"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I can't wait to find out if those little goon masks are 1:6

And, yes Batman looks pretty cool!
What makes me mad are the unworthy scum that haven't submitted their info yet. If they couldn't be home near 8AM, they needed to say "sorry" and hang up and let someone more responsible get their package. Raaarrrrgh!
Whatever happened with voting and the voter cards we got? Is that still happening?
What makes me mad are the unworthy scum that haven't submitted their info yet. If they couldn't be home near 8AM, they needed to say "sorry" and hang up and let someone more responsible get their package. Raaarrrrgh!

I would have taken off work, just to get the package. The cell phone and Joker card are icing on the cake.
Rumor is election in June. I still haven't gotten my second, non-tampered one yet they promissed me. :banghead

How exactly did you contact them?? I need to email or call them and get them to send me one of each Joker card, a bowling ball, and a cell phone that they seemingly forgot to give me.
I submitted (to IBIHD.com) a pic of my destroyed voter card I got in the mail and complained about it in my description. In my confirmation/acceptence email they said to expect another one soon.

I just got this email:

What a difference a week makes.

Last week, our campaign looked like it was on its last legs. The media was burying us, and urged us to withdraw for the sake of Gotham City. The smear campaign, with its vicious lies against Harvey Dent, spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the one man who can save Gotham.

But now - thanks to people like you - things look very different. Thousands of people gathered in the Dent for DA headquarters for its reopening. And I saw something different in the crowd. Something has changed. The "White Knight Incident," as it has become known, is allowing people to see Harvey Dent differently. Not just as a man with the guts and the toughness to change Gotham. But as a symbol of the best of Gotham City - a Gotham we almost forgot existed.

But that Gotham City does exist. It's a Gotham where ordinary people can walk out their door at night without fearing for their lives. It's a Gotham where the good can triumph over the evil. It's a Gotham where justice isn't just for the rich and powerful, but for everyone.

With your help, we'll bring back that vision of Gotham. On Election Day, everything changes. Harvey Dent will take back Gotham City - thanks to the hard work of people like you.

See you on election day!

Allan Cypes
Media Manager, Harvey Dent for Gotham DA
It's great; however, I hope it's not the final theatrical poster. Gotta have Joker somewhere on it!! :D
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