Things I Hate

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Is this thing supposed to knock you on your a$$, damn...all the hard liquor... I'm much more of a beer guy. is a pretty extreme drink. I was never a fan of fruity drinks (wild turkey and water is my poison of choice) until I had the one I based this off of (same drink, except with orange juice instead of pineapple juice). But I do recommend this one for anyone who is out to lay waste to themselves.

There is no exaggeration when I say that this drink is for mindless partying and killing pain and nothing else.

But exactly how much alcohol is in the drink depends on the maker. A person can put as much or as little as they want in it by diluting it with the juice. When I had the drink it was based on, it was about 50% the 6 alcohol blend and 50% orange juice. I did not know how much alcohol was in it because I did not watch them make it (I told the waitress to surprise me) and the alcohol can barely be tasted in the drink (there is a lot of sweet alcohol in it like the slo gin, triple sec, Southern Comfort and I think the amaretto is sweet as well, but I don't know for sure), and then two alcohols that you can hardly taste in a drink with the vodka and the 151 rum. And I was walking around the strip in Vegas and it was hot so I went through two pint mason jars of the stuff in like 30 minutes.

Needless to say, my partying came to a very early halt that night. And my sister put pictures of me up on her facebook page.
Your friend well, it is understandable if he's a loyal no BS type of guy and just got wasted and had to go real bad but, if he is always acting like that i'd have a talk with him, tune his jaw or just stop hanging out with him permanently.


Yea, next time box his jaw if he gets out of line.

Funny you say hit him. He came back from working on the rigs with a black eye and swollen lip the week this happened. He was running his drunk redneck mouth in a bar like he always does and some guy obviously shut him up ( l would like to meet that guy:lol). He acts like that all the time though, he is one of those guys who thinks he knows everything about everything, he has been especialy worse this year, l honestly don't think l will be hanging around him too much anymore.

Last Monday l was invited to a mutual friend house for Thanksgiving, him and his dad were also invited, he sayed he would be there, so the guy who invited us his girlfriend made lots of food for all of us. Our redneck buddy didn't even show up, he didn't call and say he wasn't coming, he didn't even answer his phone, he got drunk at the bar with his dad instead. That is pretty disrespectful and he is like that all the time. Him taking a piss on my driveway was pretty much the last straw, he's lucky l didn't hit him. Give him a second black eye in less then a week.:lol
Ebay sellers who say they need money, yet aren't willing to bargain off of their price that won't sell. :cuckoo:
Ebay sellers who say they need money, yet aren't willing to bargain off of their price that won't sell. :cuckoo:

Well stop low balling them then.:lol

That reminds me l hate when l sell something and if you put "need money" in the title stupid people (other sites and here) send you an offer lik 60% under your asking price. They think if you need money you will sell your stuff for nothing alsmost nothing. l think l got a pm from azurepred.:lol
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Ebay sellers who say they need money, yet aren't willing to bargain off of their price that won't sell. :cuckoo:

Come on now. If you think about this...if somebody needs money it makes no sense to go cheap. This sounds like someone who is mad that the seller is too smart to allow themselves to be pushed into a lower price on an item than they should be able to get for it. :)
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Why even mention in your for sale thread that you need money? Many people will see that as a sign you are desperate and will undoubtedly give you low ball offers.
Why even mention in your for sale thread that you need money? Many people will see that as a sign you are desperate and will undoubtedly give you low ball offers.

Yeah l won't do that after l did that once, l thought if l said that (l didn't even need money) l would get a quicker sale, all l got was a headache.

In the end as a seller you will always get low ball offers, and alot came from here. About a year and a half ago l was selling one of my HT Jack Sparrow figs, my price was $200 shipped. Some member messaged me and said he will buy it if l sell to him for $125 shipped.:cuckoo:
Why even mention in your for sale thread that you need money? Many people will see that as a sign you are desperate and will undoubtedly give you low ball offers.

This seems to me to be contradictory thinking.

It is foolish to take a lower offer when a seller is desparate. And I understand that there are some people out there who would do that. But people SHOULD be insulted by somebody who attempts to take advantage of them in a time of need. And it stands as an example of the cruel side of human nature to attempt to dicker with someone who opens up about their need.

Now, I am not saying that azurepred is a cruel person. Everyone makes a cruel decision from time to time. But we need to recognize it for what it is. That's what helps us improve.

Simple common sense dictates that between person "A" who refuses a lower offer when they are desparate for money and sell an item for it, and person "B" who says to themselves "That person needs money so I will try to benefit from their need by giving less than is fair", and then acts on that thought...that person "A" is doing what is closer to the right thing.

Of course, this all hinges on whether the seller is asking a fair price. If he is trying to make a 2,000.00 mortgage payment with a POTF Lando Calrissian action figure from Kenner, then he is begging for a lowball offer.:)
I would think that if someone went so far as to say they needed money, it means they're not open to cheap offers.

:lecture:lecture:lecture It also doesn't help that lowballers are obscenely cheap too, and shamelessly try to take advantage of a situation like that.

I also despise the idea some have that being a member of this forum entitles you to some kind of discount. Especially when most expecting said discount usually have TRU kiddie garbage listed at triple the price in their F/S thread. :monkey1
Well stop low balling them then.:lol

That reminds me l hate when l sell something and if you put "need money" in the title stupid people (other sites and here) send you an offer lik 60% under your asking price. They think if you need money you will sell your stuff for nothing alsmost nothing. l think l got a pm from azurepred.:lol

This seems to me to be contradictory thinking.

It is foolish to take a lower offer when a seller is desparate. And I understand that there are some people out there who would do that. But people SHOULD be insulted by somebody who attempts to take advantage of them in a time of need. And it stands as an example of the cruel side of human nature to attempt to dicker with someone who opens up about their need.

Now, I am not saying that azurepred is a cruel person. Everyone makes a cruel decision from time to time. But we need to recognize it for what it is. That's what helps us improve.

Simple common sense dictates that between person "A" who refuses a lower offer when they are desparate for money and sell an item for it, and person "B" who says to themselves "That person needs money so I will try to benefit from their need by giving less than is fair", and then acts on that thought...that person "A" is doing what is closer to the right thing.

Of course, this all hinges on whether the seller is asking a fair price. If he is trying to make a 2,000.00 mortgage payment with a POTF Lando Calrissian action figure from Kenner, then he is begging for a lowball offer.:)

I would think that if someone went so far as to say they needed money, it means they're not open to cheap offers.

Ok, let me explain into further detail. There is a non SS statue on ebay, the guy/gal says they need to sell the item as they need the cash. This item is listed at $300 and has been re-listed at the same price like 4 or 5 times now and never gotten a bid. The same item ended 2 weeks ago for $200 from a different seller, so I offered the seller what the last one ended for. It's obvious they aren't going to sell the item for what their asking, my offer is more than fair, hardly low balling imo, ppl are just delusional or really don't "need" money as they state since my offer is fair.
One of them new Fish spa places on my local highstreet is offering BOTOX. On the frickin High Street, that ____ should be at a major two story salon in the middle of the city not in a small neighborhood

And the Phone shops were having an afterhours "Launch" for the new iPhone, since when does a phone need a launch.
Ok, let me explain into further detail. There is a non SS statue on ebay, the guy/gal says they need to sell the item as they need the cash. This item is listed at $300 and has been re-listed at the same price like 4 or 5 times now and never gotten a bid. The same item ended 2 weeks ago for $200 from a different seller, so I offered the seller what the last one ended for. It's obvious they aren't going to sell the item for what their asking, my offer is more than fair, hardly low balling imo, ppl are just delusional or really don't "need" money as they state since my offer is fair.

How much did it retail for? Plus, if you used a bum auction that ended at 3am on a Wednesday morning with a lucky snipe to prove your point, I'd say you lowballed him.
How much did it retail for? Plus, if you used a bum auction that ended at 3am on a Wednesday morning with a lucky snipe to prove your point, I'd say you lowballed him.

Nope, that's not the case. It's a Disney statue, so I have no idea what the original retail on it was. Here's the link to the one that ended:

Btw- the person has already relisted the item 10 times, and didn't even respond to my offer. I've more than done my research on this character and the other two of these statues, I think the highest is 200-220, but most end below 200. I just don't understand why ppl will re list an item that many times if they're not even willing to be reasonable, why waste money re listing that many times? :cuckoo: