. Perhaps they serve as double protection from knife fights.

But, then again, I read that they are doubled up because he can "shoot" them out of his arm.
But, then again, I read that they are doubled up because he can "shoot" them out of his arm.

Not sure how I feel about that one. All of this suit stuff really needs a film context to judge, from the look to the functions, there are plenty of ?s. Based on Begins, firing gauntlets seems to be going into the realm of cheesey and superfluous. However, the context of violence in TDK may fully necessitate Bruce having to depend more on gadgets than just his Keysi fighting and a few basic weapons.

It just makes me nervous when you only have a few pictures and some tidbits to go buy, it gives the impression this film could somewhat go the way of the rediculous as the 90s Batman films went. I love Nolan's style he did Begins with and I hope that more "grounded" style continues with TDK. Very anxious to see how it all unfolds.

Just noticed one detail on the suit I'm not particularly fond of, didn't know the bat wings off the gauntlets would be doubled up, reminds me more of the conceptual Batman figures of the early 90s.

atleast if the medicom and HT's headsculpts suck, I know who to go to.
Figured I'd post this here, it started as a Takara figure piece, then Amir threw out a suggestion to work the joker into the image because of how some of the clouds were shaped, so now it's a bit of TDK artwork as well.

I'm not loving it either, but if HT comes out with one, it's bought, just the same.
I need it for my set. I'm the guy that wants a Panther suit and CLooney also, remember...
Must have all movie Batmans....even if they are too busy...at least the movie will probably make up for the suit.
You guys really dislike the suit? I quite like it. It's certainly not the worst in movie Batman history. I'm sure most of you will change your mind once the movie hits.
I didn't like it at first, but that Koto statue sure shows it in the best light. I'd prefer something more traditional, but I can live with hit.
You guys really dislike the suit? I quite like it. It's certainly not the worst in movie Batman history. I'm sure most of you will change your mind once the movie hits.

Yeah, I hate it. It looks way too militaristic. The movie may make it work and I won't dislike the movie because of the suit but I still really don't like it as an independent design.
That's really really nice. Although I wish Batman was a little bit brighter, you can barely see him at all.

I just noticed this, it's a lot darker on my work monitor than my home PC, I'll adjust it tonight to compensate. I thought my style for it was the issue but clearly different monitor settings hurt it.
I didn't like it at first, but that Koto statue sure shows it in the best light. I'd prefer something more traditional, but I can live with hit.

The Koto statue is definitely a stylized representation. For one, the proportions look very stylistic, he looks bulky and jacked, where in the movie he's pretty slender, compare the statue to how his body proportions look here. I hope that if HT and/or Takara make a 1/6 figure of the suit, they take a Koto approach and idealize the suit a bit, I like it in the Koto statue how the elements are so stand alone and it looks like one solid design more along the lines of the begins suit. I'm sure Takara's would be like Koto if they do one.



I'll scale the photo down later, I don't have my software at my disposal.
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I don't like Koto's interpretation of the suit. I say "interpretation" because I don't think it's accurate at all. Perhaps that is why many like the statue.

When I first laid eyes on the TDK suit, I was surprised, to say the least. At first I didn't like the neo-militaristic, cyber soldier-esque design but I thought it definitely worked well within the context of the film (Escalation, Joker's increasingly violent tactics, etc). Examining at it's functionality it's certainly more realistic than the BB suit. The new suit features many layers and certainly gives the impression of the varying layers of kevlar bi-weave, unlike the previous BB suit.
When we first saw the BB suit, it wasn't a Batman suit yet, it was a nomex survival suit (from what I remember) made for military use. You could see a lot of details in the armor, which is lost once Bruce painted it jet black. From that point on the suit lost the realistic detail from the intricate weaving and looked like a movie suit made of latex or foam rubber. It bunched at the obvious places when Batman moved and flexed, which killed the realism for me.

I will fault the TDK suit for having a busy design, because, well, it does. But at least the busy, multi-part design is functional. It'll allow a much easier movement for Bale and the stunt dudes at the very least.

I like everything about it from the waist up. The legs are fugly though.
You hit on what I do like about the suit for the film, it's relevance to the story. As a design, it's too busy for me, but as a story element, it intrigues me and has me on edge to find out if the story produces a necessity for the suit, which is my hope since he doesn't only wear it but also the Begins suit. Which in turn raises the question, does he start out in the new suit and for some reason revert to the Begins suit, or start in Begins and move to the TDK suit out of necessity. Man I'm pumped for this movie.
Is it just me or does Bale not "fill" the new suit out? It's almost as if it's slightly large on him. IDK. Maybe it's just me, but something about it doesn't sit well with me.
Is it just me or does Bale not "fill" the new suit out? It's almost as if it's slightly large on him.

I think that's part of the design to make it appear more functional, looseness means flexibility and posing will look more natural than bunching up a tight outfit.
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