"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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^^^^!!! Heath Ledger You Have Surpassed Legend And Will Remain In My Heart As One Of Theee Best Actors Ever!!!
Starting tomorrow, people will die. I'm a man of my word...

Tomorrow's the BIG day! Indy! Hulk! DARK KNIGHT! The hunt will be on! Who else is getting up at the buttcrack of dawn to get the new merchandise? I am!
I will most definitely be heading out when the rooster crows, munch! Gotta get some INDY!

...or would it be easier to go to WM an hour or so after midnight...? Decisions...
I will most definitely be heading out when the rooster crows, munch! Gotta get some INDY!

...or would it be easier to go to WM an hour or so after midnight...? Decisions...

I doubt Wal-Mart is smart enough to have stuff out by then. Heck, I doubt they would have them out in the morning (those 24 hour ones at least). Regular wal-marts would seem like a better bet to me.

I will probably grab an Indy figure or two so I can use my Target coupon with the Dark Knight figures (two of those and an Indy per coupon). Most of my Indy stuff will probably just be Sideshow. I can't afford to get sucked into another line.
That and all of the Hasbro Indy figures look like ^^^^. It's the main freaking character!
That and all of the Hasbro Indy figures look like ^^^^. It's the main freaking character!

:lol I can't really argue that point. The Indy looks a lot more like Howard Hughes than Harrison. :eek:


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From the pics I've seen, the Indy figures look decent for their size. Short of scanning the actors 20+ years ago, there isn't a very effective way of getting good likenesses at that small a scale.

I'll probably pick up an Indy or two (young and old?), or maybe a Nazi or Russian.
I called TRU earlier today and the manager there told me that they'll be putting out the TDK stuff the next morning (that would be May 1st). I'll be up early hunting for them in the Sacramento area. Good luck, Nor cal hunters. Some people have already gotten theirs, like Buttmunch.
Good luck scoring MM figures today my fellow batfreaks, those who aren't lucky SOB's that found them ahead of time :lol I'm probably last to get them haha.
Good luck to all. I'm on my way out in a few minutes. If I see any extra unmasked versions, I'll snag them for any of you here, since it does seem to be a true "chase."

And if Wal-Mart had 7 cases of them, they shouldn't be a problem to get if you go first thing in the morning (except the unmasked of course).
I can't get to TRU until noon, but I'm hoping it won't be an issues because it's somewhat in the sticks and not a major mall area, I also have a Kay-Bee and a comic shop in the same area. Noon can't come fast enough. I don't hunt animals, but I do hunt collectibles and it's thrilling :)
Yeah, I remember the thrill of the hunt when I used to go out for Star Wars toys. Then I promised myself that I wouldn't buy toys anymore. It's Sideshow for me from now on!:lol:chew
But I do occasionally browse the toy aisle(OK I always go in the toy aisle) when I'm at Target or Walmart, so if I see any of the unmasked Batmen I'll make sure to grab it for you guys! I might just go to TRU this morning at 10 to see what I can find.
RAAARRRRGGH! Wal-Marts had NOTHING Indy, Hulk, or DARK KNIGHT! Target had Hulk and Indy at least, but NO Dark Knight! Looks like they will be waiting for the release date afterall.

TRU opens in half and hour, I'm hoping they will have them at least. If not, today was a total bust! :banghead
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