Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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You really want to stir the pot?? Make any type of govt assistance dependent on your child's grades. Welfare check, earned imcome child credit, farm subsidy check, whatever. If your kid is a discipline problem or gets below a certain gpa, then you don't get the handout. Tie handouts to academic achievement and watch American parents flip the ef out.

Nah, then they'd blame the teachers because they didn't get their checks.
I hate that GIF. Gives me the Heebie Jeebies everytime I see it. Damn you Ski, damn you!

Me too! And there's one that someone has with a black and white smiley face type thing that I hate as well.

Go drink your egg whites and stop creeping us out, Skipoop!

Me too! And there's one that someone has with a black and white smiley face type thing that I hate as well.

Go drink your egg whites and stop creeping us out, Skipoop!

Yea I know that one to. Also the one where the woman has some disease and she is sickenly skinny. Walking around in heels like a model or something. Not making fun of whatever she has but it's just wrong.
ETA She goes by Goddess Bunny on Youtube.
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It's friggin hot. 111

My grass that is always the greenest on my block every year is mostly dead. Heat and water restrictions. Bah. .
. .

It's friggin hot. 111

My grass that is always the greenest on my block every year is mostly dead. Heat and water restrictions. Bah. .
. .

The heat is terrible!! I hate the humidity the most. Then when it does rain, it rains in buckets and floods everything. Then comes the skeeters. :monkey4

Oh.......wise boy to use your air recycler. :yess:
I'll take 107. We topped out at 90 this year, and we only got a couple days of it. Last year was much more impressive.

I need to move to Bali.