"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I read somewhere that Bale is actually slimmer in TDK as opposed to BB.

Whoa, those images are huge...
Just got a message from that one site against Harvey Dent:

My friend,

Indictments are about to be handed down. If you don't want your name on one, we'll need your full cooperation in an upcoming operation.

In case you haven't heard, we are struggling with a bit of corruption in the department. I'm not about to let the Gotham PD collapse in on itself, so we're taking action. We've identified a group of offenders that need to be apprehended. Problem is, most of these cops are hightailing it out of the city. But a C.I. just like you just gave us some information on their last known whereabouts. Now all we need is to catch them. This is where you come in.

Consider yourself on deck. I'll contact you next week, and let’s just say it's in your best interest to play along. County's not a place you want to spend the rest of your life.

Lt. Jim Gordon, MCU
Just got the Gordon Email as well.....I have to say that I love the viral advertising.....although I wouldn't want it to become a staple so every single movie is attempting it
Looking forward to the DCD Joker.

Got the Gordon email too, plus a DA Survey phone call. Looks like we will have another scavenger hunt next week! Hopefully it will be AFTER tuesday, because I'll be done with school by that point.

The DCD Joker is looking worse and worse. His blazer isn't even blue! Its grey. Even with my limited resourses, I know what color his blazer is. And where did is neck go?
Yeah, the only thing worth while is the long jacket. The vest looks brown now. I don't know what they are smoking, but it isn't the same thing the Joker was.
Joker looks great! I'm sure the colors are washed out, but the cut of the clothes, the sculpt and paint look excellent I think. Batman on the other hand... they should have put him on the skinny body too.
Well...at least they got the missing vest button and stripes on the pants right! :lol
Here are some shots of the Mattel Movie Masters line (ie the collector's line). They look much better than anything DCD is doing.




The 1:1 Joker card is a nice addition. The Batman mask seems stupid though. The Clown masks are awesome though. But it looks like they may be just to big to be 1:6 scale. It looks like there will be variants on the mask since at least three different ones are visable in the Goon pic, and I swear they showed the Joker's mask at Toy Fair.

If there are variant masks/cards, I'll be wanting them all. :eek: So if anybody else is getting these figures and doesn't want them, let me know.

Looks like either May 1st or 5th is the release date.
Man, May's shaping up to be a good month for new action figures, TDK, Indy, Hulk, I can't wait :rock

I'm definitely getting these, and I'm not too keen on the extras so if I get a Joker card you don't have Buttmunch, you can have mine, I have no intention of getting the goon though so can't help ya there, I just want Batman and Joker.
Thanks for the help Maulfan. I still have no idea if there will be variant Joker cards, but there is clearly more than 1 of the masks that come with the Goon.

If May 1st is the release date, then Indy and Batman (and Hulk?) will all be released that day! I'll be heading to Target at opening to see if the got them that day, if not, off to ToysRus.

I used to work at ToysRus, so I'll definately be able to snag somebody I know there to get confirmation of the release date.
Apearently the third Dark Knight Trailer was shown at NYCC today. No description yet besides the fact that the Joker is "frightening" in it. We'll suppposedly all get to see it within two weeks (Speed Racer?) if it isn't leaked before then.
I really hope those masks are 1:6. Although, that would mean I'd have to make a goon for each mask! This could get complicated...

And, the trailer description is out there. It sounds good! Can't wait!
So is there supposed to be variants with the evidence masks? Or can we expect the rest of the thugs later?

I wish they gave the figures actual accessories instead of this crap evidence.

I also wish DCDirect did some figures. They atleast wouldn't turn out so toyish.
Or NECA. NECA would have been sweet.

***I don't like the Joker's sculpt at all.***

I take it back, the final figure actually looks good. All except the goon.

old Joker
old Batman
old Goon

Final Joker closup
Final Joker
Final Joker Package
Final Batman closeup
Final Batman
FInal Goon
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That Goon is going to be a variant, along with a lighter purple Joker, or so I've heard. The blue suit should be the first/regular version with the other coming out later. I wish they would have just switched to a another mask insead of putting him in black.
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