The OFFICIAL Spooktacular 2007 thread!

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I haven;t been able to enjoy it this year... kind of bummed. I do think SS has done a Excelent job this year.... except the should be more of THE DEAD!

and since tomorrows the last day.. and if I miss a DEAD fig because I'm at my new job.. I'll be pissed! I'll have to trade the Admiral for one.

Im at work tomorrow until about 3central time, and Im a tad worried that they will put the zombie out before i get back home. ESPECIALLY since this was the main attraction to spook.....anyone wanna preorder one for me incase I dont make it in time :monkey1
I think the Dead figure will be in tonight's newsletter. I'm sure I heard it mentioned in the pod cast to check all the upcoming newsletters for them. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they will re release PZ with a Santa Claus hat and jammies like they used to do with the monster figures. :monkey3
I almost forgot it was newsletter day! That would be pefect! We got two 12" figures left and a LOT of "other" products to unveil tonight or tomorrow.
Hmm . . .all I need is for Sideshow to put back on sale the Evil Grin Bunny so I can complete them. I wonder if they will get a chance to rotate that back . . .
I was a little bummed that still no winners had been posted for last night's contest...then I remembered...Newsletter!!! Hopefully there will be a nice Dead announcement and then a winner's update - with me on that list ofcourse!!! :D :D :D
I was a little bummed that still no winners had been posted for last night's contest...then I remembered...Newsletter!!! Hopefully there will be a nice Dead announcement and then a winner's update - with me, sniper33, and 3 others on that list ofcourse!!! :D :D :D

Yeah, I was hoping that the winners from the contest would of been announced by the time I had gotten home this afternoon. No Dead announcement without the advance preorder, that way I won't have to worry about missing tomorrow before coming back home from work. And there I fixed the last bit of your quote to be more accurate :D
hey jen thanks for the hint on the last freebie contest and congrates on getting it.

Gotta help my fellow freaks out!!!!! :rock :rock :rock THat's what is so great about this board!! (well except for a certain sci-fi section I won't dare mention)

Yeah, I was hoping that the winners from the contest would of been announced by the time I had gotten home this afternoon. No Dead announcement without the advance preorder, that way I won't have to worry about missing tomorrow before coming back home from work. And there I fixed the last bit of your quote to be more accurate :D
:rock :rock :rock :rock Here's to us winning!!! I'm READY!!! :D :D
3 minutes till i go and see the office hopefully nothing free comes out for 35 minutes or so. i have a feeling it might be tied into the newsletter. i geuss we'll see soon.
I just got my very first PF from Fed-Ex! Oddly they left a "missed you" notice today because it needed a signature, but they came back! I didn't know they did that!

Anyway, London After Midnight is awesome! The poseable arms are kinda cool since I'm a 1:6 collector because it allows me a little more say in his pose than the newer PF would. I'd have like the color version, but the Black and White one is still awesome and Very creepy! No. 74 of 250 :rock I'll post pics if anyone is interested. I got the 1:6 color one I can compare it to.
Oh, I know enough not to wait for the email and log on directly, currently my primary browser tab. But thanks anyway.

I hope it's closer to 6; I gotta get dinner sometime. I'm wondering if there will be any limited low edition tonight, don't want to step away for too long.
I just got my very first PF from Fed-Ex! Oddly they left a "missed you" notice today because it needed a signature, but they came back! I didn't know they did that!

Anyway, London After Midnight is awesome! The poseable arms are kinda cool since I'm a 1:6 collector because it allows me a little more say in his pose than the newer PF would. I'd have like the color version, but the Black and White one is still awesome and Very creepy! No. 74 of 250 :rock I'll post pics if anyone is interested. I got the 1:6 color one I can compare it to.


Damnit, I may have to buy him....