"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Great to see another Joker hunt. My Monday is cleared. Sweet!

That poster is cool, though it makes Batman look like a bad guy. Would have been much cooler with the Joker and a big smiley face blown into the building.
I think it looks sick!! looks like joker was calling batman out with a bomb, and he just arrived to the crime scene..
That poster looks insane :horror…I love it. Got to get me one of those. :joy


:D :banana
I just listened to the call that was done today (haven't heard the others) and have to say that is a really bad Gordon impersonator. It sounds more like the Joker.

So I guess next week could be the new trailer?
I just listened to the call that was done today (haven't heard the others) and have to say that is a really bad Gordon impersonator. It sounds more like the Joker.

So I guess next week could be the new trailer?

Who says it isn't the Joker or one of his goons??? :D

I think it is Gordon, but I believe this is all Joker's handywork. Trying to clean up Gotham so he can take it all for himself. Like he said tonight, "it's all part of the plan."
I don't like the poster.

When I showed it to one of my friends, she said: "Why would Batman blow up a building?" I stared at her. She soon realized the Joker did it to either anger or call out Batman, but at first glance the image of a building set ablaze with the Bat symbol connotes a totally different meaning. And the way Batman is posed on the poster doesn't help.

I'm worried a lot of non-batfans will look upon this poster the same way my friend did, and some of them won't be savvy enough to figure it out, or have someone there to explain to them.

However, it's a very powerful image, especially in this day and age.
I don't like the poster.

When I showed it to one of my friends, she said: "Why would Batman blow up a building?" I stared at her. She soon realized the Joker did it to either anger or call out Batman, but at first glance the image of a building set ablaze with the Bat symbol connotes a totally different meaning. And the way Batman is posed on the poster doesn't help.

I'm worried a lot of non-batfans will look upon this poster the same way my friend did, and some of them won't be savvy enough to figure it out, or have someone there to explain to them.

However, it's a very powerful image, especially in this day and age.

My thoughts exactly. Joker would have been a better choice. I still think a smiley face with the Joker would have been creepier.
I just had a thought, if this new site is "its all part of the plan" line from the trailer, when can we expect "evening commissoner" . com to show up? :lol
I noticed there are names of cities engraved on the plates underneath the pictures.

I can't tell what they all are, but I see Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
I don't like the poster.

When I showed it to one of my friends, she said: "Why would Batman blow up a building?" I stared at her. She soon realized the Joker did it to either anger or call out Batman, but at first glance the image of a building set ablaze with the Bat symbol connotes a totally different meaning. And the way Batman is posed on the poster doesn't help.

I'm worried a lot of non-batfans will look upon this poster the same way my friend did, and some of them won't be savvy enough to figure it out, or have someone there to explain to them.

However, it's a very powerful image, especially in this day and age.

Very valid point. Unless you're die hard enough to know the general plot of this movie that we've been allowed to know, it'll be very easy to think Batman's gone on a destructive spree, and the tagline doesn't help either; the poster in no way conveys that someone other than Batman is destroying buildings and wreaking havoc, unless you're like us and just instantly think Joker. It doesn't help either that in The Punisher, Frank Castle makes the Punisher logo in flames out of a car lot in a similar manner.
Great to see another Joker hunt. My Monday is cleared. Sweet!

That poster is cool, though it makes Batman look like a bad guy. Would have been much cooler with the Joker and a big smiley face blown into the building.

But do you see a Utah city on any of the name plauqes? I can only make out a few. None in my area, from what I can tell...I never knew carter was also a president in London.
Looks like Batman blew up that building. "No rules," etc.

Who's to say he didn't? Are folks forgetting this movie draws it's name from one of the most violent and relentless literary incarnations of Batman ever produced? That building could be headquarters for some nasty crime boss for all we know. I know the film is not an adaptation of Frank Miller's story... All I'm sayin' is, perhaps we should leave our assumptions at the door on this one. :)

Regardless of what the story of that poster image is, it kicks serious ass. :rock
One of the things that the Joker does it push Batman to his limits both physically and psychologically. To say that in dealing with the stress of his first real supervillain that Bats loses it and while not crossing the "will not kill" line still takes drastic measures like blowing up a building that housed illegal operations to show "Hey look where this was going on" wouldn't surprise me.
What comforts me is that I feel 90% confident whatever feel the marketing of this film gives about the story will hold up and we'll not be let down. I'm loving that the stakes are higher, the threats greater and the drama through the roof, should be a great ride, if it could just get here already :(
I can't wait to find out if those little goon masks are 1:6

And, yes Batman looks pretty cool!

I don't have them, but I do have other Mattel DC figures. I put a 1:6 head up to a standard sized figure. The masks look to be in 1:4. :(
Who's to say he didn't? Are folks forgetting this movie draws it's name from one of the most violent and relentless literary incarnations of Batman ever produced? That building could be headquarters for some nasty crime boss for all we know. I know the film is not an adaptation of Frank Miller's story... All I'm sayin' is, perhaps we should leave our assumptions at the door on this one. :)

Regardless of what the story of that poster image is, it kicks serious ass. :rock

A no rules Batman Vs a no rules Joker would be great! Kick ass! :chew

PsychoCenobite :monkey5
But do you see a Utah city on any of the name plauqes? I can only make out a few. None in my area, from what I can tell...I never knew carter was also a president in London.

Unfortunately no, but I will be hanging around incase they put more up though.
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