The question I think we must ask ourselves….If the Hobbit trilogy was the only three movies and LOTR movies did not exist. How would they have been received being compared only to the movie that proceeded it?
Next thought..
Now my opinion coming from the POV that there are six movies. I really enjoyed The Hobbit trilogy. I like that the Hobbit movies have provided us fans a lighter take to Middle earth if your not in the mood for heavier, darker and serious story lines in the LOTR trilogy. Character design of Beoron would be the only thing I did not like about The Hobbit. Everything else I am cool with.
I guess we all have to except that how fast Smaug gets killed in BOTFA is the only reason we have "Smaug chasing the Dwarves around” in DOS. They were fillers for more screen time.
Anyways I am a fan and I thank PJ for creating another trilogy I can love and watch over and over and over again!!!
A good point, but the only difference for me would have been the amount of $$$ I would have saved on statues etc...