Ok, why is it messed up?
It's messed up to me because some paranoid alcoholic nut with a conviction for domestic battery can buy a gun with no questions asked (if I understand the process corrcetly). I submit that you and I are less safe in society when this is permitted.
Will it stop every paranoid alcoholic nut with a conviction from getting a gun? No. But it may stop 3 of 10. Society has said this person is too much of a risk to own a gun. And i'd rather stop 3 of 10 than 0 of 10.
For me the more telling event was when congress tried to ban people on the no fly list from buying a gun- the logic being if youre too dangerous to get on a plane, youre too dangerous to own a gun. They defeated that measure arguing it was unfair to the ppl wrongly on the no fly list.
Give that some thought. And ask yourself whose interests are really being served.
the thing i dont like is that u dont need a background check at gun shows or private sales (like craiglist) that seems really messed up.
The issue was that people are placed on the no fly list and there is no fair trial to it. Flying isn't a right, owning a gun is.
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Don't worry. The system won't be able to take your weapon away. Say what you want, if Mr. Green have it his way, all guns will be confiscated and become illegals. It doesn't matter if they're bought legally or illegal, all should be gone. The benefit won't be immediate but eventually.
Don't worry. The system won't be able to take your weapon away. Say what you want, if Mr. Green have it his way, all guns will be confiscated and become illegals. It doesn't matter if they're bought legally or illegal, all should be gone. The benefit won't be immediate but eventually.
The fact is the law/gun issue is a red herring that keeps us from asking and trying to answer the real hard questions.
Like what makes a man want to murder people on mass. What creates a mass murderer? How can we recognize it and prevent them from carrying out the plan? And is there really anything we can do to stop it.
It's not new , this has been happening to humans since we picked up a rock and used it as a tool.
There are many ways people can harm others in masse now. It's the cost of a modern society. Whenever people gather together in large numbers they create a soft target. It's interesting thou how these mass shooters never walk into a police station, or army barracks or gun club.....
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You would have to outlaw hunting too.
People keep comparing us to Australia and the UK, both are basically islands. They have more control over what comes into their countries. We don't. We have a wide open border that would supply criminals, and nutjobs, with anything they wanted. Then you'd have a real mess.
Sometimes you say things that are ok.The fact is the law/gun issue is a red herring that keeps us from asking and trying to answer the real hard questions.
Who called for rounding up guns?
You would have to outlaw hunting too.
People keep comparing us to Australia and the UK, both are basically islands. They have more control over what comes into their countries. We don't. We have a wide open border that would supply criminals, and nutjobs, with anything they wanted. Then you'd have a real mess.