This thread demonstrates the problem with the world. It's totally fair to speak from your own point of view, and share opinions. That's how people relate and learn from each other. We can grow as a society, even if it's a cyber-society. The problem happens when we insist that our view is THE view, and that anything different is wrong. Everybody's value system stems from our unique set of experiences in life and is influenced by the people we come into contact with. We all come from different religions, schools, countries, and even interests.
My values and what I find acceptable or offensive come from my childhood experiences, my parent's values, my religious input, and my own decisions to embrace or reject them. My views are clearly not the most popular in this particular thread, but I see no reason to not like anybody because they don't fit in my mental box.
I'm glad people are different. I just wish we could share ideas with less zeal and more calm. I don't have to convince any of you that I am right for me to believe it. And I feel no need to destroy you because I think you're wrong. And I hope you feel the exact same way.