Premium Format The Incredible Hulk The Avengers

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Congrats to all who have received a tracking number :clap

looking forward to your pictures :wave

my hulk comes on monday :yess:

Ship date Mar 5, 2013
Estimated delivery Mar 11, 2013 by 6:00 PM
Jay, at this rate i maybe moving into Jay Corp Mansions! :lol The wife has already stated that my collection is to never in any way spread into the main living room or interfere with the childrens room. Furthermore, I have also been instructed to make a display room in either a loft room or a garage that will have to be renovated into a separate sure every collector has their bounderies given to them by their other half...if they say no then they are lieing! :lecture :wink1:


Well in that case you're going to be out of room in no time with all these 1:2 statues. Just send your 1:1 Iron Man Busts and the 1:2 MK III over, thanks bro. :1-1:
I got the dreaded Custom Import delay with Fedex, hopefully it goes through quick. Are SSC pretty good about filling out the forms correctly?
Congrats to all who have received a tracking number :clap

looking forward to your pictures :wave

my hulk comes on monday :yess:

Ship date Mar 5, 2013
Estimated delivery Mar 11, 2013 by 6:00 PM

Looks like a few of us will be getting our Hulks on Monday Aslan...cant even imagine how excited those are who will be getting their Hulk later on today! If not already....

Swift....has he arrived yet? :panic::panic:
If anyone was to sum up how we are all feeling about this Hulk statue then i'd compare us to how a 6 year old girl would feel who's about to go to a Justin Beiber concert! :blissy:elefant
Looks like a few of us will be getting our Hulks on Monday Aslan...cant even imagine how excited those are who will be getting their Hulk later on today! If not already....

seems so Roberto :hi5: early shipment offer was a very cool :)

maybe something like that :D


In the words of Tony Stark....get ready Jay

"I'm bringing the party to you!" :fireworks:fest

I don't see how that's a party :D

I read your comment "I'm on the way swift" and I giggled ..yes giggled and than I read it again and saw that pic of a Huge Grim and a whole mess of images raced through my mind:rotfl

haha :rotfl
You must sleep but set an early alrarm so you don't miss the delivery

No chance of me missing that delivery. Once I hear that doorbell I'm jumping straight out of bed with my pjs still on(superman tights) but sleep I must.. When you'll see me again, I'll have photos.. Not those kind Roberto.. Asian_gfx anyway.. Gn or gm or good afternoon :thud: Zzzz

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