Premium Format The Incredible Hulk The Avengers

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Well photos you put up on a public forum even show up on google, and I wasn't trying to cause a ruckus. However, I can understand how someone might get upset..:dunno

The guy posted pictures on the internet with no watermark, no copyright note and get's upset that it was used by someone. Is it his first day on the web or something? He is just butt hurt because you used his picture to try to make a counter point to his views on the bust.

Personally, I saw the bust in person and thought it was pretty bad. The paint job was pretty disgraceful.
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Spidey, didnt you want this dropped? Sheesh, bro you know we all read more than one thread right? :slap

I know you're a youngin 'round these parts but you gotta quit stirring the pot!:lol

Ink did it...:lol.

Jokes you are right I should have never mentioned it here.
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F all this talk about Batman in the Hulk thread!!!!

COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy posted pictures on the internet with no watermark, no copyright note and get's upset that it was used by someone. Is it his first day on the web or something? He is just butt hurt because you used his picture to try to make a counter point to his views on the bust.

Personally, I saw the bust in person and thought it was pretty bad. The paint job was pretty disgraceful.

Unless there copyrighted he has no leg to stand on anyway. Dont sweat the chump. :ignore:
Hey Spidey do you have this Hulk coming?

Not yet m8. With the World War Hulk PF coming out, I thought I would wait, especially since that one MAY be sculpted by Canale and the Gore Group. Figured since this bad boy will be around for a bit I have time to decide which I want, but couldn't really justify buying two Hulk statues so close together... Especially since one is north of 700 bones all in.
Are we thinking next month for this? My latest wave just about killed me. If Hot Toys comes through with the missing Avengers figures, and the Droids hit on top of this and Lady Death I am going to have to donate a kidney.
My shipping cost for this is $30.75, which is more than Rhino ($26.54).